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Главная » 2024 » Июнь » 9 » ​​​​​​​425 DX News #1727
​​​​​​​425 DX News #1727

425 DX News #1727

8 June 2024 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1727

*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

5H - Chas, NK8O will be active again as 5H3DX from near Dodoma, Tanzania
between 18 and 30 June. In his spare time he will operate CW, FT8
(F/H) and FT4 on 30-10 metres. QSL direct to NK8O (see qrz.com for
instructions), or via eQSL and LoTW (in due course).
8Q - Felix, DL6JF will be active holiday style as 8Q7JF from the Mal-
dives (AS-013) on 16-29 June. He will operate CW and some FT (F/H)
on 30-6 metres. QSL via DM5JBN (direct or bureau) and LoTW.
9M8 - Team 9M1Z will be active from Tanjung Datu (the western tip of
Malaysian Borneo), Sarawak on 15-30 June. Look for activity on 80-
6 metres SSB, CW and FT8. See https://www.marhazk.com/9m1z/ for
more information. QSL direct to 9W8ZZK or 9M8WIN; QSOs will be up-
loaded to Club Log, LoTW, and QRZ Logbook.
DL - DM60IOTA is the special callsign for DARC Team SES to celebrate the
60th anniversary of the Islands On The Air programme. Plans are to
be active from all of the German IOTA groups (EU-042, EU-047,
EU-057, EU-127, EU-128 and EU-129). QSL via the bureau, or direct
to DL2VFR.
DL - DARC Team SES will be active as DL2024E, DL2024U, DL2024R and
DL2024O from 14 June to 14 July during EURO 2024, the 17th edition
of the UEFA European Football Championship to be held in Germany.
QSL via the bureau, or direct to DL2VFR.
F - Celebrating the Olympic Games Paris 2024, members of Radio Clubs
F5KDC and F4KLW will be active as TM63JO on 16-23 June, 26-28 July
and 8-11 August. eQSL via https://www.oly24.fr/awardform.html;
paper cards will not be issued.
F - Special event station TM51OG will be active on 23-30 June as the
Paris 2024 Olympic Torch Relay passes through the French Department
of Marne. It will be followed by TM51JO (to be active from 26 July
to 9 August during the Olympic Games), and by TM51JP (to be active
from 28 August to 8 September during the Paralympic Games). QSL for
the three special callsigns via F5JYD, direct or bureau. [TNX
F - Members of Radio-Club d'Esquerdes will be active as TM62FLAM from
29 June to 3 July. The special callsign marks the progress of the
Olympic flame through French Department 62 on its way to Paris.
They will also be active as TM2024JO from 27 July to 10 August
during the Olympic Games. QSLs via the bureau to F5KAI.
I - Launched in 1904, the 'Elettra' was a two-masted steam yacht that
Guglielmo Marconi used as a floating laboratory for many
experiments. Part of her keel stands in the grounds of Villa
Griffone, at Pontecchio near Bologna, from where ARI Fidenza will
be active as IY4RFE on 8-9 June. QSL via IQ4FE.
I - Francesco, IK6QON will be active as ID9/IK6QON from Salina Island
(EU-017) on 15-22 June. QSL via home call.
JD1_mt - Take, JG8NQJ expects to be back to the weather station on Minami
Torishima (OC-073) around 20 June , his QSL manager reports.
Usually he remains there for about three months, and is QRV as
JG8NQJ/JD1 in his limited spare time. He operates CW and some FT8
(please note that he wants you to call with your signal report, not
your grid square). QSL via JA8CJY (direct), JG8NQJ (bureau) and
OZ - Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the IOTA Programme, three
special callsigns will be active on all bands and modes between 1
July and 31 August:
OZ60IOTA will be used from mainland Denmark
5Q60IOTA/# will used by residents on Danish islands
5P60IOTA/# will be used during island DXpeditions
The suffix appended to 5Q60IOTA and 5P60IOTA will indicate the IOTA
group as follows: /0 = EU-030, /1 = EU-171, /2 = EU-172, /5 = EU-
125, /8 = EU-088, /9 = EU-029. There will be an activity calendar
on https://www.supersaas.dk/schedule/EDR/OZ60IOTA. QSLs via Club
Log's OQRS (preferred), LoTW, or via OZ1ACB. A number of certifi-
cates will be available, see https://www.qrz.com/db/OZ60IOTA for
complete information.
T8 - Nobu, JA0JHQ will be active again as T88PB from Koror (OC-009),
Palau on 14-17 June, with main activity during the CW leg of the
All Asian DX Contest. QSL via LoTW (preferred), or direct to home
VK9L - Jeff, W7BRS will be active as VK2/W7BRS from Lord Howe Island (OC-
004) from 20 July to 1 August, including an entry in the IOTA Con-
test. He will operate CW, SSB and FT8 (F/H) on 40-10 metres. QSL
via M0URX's OQRS. See https://howeania2024.org/ for more informa-
According to the Australian Communications and Media Authority's
updated "Amateur Radio Call Sign Policy" [425DXN 1723], VK9 pre-
fixed callsigns can be used only by operators located in an Aus-
tralian External Territory other than the Antarctic. Lord Howe
Island is part of New South Wales, hence the use of VK2/homecall.
VP2V - Dave, W9DR will be active as VP2V/W9DR from Anegada (FK78tr),
British Virgin Islands (NA-023) on 19-25 June. He will operate FT8,
SSB and CW on 6m only. QSL direct to home call.
W - Andy, AA5JF plans to combine a business trip with some IOTA activa-
tions. His tentative schedule is as follows:
NA-139 Assateague Island 7 June (19 UTC) to 8 June (18 UTC)
NA-140 Middle Hooper Island 8 June (19 UTC) to 10 June (01 UTC)
NA-136 Outer Thimble Island 15 June (14-20 UTC)
NA-148 Georges Island June 16 (15-18.30 UTC)
NA-046 Martha's Vineyard June 19 (14-21 UTC)
He will be signing AA5JF (neither /m nor /p) from all the islands,
and will operate mainly CW, with some SSB and FT8 (not from NA-136
and NA-148). QSL direct to home call; all QSOs will be uploaded to
to Club Log and LoTW, and IOTA matching will be available at the
earliest possible date/time.

