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425 DX News #1725

425 DX News #1725

25 May 2024 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1725

*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

3D2/R - Organized by the Pacific Islands DXpedition Group (PIDXG), the 3D2Z
DXpedition to Rotuma Island (OC-060) is scheduled for 15 November
to 4 December. The on-site team includes Nathan K4NHW, Jamie M0SDV,
Mike W0VTT, Gregg W6IZT, Hal W8HC and a sixth member TBA; they will
operate locally with three stations. In addition, two of Gregg's
NexGenRiBs will be operated remotely. It is hoped that 75% of the
remote contacts will be made by young operators, thanks to the
recently announced partnership between the PIDXG and Youth on the
Air (YOTA) Americas. More information is expected in due course.
5U - Elvira, IV3FSG will be active 5U5K from Niger on 6-20 June. She
will operate SSB, FT8/FT4 (using MSHV in multistream mode), RTTY
and maybe some CW on 160-6 metres. Francesco, IK0XBX will be her
pilot station. QSL direct to IK2DUW.
9H - Henning, OZ2I will be active as 9H6EE from Malta (EU-023) on 24-29
May. He will operate CW only, and will participate in the CQ WW WPX
CW Contest. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), or via OZ2I.
CT - CT1END/p, CT2IFE/p, CS7AWH/p, CS7AWL/p and CS7BEK/p will be active
as CS5POTA from Fort Sao Joao Baptista on Berlenga Grande Island
EU-040) on 19-20 July. They will operate QRP on 80-10 and 2 metres,
SSB, FM and digital modes. QSL CS5POTA via CT1REP, others via home
calls. [TNX CT4NH]
EA - Plans are for team EG5MI [425DXN 1724] to reach Penyeta del Moro
(EU-151) on 24 May in the afternoon. They will place a wooden
platform on the rocks, followed by a first station (15m CW) and
hopefully a second station (20m FT8 around 14087 kHz). They will
QRT soon after sunset (19.15 UTC).
On 25 May, soon after sunrise (04.41 UTC), they will return to the
islet and - if the platform is still there - they will set up the
CW station (first on 17m and later QSY to 12m) and hopefully the
FT8 station (first on 20m and later on 15m around 21087 kHz). EG5MI
will operate also SSB, "bands and times will be decided on the
spot". They will QRT when the batteries die, possibly by 11 UTC.
A "less optimistic scenario" involves activating only one station
at a time, having to choose the mode subject to best rates. "The
good news is that in such case our time on air would be longer",
EA3NT says. Check out https://www.youtube.com/@EA3NT for live
coverage of the sailing, the landing and the set up on the islet,
and probably even the first QSOs being worked. QSL via EA5GL. [TNX
DX World]
EA8 - Members of the Union de Radioaficionados Valle de Guimar (EA8URU)
will operate special event station AN42CA on 30 May. Look for
activity on 40-10 metres CW, SSB and FT4. QSL via Club Log's OQRS
and LoTW. The special callsign celebrates the 42nd anniversary
since the establishment of the autonomous community of the Canary
Islands (10 August 1982), as well as the anniversary of the local
Parliament's first session (30 May 1983).
F - Members of the Radio Pole Associatif REF-40 (F4KLM) will be active
as TM40FLO from 21 May to 4 June as the Paris 2024 Olympic Torch
Relay passes through the French Department of Landes. QSL via F4KLM
F - Commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, members
of the Union des Radioclubs (URC) will be active as TM80D from 23
May to 6 June, including an entry in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. See
https://log-et-qsl.associations-radioamateurs.org/wp/ for eQSLs.
F - For the 72nd year the Association des Radioamateurs de la Sarthe
(F6KFI) will operate a special event station for the 24 Hours of
Le Mans. Look for TM24H on 2-16 June, with activity on various
bands and modes. QSL via F6KFI.
FO - On his way home from Pitcairn Island, Dave, WJ2O will spend a few
days in Tahiti (OC-046), French Polynesia. He will be QRV as either
FO/WJ2O or with a special callsign on 12-15 June. QSL via N2ZN and
G - Commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Nor-
mandy (6 June 1944), members of the Newbury and District Amateur
Radio Society will be active as GB80DDAY between 1 and 28 June,
with a special focus of activity on 6 June. QSL via eQSL, or via
GM - Look for GB9DAT to be active on 1-28 June on a variety of digital
modes (including FT8, FT4, PSK, and RTTY, among others). This is a
"special event station dedicated to advancing and promoting digital
modes in amateur radio". QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or direct to
HP - Members of the Union Panamena de Radio Aficionados (namely (HP1DBK,
HP1EJC, HP1JGG, HP1MRA, HP1PAR, HP1REF, HP8FOC) will be active as
H33IP from Parida Island (NA-071) on 7-9 June. QSL via operator's
I - IT9BLB and IT9VDQ will be active from Pantelleria Island (IH9, AF-
