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Главная » 2022 » Август » 21 » ​​​​​​​425 DX News #1633
​​​​​​​425 DX News #1633

425 DX News #1633

20 August 2022 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1633

*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

4S - Members of the Radio Society of Sri Lanka, 4S7RS will be active as
4S7LGT from the lighthouse at Dondra Head, the southernmost point
in Sri Lanka (AS-033) on 20-21 August during the ILLW. The ILLW
Entrants List also mentions 4S7RS from Barberyn Lighthouse, located
on Barberyn Island (AS-171). Plans are to operate CW, SSB and digi-
tal modes on the HF bands. QSLs direct.
9H - A large team of German operators will be active as 9H6LH from the
lighthouse at Delimara Point, Malta (EU-023) on 19-22 August. They
will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 80-6 metres with two sta-
tions. QSL via DL1KJ, direct or bureau. See http://9h6lh.com/ for
more information.
9M - Several special event stations located in various Malaysian states
and federal territories will celebrate the 65th anniversary of
Malaysia's independence (31 August 1957) on 29 August-1 September.
Active from West Malaysia will be 9M65MA, 9M65MB, 9M65MC, 9M65MD,
9M65MJ, 9M65MK, 9M65MM, 9M65MN, 9M65MP, 9M65MR, 9M65MT and 9M65MW.
Active from East Malaysia will be 9M65MQ (Sarawak) and 9M65MS
(Sabah). QSL via operator's instructions.
9Y - Celebrating the 60th anniversary since Trinidad and Tobago gained
its independence from the United Kingdom (31 August 1962), special
callsign 9Y60TT will be active from 26 August to 2 September. This
will be a multi-mode, multi-band and multi-operator event organized
by the Trinidad and Tobago Amateur Radio Society. The logs will be
uploaded to LoTW and Club Log. A certificate will be available, see
https://9y60tt.info/ for more information.
EA - Special event callsigns AM38SDC (1-11 September), EG1SDC-EG9SDC (1-
7 September), EH1SDC-EH9SDC (8-11 September) and ED3SDC (18 Septem-
ber) will be activated to commemorate Day of Asturias and the prin-
cipality's patron saint, popularly known as the Santina de Covadon-
ga. This is the 38th edition of the 'SDC' special event. QSL for
all callsigns via EA1AUM (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL More
information, including online logs and downloadable certificates,
will be available on https://santina.dxfun.com/ in due course.
F - Special callsign TM43CDXC will be active on 3-17 September for the
43rd Convention of the Clipperton DX Club (https://cdxc.org/) to be
held at La Bussiere (Vienne) on 16-18 September. QSL via F5CWU's
OQRS (http://www.f5cwu.net/oqrs/).
GI - Members of the Bushvalley Amateur Radio Club will be active from
all three lighthouses on Rathlin Island (EU-122) on 20-21 August
for the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. They will
operate SSB, CW, FT4 and FT8 as GB2EL (East Lighthouse), and SSB as
GB2WL (West Lighthouse) and GB1RP (Rue Point Lighthouse). QSL only
via LoTW.
HR - Alex, K6VHF will be active again as K6VHF/HR9 from Roatan Island
(NA-057) on 22-25 August. He will be QRV on 40-10 metres with 10
watts on digital modes, and will "specially announce for 6 band
operations". QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW, or via home call.
IS0 - Giuseppe, IK5WWA will be active as IM0M from Maddalena Island (EU-
041) on 1-13 September. He will be QRV on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12,
10, 6 and 2 metres. QSL via IK5WWA (direct or bureau); he will up-
load his log to LoTW, Club Log, eQSL.
J5 - Carlos, CT2GQA has been active again as J5GQA from Guinea-Bissau
since 15 August. He will return home on 23 August, but he expects
to be back in J5 on 15 September. He might use his second callsign,
J5JUA, when operating mobile. QSL direct to home call. [TNX The
Daily DX]
OE - Special call OE25TU will be active from 1 September to 31 October
for the 25th anniversary of OVSV Lower Austria's district branch of
Tulln-Stockerau (OE3XAS). QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
OH - Members of the Scandinavian YL Radio Amateurs (SYLRA) will be QRV
as OH1SYL from Katanpaa Island in the Bothnian Sea National Park on
21-23 August. Activity will be on SSB and CW. QSL via OH5KIZ. [TNX
