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Главная » 2023 » Март » 19 » 425 DX News #1663
425 DX News #1663

425 DX News #1663

18 March 2023 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1663

*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

5X - Pista, HA5AO will be active as 5X2I from Busabala, on the shores of
Lake Victoria, Uganda from 24 April to 10 May. He will operate CW,
SSB and FT8 F/H ("no MSHV!") on 40-10m. QSL preferably via HA5AO's
OQRS (https://ha5ao.com/oqrs/logsearch.php) for direct and bureau
cards, or direct to HA5AO; the complete log will be uploaded to
LoTW six months after the expedition.
8P - Eliot, W1MJ will be active holiday style as 8P9MJ from Barbados
(NA-021) on 18-25 March. Operating QRP CW using wire antennas , he
hopes "to do at least one or two Parks on the Air sessions". QSL
via LoTW.
C2 - Phill, FK1TS will be on Nauru (OC-031) for six days (18-24 March),
and plans to be QRV as C21TS: in the "worst case scenario, I might
pop up on 6m and 10m only with a mobile whip", he says, but he
hopes to be able to "string up some wire". He will operate FT8
only, using MSHV on secondaries in multi stream mode. QSL via LoTW.
He might be moving to Nauru for an extended period, sometime after
June this year. See https://www.qrz.com/db/C21TS for updates.
C6 - Steve, KG4LJB is active holiday style as C6AJB from Eleuthera (NA-
001), Bahamas until 24 March. He operates FT8 and SSB. QSL via LoTW
("I do not have the time or resources to issue paper QSL cards").
CN - Miguel, CT1EBM will be active as CN2EBM from 26 March to 9 April
while on a 5,000-kilometre tour "through the cities and sands of
the Moroccan desert". He will operate SSB and FT8 on the HF bands,
and on SSB via the QO-100 satellite.
E5_sc - Janusz, SP9FIH as E51WEG and Leszek, SP6CIK as E51CIK will be
active from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands on 13-28 April.
They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 on 40-10 metres with two
stations. They have a website on http://e5.dxpeditions.org/. QSL
via Club Log's OQRS.
E6 - Janusz, SP9FIH as E6AF (callsign to be confirmed) and Leszek,
SP6CIK as E6CI (requested callsign) will be active from Niue
(OC-040) from 26 March to 9 April. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY
and FT8 on 40-10 metres with two stations. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
They have a website on http://www.e6.dxpeditions.org/.
FG - Jean-Luc, F1ULQ will be active as TO1Q from Guadeloupe (NA-102)
starting on 20 March for a couple of weeks. He will operate SSB and
FT8 on 80-6m, and will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest.
QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS or via F1ULQ (direct or bureau).
FK - Look for Philippe FK4QX, Yves FK4RD and Michel FK8IK to be active
as TX5L from Lifou Island (OC-033), New Caledonia on 27-31 March.
They will operate CW and SSB on 40-10 metres with two stations. QSL
via F4FTV.
FO/A - Haru, JA1XGI will be active as TX5XG from Raivavae (OC-114), Aus-
tral Islands on 12-19 April. He will operate CW, SSB, RTTY, "FT8
F/H or MSHV" and FT4 on 40-6 metres. All QSOs will be confirmed
automatically via the bureau and LoTW; otherwise QSL via Club Log's
OQRS or direct to JA1XGI. See https://australvacation.amebaownd.com
for more information.
I - Celebrating the centenary of the Italian Air Force (28 March 1923),
a large number of special callsigns will be active from 20 March to
The activity is organized by the Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
(ARI) in collaboration with the Air Force General Staff; each call-
sign represents a place that had or still has significant impor-
tance in the ITAAF history. A certificate will be available; see
https://www.ari.it/images/stories/diplomi/centenarioam23.pdf for
JA - Take, JI3DST will be active from Shodo Island (AS-200) from 25
March to 5 April. He will operate SSB and CW as JI3DST/5, JJ5RBH,
JR8YLY/5 and JS6RRR/5, as well as JI3DST/p, JR8YLY/p and JS6RRR/p
on FT8. The QSOs will be made available for Club Log and LoTW
Matching on the IOTA website.
PJ4 - John, KK9A will be active as PJ4/KK9A from Bonaire (SA-006) on 21-
27 March. He will operate CW and SSB on 80-10 metres, and will
participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as PJ4R. QSL for both
callsigns via WD9DZV.
V2 - Bud, AA3B will be active again as V26K from Antigua (NA-100) on 21-
27 March, including a SOAB HP entry in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest.
Outside the contest he will operate mainly CW. QSL via LoTW, Club
Log's OQRS, or via home call.
T30 - Soon the Rebel DX Group (including Kam, T30/T33KC, who is already
setting up antennas) will be active as T30UN from North Tarawa,
West Kiribati (OC-017) for about five weeks. Plans are to be QRV on
160-6 metres with two CW operators, one SSB operator and seven FT8
stations. Note that it will be quite possible to see two FT8 sta-
tions on the same band at the same time on two frequencies (one op-
erating on the standard frequency, and the other operating F/H on a
different frequency - e.g. 14074 and 14090). QSL exclusively via
Club Log's OQRS. See https://www.facebook.com/rebeldxgroup for