018) during the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. Other commitments and the
short length of stay will allow for at most a pair of barefoot SOSB
entries with a minimalist set up. [TNX IT9BLB]
I - On 26 May members of ARI La Spezia (IK1WVR, IK1XVA, IU1IEK, IU1QQZ,
IZ1JLS, IZ1OSS and IZ5ZCT) will be active as IQ1SP from their own
Radio and Telecommunications Museum, and as IQ1SP/IP1 from Palmaria
Island (not IOTA). Plans are to be QRV of the HF bands, as well as
on VHF and UHF, indicatively from 11 to 19 UTC. QSL via the bureau.
In 1898, following Marconi's successful experiments in the Gulf of
La Spezia, the first two-way radio-telegraph station in Italy was
installed and commissioned on the island of Palmaria.
I - Members of ARI Colli Albani (IQ0HV) will be active as II0LOR from
31 May to 30 June to mark the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of
Rome (4 June 1944). QSL via I0KNQ. A certificate will be available,
see https://www.qrz.com/db/II0LOR for information.
I - Participating in the Museum Ships Weekend (1-2 June), members of
ARI Genova (IQ1GE) will operate special event station II1NS from
the "Nazario Sauro", a submarine formerly in service with the
Italian Navy, and now moored at the Galata Maritime Museum. QSL via
eQSL, bureau or direct.
I - Celebrating Pesaro Capitale Italiana della Cultura (Italian Capital
of Culture) 2024, members of ARI Pesaro and ARI Fano will be active
as II6CIC from 1 June to 29 August. QSL via IQ6PS.
LU - On 22 May 1924 Ivan O'Meara (2AC) in Gisborne, New Zealand made the
first trans-Pacific contact with Carlos Braggio (CB8) near Buenos
Aires, setting a world record distance. To celebrate the centenary
of this DX milestone, amateur radio operators from Argentina are
allowed to replace their normal prefix from 3 UTC on 20 May until 3
UTC on 27 May: LU stations can use LT, LW stations can use LR, club
stations can use LS, and "other institutions" can use AY.
OX - Bo, OZ1DJJ will be active again as OX3LX from Greenland on 1-15
June. In his spare time he will be QRV from Tasiilaq (grid HP15) on
Ammassalik Island (NA-151), and maybe also from Isertoq (grid HP05)
on mainland Greenland. Usually he operates FT8 and SSB. QSL via
OZ0J; QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log.
SV5 - The Radio Amateur Association of Dodecanese (SZ5RDS) will be host-
ing the team of Radio Arcala (OH8X) "to enhance their mutual inter-
est in Amateur Radio". The RAAD team (SV5AZP, SV5FRV and SV5FRD)
and the Radio Arcala team (OH2BH, OH8NC, OH2GEK and OH2BE) will
activate the special callsign SX5R from Rhodes during the CQ WW WPX
CW Contest. After the contest Martti will be active as SV5/OH2BH
mostly on 17 and 12 metres. QSL via OH2BH.
SV9 - Erwin, DK5EW (https://dk5ew.com/) will be active as SV8/DK5EW from
Crete Island (EU-015) between 30 May and 20 June. He will be QRV on
6 and 4 metres only from grid locators KM35 (30 May-5 June) and
KM15 (8-20 June). QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or direct to home call.
V4 - Once again John, W5JON will be active as V47JA from St. Kitts (NA-
104) from 28 May to 13 June. He will operate SSB and FT8 on the HF
bands and 6 metres. QSL via LoTW, or direct only to W5JON.
VP6 - Dave, WJ2O (https://www.wj2o.com/) will be active as VP6DF from
Pitcairn Island (OC-044) from 30 May to 10 June. Plans are to run
low power and operate "probably 100% CW" on 40-10 metres (maybe
also on 160 and 80 metres). QSL via N2ZN and LoTW. [TNX The Daily
VU - A number of special event stations will be active from Kargil, in
the Indian Himalayan Region, to celebrate the 25th Kargil Vijay
Diwas (Kargil Victory Day):
26-30 May AT25KVG QSL via VU2IRD
30 May-3 June AU25KVD QSL via VU2XFD
3-7 June AT25KVE QSL via VU2URC
10-14 June AT25KAR QSL via VU2FI
25-30 June AT25KVF QSL via the bureau
W - Matt, AF2F plans to be active as K4H from Hatteras Island (NA-067)
between 25 May and 2 June. He plans to focus on 6 metres in antici-
pation of some good DX openings, otherwise he will be on the HF
bands mostly CW. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
XT - Antonio, I8KHC (ex IZ8CCW) and the Mediterraneo DX Club have
announced that a large multi-national team will be active as XT2MD
from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from 31 October to 11 November.
Plans are to operate CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 on 160-10m with five
stations 24/7. Bookmark https://www.mdxc.support/xt2md/ for more
information and updates. QSL via IK2VUC.
YU - Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Radio Beograd (1 October 1924)
members of the Belgrade Amateur Radio Club (YU1ANO) will be active
as YT100RB and YU1924RB until 30 November. A certificate will be
available, see https://yu1ano.org/ for the details.