The Daily DX]
ON - OR1050HERZ is the special callsign for members of Amateur Radio
Club De Pinte (ON6MS) to mark the 1050th anniversary since the
foundation of the town of Herzele in the Belgian province of East
Flanders. Look for activity on all bands and modes from 1 September
to 31 October. QSL via the bureau.
OY - Col, MM0NDX and Jonathan, MM0OKG will be active as OY/MM0NDX and
OY/MM0OKG from Rituvik, Faroe Islands (EU-018) on 1-5 September.
They will be QRV on various bands and modes using vertical antennas
next to the sea. QSL via EB7DX. [TNX DX World]
PY - Commemorating the bicentennial of Brazil's independence from Portu-
gal (7 September 1822), special event station PW2IND will be active
on 1-30 September. Look for activity on 160-2 metres SSB, CW and
FT8. QSL via PY2GTA (direct) or via PP5AA (bureau).
SV - Members of the Cyclades Amateur Radio Association (SZ8ERS) will be
active again as SZ8G from the lighthouse on Gaiduronisi, Syros
Island (EU-067) on 20-21 August. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8
(F/H) on 80-10 metres. Paper cards will not be provided, but the
log will be uploaded to LoTW, Club Log and eQSL. [TNX SZ8ERS]
SV - A large group of Greek operators will be active as SX39J on 10-18
September in remembrance of the pivotal role played by a Japanese
merchant ship in rescuing hundreds of refugees during the Great
Fire of Smyrna in September 1922. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, Club Log's
OQRS, or direct to SV2GWY. A certificate will be available: see
https://sv2rck.gr/SX39J/ for information.
SV5 - Gerben, PG5M (http://dx.to/) will be active holiday style from
the Dodecanese (EU-001) on 4-11 September. Look for SV5/PG5M to
operate CW only on 40-10 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS and LoTW.
TY - The Russian DXpedition Team's operation from to Benin [425DXN 1623]
is now expected to take place on 14-26 October. Eight operators
(R2BZ, R5AF, R7AL, R9LR, RA1ZZ, RT2O, RW8A and RW9JZ) will be QRV
as TY0RU on 160-6m and the QO-100 satellite , CW, SSB and FT8 with
several stations and a wide range of antennas. QSL via Club Log's
OQRS and LoTW. See https://ty0ru.org/ for more information and
W - Members of the Old Barney Amateur Radio Club will be active as N2OB
from 'Old Barney', the Barnegat Lighthouse on Long Beach Island
(NA-111) on 20 August, from about 14 UTC to 21 UTC. QSL via N2OO's
OQRS (https://www.oqrs.net/n2oo/). [TNX The Daily DX]
W - Look for Matt, AF2F/W4 to be active again from Hatteras Island (NA-
067) from 22 August to 3 September. He will operate CW and FT8 on
the HF bands and 6m. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or via home call.
[TNX DX World]
W - Organized by the Citrus Belt ARC, the 23rd annual Route 66 On The
Air special event celebrates the historic US Highway 66. Twenty-one
amateur radio stations using 1x1 callsigns (W6A-W6U) will operate
from cities along the "Mother Road" on 10-18 September. See
https://w6jbt.org/ for information about the event and QSL routes.
YV - 4M5MAG is the special callsign for Radio Club Venezolano's Casa Re-
gional San Antonio de los Altos (YV5SAA) to celebrate the 100th
issue of their "Magazine de Radio" (https://yv5saa.blogspot.com/)
from 1 September to 31 December. Activity will be on 160, 80, 40,
20, 15, 10 and 6 metres CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via LoTW, Club Log,
eQSL. See https://www.qrz.com/db/4M5MAG for more information.
XT - Harald, DF2WO will be active again as XT2AW from Burkina Faso on 4-
18 September. He will operate FT8, SSB and CW on all bands ("for
160 and 80m it will be by schedule only"), with plans to be QRV
also on 6 metres and QO-100. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS. [TNX The Daily
XZ - "In a very interesting development", Simon Luttrell (XW0LP, HS0ZIB,
G6JFY) reported on 16 August, "the Myanmar radio licencing office
contacted me today and advised that they would issue a permit for
me to operate on all HF amateur bands except 60m, and also allow 6m
operation". He expects to move to Yangon "in the next week or so",
but he anticipates that "it will still take a few months I guess
before I am on the air" as "paperwork moves slowly". Simon will
reapply for his XZ2A callsign [425DXN 1632].