*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

FT8WW ---> Thierry was denied permission to resume operations over the 11-12
March weekend [425DXN 1662]. He started back up on 13 May, and went QRT for
good on 15 March at 17 UTC ("the geomagnetic measure was very late, so he
had to close down earlier than we had anticipated").
During his stay at Alfred Faure Station on Possession Island, Thierry made
50,153 QSOs on the HF bands (36,363 FT8, 11,129 CW and 2,661 SSB), plus
1,308 SSB QSOs on QO-100, with a total of 17,039 unique callsigns. Complete
statistics can be found on https://clublog.org/charts/?c=FT8WW.
"I would appreciate if people who want to make an OQR (whether direct or
bureau) would please do it quickly, so I can figure out how many more QSL I
must order from the printer", Paul F6EXV says. For any QSL enquiries, please
contact qsl.crozet[@]orange.fr.

IOTA MOST WANTED LIST ---> "After the pandemic and other events causing a
reduction in travel and, as a consequence, IOTA activity over the last two
or so years, it is probably a good time now to remind the DXing community
about the opportunities for generating pile-ups at the sharp end by operat-
ing from seldom-visited IOTA islands.
IOTA's Most Wanted List is now published in alternative forms:
* by country prefix (https://www.iota-world.org/info/IOTA_MWL_prefix.pdf)
* by reference number (https://www.iota-world.org/info/IOTA_MWL.pdf)
The columns show the percentages of record-holders with the group credited
who have updated (a) in the 5 years since February 2018, (b) in the 10 years
since February 2013, and (c) All-Time in the Standard HF Category since they
were licensed.
The percentages reflect a number of variables, namely the date that the
island group was added to the IOTA list, the dates, number and impact of
past operations and the availability of QSL cards and QSO matching options.
The extent that quite a large number of groups show higher figures in the 10
year list than in the 5 year one points (mainly but not entirely) to the
length of time since the last activity, and the likely interest in a new
operation particularly among recent recruits to IOTA". [TNX Roger Balister,
G3KMA, IOTA General Manager]

WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS DAY ---> A large multinational team will operate spe-
cial event stations 4X0AAW (Israel), 8A0RARI (Indonesia), GB0AAW (Wales),
GB2AA (England), GB2AAW (Scotland), HI0AUT (Dominican Republic), S76A (Sey-
chelles) and W2A (USA) from 25 March to 2 April. QSLs via LoTW, or direct to
Also active will be
* PA23WAAD from the Netherlands from 25 March to 9 April. QSL via LoTW and
eQSL; paper cards via NL10743 (direct or bureau).
* AM5WAD from Spain on 31 March-2 April. QSL via LoTW and eQSL; paper cards
via EA5PC.
Back in 2007 the United Nations General Assembly declared 2 April as World
Autism Awareness Day to highlight the need to help improve the quality of
life of autistic individuals so they can lead full and meaningful lives as
an integral part of society.


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B8M, 3B9FR, 3D2AG, 4L6QL, 4L8A,
5A1AL, 5R8PA, 9U5R, 9V1YC, A71AM, A73A, AP2FLY, CN8RAH, EK1KE, FG8OJ,
FM/DF8AN, FT8WW, G5AT, H44SHD (OC-149), II3Y (EU-130), J28MD, K8H, MD0CCE,
(NA-167), XT2AW, XV1X, Z6/KN4PRE, ZC4RH, ZD7BG.


425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj.mauro@gmail.com)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia

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