*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

CQ DX HALL OF FAME ---> Established in 1967, the CQ DX Hall of Fame honours
those amateurs who have made major contributions to DXing and DXpeditioning.
The 2024 inductees are:
* Cezar Trifu, VE3LYC - Born and raised in Romania, Trifu holds a Ph.D.
degree in physics. A second-generation amateur radio operator, he has held
VE3LYC since 1995. He serves as the Islands on the Air (IOTA) Operations
Manager and Deputy General Manager, and is a member of the Board of Direc-
tors of IOTA Ltd. One nominator wrote that "Cezar showed extensive knowl-
edge and enthusiasm in DX and the IOTA program. He has directed the IOTA
program into what it is today. He is very dedicated and a non-fearing ad-
venturer with 30-plus IOTA activations. His book recalling these adven-
tures, 'Dream Big and Dare to Fail', is one every amateur should read."
Another nominator wrote, "Cezar prepares his DXpeditions with great atten-
tion to detail, carefully identifying the hazards involved and mitigating
the risks by incorporating contingencies. He always documents what worked
and how, from the logistics to the propagation forecast and handling of
pileups, which is all meant to provide those who go places with informa-
tive material that they can adapt to their own needs," and concluded, "Ce-
zar is a reliable and highly skilled operator with the guts of the early
* Bernie McClenny, W3UR - He has impressive on-the-air bona fides. He has
operated from two all-time new DXCC entities: E44DX in Gaza, Palestine and
4W/W3UR in Baucau, East Timor. Other DXpeditions with which he has partic-
ipated include A61AJ, AH3D, OH0/W3UR, VU4AN, YU8/OH2R, 8P9UR, J77A, and
V47UR. He has also been a guest operator multiple times at the United Na-
tions Amateur Radio Club, 4U1UN. Bernie enjoys the DXCC Challenge, Islands
on the Air, and other special awards programs. However, wrote his nomina-
tor, "Bernie's off-the-air accomplishments prompted this nomination. He
has served as editor of the 'How's DX?' column in 'QST', the monthly
membership journal of the American Radio Relay League, since 1998. He is
second in longevity in this role only to Rod Newkirk, W9BRD/VA3ZBB, who
edited the column from 1947 to 1978. Bernie has published 'The Daily DX
since' 1997, and 'The Weekly DX' since 2001. This is a combined total of
76 years as a DX writer, editor, and publisher. There are few other people
in the amateur radio community with Bernie's institutional knowledge and
encyclopedic understanding of the DX world. He combines this with his
solid grasp of journalistic principles, making him a trusted, go-to source
for DX news".
* Richard A. Ross, K2MGA (SK) - He was president of CQ Publishing. He was
editor, then publisher of "CQ" Magazine, and at one time, published 11
magazine titles as well as books, calendars, and an extensive video li-
brary. Dick was also a huge supporter of DXing and contesting, and be-
lieved in recognizing his fellow amateurs for their exemplary achievements
in these endeavors. The quintessential behind-the-scenes visionary, Dick
ensured that "CQ" Magazine gave extensive coverage to the DX world, and
that it had the proper leadership and infrastructure for its many contests
- CQ World Wide, Worked All Prefixes, 160 meters, RTTY, VHF, and more.
Ross passed away on 27 April, aged 84.
The 2024 CQ DX Hall of Fame inductees were announced on 17 May during the