*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

3Y0J: LATEST NEWS ---> The team "is currently staging all our 3,5 tons of
equipment at Oslo airport in Norway, where we within the next few weeks will
do final checks and pack all equipment", Ken, LA7GIA posted to Facebook on
19 August.
"Container shipping is scheduled for mid-September. Next weekend several
team members from Norway and US will gather and go through all checklists to
make sure all small items are in correct place.
We have detailed out the logistic plan, and have made a few changes. Among
the improvements is that we have bought yet another outboard engine enabling
us to use 2 zodiac boats simultaneously during beach landing to speed up the
unloading of gear. In addition we have a 3rd spare zodiak + engine.
We have also swapped the Yanmar generators with some 5 kW QRO lightweight
generators that will enable us to run full station setup with only 2 out of
4 diesel gens. We have also added some 2000 litres of versatile, robust and
hardwearing IBC diesel tanks in various sizes. One of the requirements from
Norwegian Polar Institute is that there must be absolutely no spillage of
diesel. Each IBC tank will be placed in a tray and guyed to withstand the
strong Bouvet wind".
The fundraising campaign has now reached the 90% of its target amount of
donations and $70,000 are still needed: see https://www.3y0j.no/funding.

ILLW ---> The 25th annual International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend will
take place from 00.01 UTC on 20 August until 24.00 UTC on the 21st.
Complete information on this popular event, including a list of announced
participating stations, can be found at https://illw.net/.

QSL CY0C & CY0P ---> Effective 11 August, Murray, WA4DAN has taken over as
QSL manager for the CY0P and CY0C DXpeditions to Sable Island. He now han-
dles the QSL duties for all five of his previous CY0 operations: CY0XX
(1996), WA4DAN/CY0 (2012), CY0P (2013), CY0C (2014) and CY0/WA4DAN (2019).
[TNX The Daily DX]

QSL HP3AK ---> Phil, K4PWS is the new QSL manager for Jay, HP3AK. Please
note that during 2007 and until 16 January 2008 he was active as HP3/K1YJ,
and W4JS remains the QSL manager for those operations as well as for H33K
(2-13 March 2020).

QSL SU1SK ---> Taking over from the late JH1AJT, Bob, N2OO is the new QSL
manager for Said, SU1SK. The cards are being ordered from the printer. QSL
via Club Log's OQRS.

WW DIGI DX CONTEST ---> The fourth edition of the World Wide Digi DX Contest
("WW Digi") will take place on 27-28 August (from 12:00 UTC to 11:59 UTC).
The objective is for amateurs around the world to contact as many other ama-
teurs in as many Maidenhead Grid Fields as possible using the FT4 and FT8
modes on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m. See https://ww-digi.com/ for complete
information. WW Digi is a collaboration between the World Wide Radio Opera-
tors Foundation (WWROF) and the Slovenia Contest Club (SCC).


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3D2AG, 3W1T, 6Y6Y, 8P5AA, 9N7AA,


425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj.mauro@gmail.com)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia

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