*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

3Y0K: BOUVET ISLAND 2026 ---> The sailboat contract has been cancelled and
there will be no January 2025 operation. The organisers are negotiating a
contract for a large expedition vessel and helicopter operation to take
place in January 2026. [Source: https://3y0k.com/]

ARRL SYSTEMS SERVICE DISRUPTION ---> In its Member Bulletin dated 6 June,
the ARRL informs "of a serious incident that has impacted ARRL's operations.
On or around May 12, 2024, ARRL was the victim of a sophisticated network
attack by a malicious international cyber group. We immediately involved the
FBI and engaged with third party experts to investigate.
On May 16, on the eve of the ARRL National Convention in Ohio, we posted a
notice on our website to inform members about the incident. Since then, we
have made substantial progress to mitigate the impact of this attack on our
organization. We have been posting regular updates, including the status of
restored services. Please refer to our dedicated news post at
We are aware that certain members believe we should be openly communicating
everything associated with this incident. We are working with industry
experts, including cyber crime attorneys and the authorities, who have
directed us to be conservative and cautious with our communications while
restoring the ARRL network.
Many of our services and programs have been impacted by this attack. We have
been diligently assessing each system to ascertain the extent of compromise.
For example, while the Logbook of The World server and related user data
were unaffected, we have taken the precautionary measure of keeping the
service offline until we can ensure the security and integrity of our
networks. Similarly, access to Online DXCC is unavailable, although
individual award data remains secure.
Fortunately, some of our key systems, such as the ARRL website and our
association membership system, were unaffected. Despite the severity of the
attack, no personal information was compromised. Additionally, ARRL does not
store credit card information anywhere on our systems, and we do not collect
social security numbers.
Our Directors have heard from some members who are concerned about managing
their membership renewals. Members can renew online at www.arrl.org/join or
by phoning ARRL.
We understand the frustration and inconvenience this incident has caused,
and we sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding as our dedicated
staff and partners continue to work tirelessly to restore affected systems
and services. Thank you for your ongoing support".

DAYTON HAMVENTION PHOTO GALLERY ---> The 2024 Dayton Hamvention Photo
Gallery is now up on Tom, K8CX's Ham Gallery. It includes 413 photos, which
makes a total of 7,523 Dayton Hamvention photos, all searchable by callsign:

INTERNATIONAL MUSEUMS WEEKENDS ---> The International Museums Weekends (IMW)
will take place during the weekends of 15-16 and 22-23 June. Details about
the event, including a list of announced participating stations, can be
found at https://www.radio-amateur-events.org/IMW/.

PETER I ISLAND 2027 ---> "We plan to activate Peter I Island in February
2027 with a team of 19 operators", Ken, LA7GIA posted to Facebook on 4 June
(https://www.facebook.com/groups/1787070508410564). "We will go to Peter I
with a large vessel and two helicopters, and the DXpedition will be led by
an external expedition leader from an Antarctica expedition company - Spirit
of Sydney. The capacity of the expedition leader and the vessel have been
reviewed and approved by Norwegian Polar Institute and is the basis for the
landing permit we received in April 2024. Our expedition leader has
supported more than 80 expeditions to Antarctica, and has previously landed
on Peter I three times. With the landing permit and external resources
involved we're ready to move forward signing the contracts.
It should be noted that the total cost of this expedition is approximately
$2,000,000, including all logistics, marine, aviation, insurance, safety and
rescue, and Antarctica permits. Our website (https://3y0k.com/) will be
updated to reflect the changes.
At the time of activation in 2027, it will be 21 years since the last DXpe-
dition to this island. In preparation for the contract you can support our
adventure by donating via PayPal (donate@3y0l.com)".


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3A2MW, 3B8CW, 3B8HK, 4A5D (NA-
244), 4W8X, 4X6TT, 5H4AYL (AF-063), 5H8HZ, 7P8EI, 7Q6M, 8R7X, 9X2AW, A52CI,
S01WS, S21AF, SU1SK, T32EU, T44DX (NA-056), TI4JEV, TJ3TS, TX5S, TX8GC,


425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj.mauro@gmail.com)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia

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