Southwest Ohio DX Association's DX Dinner in Dayton.

CQ CONTEST HALL OF FAME ---> Established in 1986, the CQ Contest Hall of
Fame honours those amateurs who have made major contributions to the art of
radio contesting. The 2024 inductees, announced on 18 May during the Contest
Dinner in Dayton, are:
* Sergio Lima de Almeida, PP5JR - A cardiovascular surgeon, he was first
licensed in 1979, and has held PP5JR since 1985. He has also operated as
PR0R, PQ0MM, PT5A, ZZ5JR, PX5E, ZX5J, and PT5J. Sergio is a member of the
Araucaria DX Group. In 1996, he began construction of a station in Serra
da Boa Vista which is incorporated to the Araucaria DX Group. Over the
years, he has mentored many people to become contest operators. A peren-
nial WRTC participant, Sergio has also been involved in several DXpedi-
tions, including one to Bhutan as A52JR in 2014. He often enters the ARRL
International DX Contest, CQ WW DX Contest, CQ WW WPX Contest, WAE DX Con-
Test, CQMM DX Contest on single bands, most often 10, 15, or 20 metres,
and has won first place for South America or the world numerous times. In
recent years, he has operated multi-single, and placed first in South
America or the world. Most notably, his spouse and three children are all
licensed amateur radio operators, and often operate together in contests.
* Steven M. London, N2IC - He has been at or near the top of the leaderboard
in virtually every contest he has entered for decades. He most often
enters contests in the single-operator category, and challenges himself
sometimes with single-band, low power, and QRP entries. His scores are
consistently off the charts. To give just one example, he entered the 2021
ARRL CW Sweepstakes in the QRP category and scored 166,992 points. That is
a score that many high-power entrants could not even approach, and the
second place finisher in the QRP category was 54,000 points behind. He
also has won the North America QSO Party (NAQP) five times as a 2BSIQ,
four times with 100 watts and once QRP. Steve travels extensively to
operate at multi-operator multi-transmitter stations, notably K3LR, and
has been involved in the World Radiosport Team Championship six times with
two Top Five finishes. He has been a valued source of information for new
and old contesters alike on station and antenna design, and operating
strategy. A member of the N1MM contesting software development team since
2008, Steve created a customized version of N1MM to support Radio In a Box
(RIB) operations. A retired engineer, Steve lives on a mountaintop in
southwestern New Mexico. He is a devoted communications technician with a
volunteer fire department, providing essential communication in forested
* Richard A. Ross, K2MGA (SK) - Dick was keenly aware of the legacy of CQ's
contest program, beginning with the very first CQ World Wide contest in
1948. The contest program was his pride and joy as he witnessed its growth
into a collection of the world's largest competitions that we enjoy to
this day. The quintessential behind-the-scenes visionary, Dick ensured
that "CQ" Magazine gave extensive coverage to the contesting world,
providing for a time a dedicated publication called "CQ Contest", a
regular contesting column in "CQ" Magazine, video content, and full narra-
tive reports and line scores in the magazine long after other entities
moved this information online.

CQ AMATEUR RADIO HALL OF FAME ---> The CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame was
established in January 2001 to recognize those who have made major contribu-
tions to amateur radio as a whole, and radio amateurs who have made major
contributions to society at large. The 2024 inductees are:
* Joachim Kraft, DL8HCZ (CT1HZE) - An enthusiastic amateur radio operator
since 1980, he has been committed to the technical development of amateur
radio and research into propagation phenomena in the VHF/UHF and microwave
bands since 1989 by publishing the English-language magazine "DUBUS" with
a team of specialist authors from all over the world working on a volun-
tary basis. In particular, this magazine researches and analyzes DX suc-
cesses on the 6m, 2m, and higher bands. The evaluation of, and statistics
on, sporadic-E DX QSOs in the 2m band, which Joachim painstakingly com-
piles and updates annually, spans 50-plus years and is probably unique
worldwide. "DUBUS" was founded in 1972 by a group of radio amateurs from
Berlin, and was already being used to exchange technical and DX informa-
tion across all national borders at the time of the Iron Curtain. For over
35 years, Joachim has been involved in this magazine together with other
radio amateurs, and for almost a quarter of a century he has been its pub-
lisher. Today, it is read in over 50 countries.
* Tim Duffy, K3LR - Already a member of the CQ Contest Hall of Fame since
2006, is being inducted into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame because of
his lifetime achievements that far transcend his contesting accomplish-
ments. As a contester, Tim has hosted over 160 different amateur radio
operators from around the world to his superstation (11 operating posi-
tions and 14 towers) since 1992. He has been the moderator of the Hamven-
tion Antenna forum for 36 years, and has served as chairman of Contest
University (15 years), the Dayton Contest Dinner (29 years), and the Top
Band Dinner. He also co-coordinates the Contest Super Suite (37 years) in
Dayton during the yearly Hamvention. He also founded the popular RFI
reflector (RFI@contesting.com), and has moderated it since 1999 . Tim
serves on the board of directors of the World Wide Radio Operators Founda-
tion (WWROF) as Chairman, and is President Emeritus of the Radio Club of
America (RCA). Tim is multi-year President of the Mercer County Amateur
Radio Club (W3LIF/W3JTV). He received the RCA Barry Goldwater Amateur
Radio Award in 2010, Hamvention Amateur of the Year in 2015, and the YASME
Excellence Award in 2016. Professionally, Tim is the Chief Executive
Officer of DX Engineering.
* Richard A. Ross, K2MGA (SK) - He was president of CQ Publishing. He was
editor, then publisher of "CQ" Magazine, and at one time, published 11
magazine titles as well as books, calendars, and an extensive video li-
brary. Dick was also a huge supporter of contesting, DXing, and many other
aspects of the amateur radio service. He believed strongly in celebrating
his fellow amateurs for their exemplary achievements in these endeavors.
He now been inducted into all three of the CQ Halls of Fame, in recog-
nition of his lifelong dedication to the amateur radio service and to his
fellow amateurs. May his legacy live on forever in our minds and hearts.

DXPEDITION OF THE YEAR ---> Presented annually at the DX Dinner by the
Southwest Ohio DX Association, the DXpedition of the Year Award recognizes
excellence in DXpedition planning and execution from Most Wanted entities.
DXpeditions that were completed from March 2023 through February 2024 were
eligible for this year's award, which has gone to W8S, the October 2023
DXpedition to Swains Island.

DXPEDITIONER OF THE YEAR AWARD ---> The Southwest Ohio DX Association's
DXpeditioner of the Year award honours those who have gone above and beyond
the norm to positively affect the DX community. This year's award has gone
to Thierry Mazel, F6CUK, who operated FT8WW on Crozet Island. He single-
handedly worked over 50,000 QSOs on HF and about 1,300 on satellite from
this overall #3 Most Wanted Entity.

MUSEUM SHIPS WEEKEND ---> Sponsored by the Battleship New Jersey Amateur
Radio Station (NJ2BB), this year's Museum Ships Weekend will be held from
00.00 UTC on 1 June until 23.59 UTC on the 2nd. Information on the event,
including the listing of expected participating ships, can be found at

YASME EXCELLENCE AWARD ---> Established in 2008 by the Yasme Foundation
(https://www.yasme.org/), the Excellence Award is presented to individuals
and groups who, through their own service, creativity, effort and dedication
have made a significant contribution to amateur radio. The contribution may
be in recognition of technical, operating or organizational achievement, as
all three are necessary for amateur radio to grow and prosper. The Yasme
Excellence Award is in the form of a cash grant and an individually-engraved
crystal globe. The latest recipients, announced on 23 May, are:
* Randy Hall, K7AGE - "Randy is a 40-year active ham, whose biggest contri-
bution is a large library of YouTube videos - many created for the newcom-
er (https://www.youtube.com/@K7AGE) - of good quality and on many topics.
Video is the way most new hams get started learning about ham radio and he
has really done a good job. He is also on Twitter (https://x.com/K7AGE).
There is plenty in his library and any of us might find something new.
Randy exemplifies the ham radio mentor".
* Rudy Severns, N6LF - "If you have an 'ARRL Antenna Book', you have seen
Rudy's work. In recent editions, he has been instrumental in revising and
expanding the material in the chapter 'Effects of Ground'. For example, he
has developed a method of measuring soil characteristics at RF. He has
written extensively about how the radials and ground screens affect radia-
tion efficiency. Rudy also builds and measures the systems to verify his
models. Rudy was one of the experimental licensees who helped open up the
new 630 and 2200 meter bands, as well. He has published an impressive body
of work at https://www.antennasbyn6lf.com/". [TNX K4ZW]

YASME FOUNDATION GRANTS ---> The Board of Directors of the Yasme Foundation
has announced that it has made grants to youth in IARU Region 1, Malawi,
Uganda and Ethiopia to attend the 2024 YOTA Summer Camp in Prague, Czechia;
to Don Jones, K6ZO (7Q6M) to support amateur radio projects for youth in
Malawi; to support youth attendance at the 2024 Pacific Northwest DX Conven-
tion in Everett (WA); to the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) in
support of their Youth In Space project.
The Yasme Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation organized to support
scientific and educational projects related to amateur radio, including
DXing and the introduction and promotion of amateur radio in developing
countries. [TNX K4ZW]


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B9FR, 3D2AD, 3D2RRR, 3DA0AQ,
3W9T, 4U1UN, 4W6RU, 5H4AYL (AF-063), 5H8HZ, 5R8VE, 5W0LM, 5X7O, 7X2DE,
HZ1TT, N4T (NA-079), OJ0/LB5SH, PD2TX (EU-038), PS0F, PY0FR, S21NW,
(NA-081), VK5MAV/4 (OC-171), VK9XY, VQ5P, VR2CO, XV9T, YJ0CA, YJ0VK, YL2KO,


425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj.mauro@gmail.com)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia

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