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Главная » 2022 » Июль » 15 » ARLD028 DX news
ARLD028 DX news

ARLD028 DX news

QST de W1AW 
DX Bulletin 28 ARLD028
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT July 14, 2022
To all radio amateurs 

ARLD028 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral
from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks
to all.

ISRAEL, 4X21/4Z21. Look for special event stations 4Z21MG and
4X21MG to be active from Maccabiah Village and during the 21st
Maccabiah Games, until July 26. Activity will be on various HF
bands using CW, SSB, FT8 and various satellites. QSL via 4X6ZM.

ALGERIA, 7T60. Members of the Amateurs Radio Algeriens (7X2ARA) are
now active as 7T60I, 7U60I, 7V60I, 7V60ID, 7W60I to celebrate the
60th anniversary of Algerian Independence, until August 5. QSL via
BEN LAGHA, 3 Rue Claude Curtat, Meyzieu 69330, France.

NEPAL, 9N. Robert, S53R/9N7AA will be focusing on 6 meters during
July. The majority of activity will be over the weekends. QSL via
S57DX, direct only, LoTW and ClubLog.

PORTUGAL, CS2. Look for special event station CS2Q to be active
from Faro, Portugal, until July 17, during the 40th International
Motorcycle Rally. Activity will be on 80 to 6 meters using CW, SSB
and the digital modes. QSL via CT1EHX.

AZORES, CT8. Jim, W6PQL will be active as CT8/W6PQL from Pico
Island (HM58rn) until September 6. Activity will be on various HF
bands and 2 meter EME. QSL via his QTH in California or LoTW.

SPRATLY ISLANDS, DX0. Gil, 4F2KWT has been issued the call sign
DX0NE from the Republic of the Philippines National
Telecommunications Commission. The special call sign will be used
during an operation from Kalayaan Spratly Island sometime between
August 1 and December 31, 2022. The four man team includes Gil, Ed,
4F1OZ, Jong, DU3JA and Mike, DU1XX/AE6DG. Activity will be on 160
to 6 meters using CW, SSB, FT8. QSL via IZ8CCW.

SOUTH COOK, E51. Pete, ZL4TE is expected to be active as E51RMP
until July 21. Activity is holiday style QRP on various HF bands
and some VHF Digimodes using CW and SSB. QSL via his home call

MOLDOVA, ER. Anton, DL4EA will be active as ER/DL4EA on the
satellites, July 16 and 17. QSL via DL4EA, direct, via the bureau
or LoTW.

until July 30. Activity has been on 20 meters SSB. QSL via IK2KTE.

ANTARCTICA, LU. Look for LU4ZS to be active from Marambio station,
Seymour Island, during the month of July. QSL via LU4DXU. Also,
LU1ZD is active from San Martin Base, on Barry Island, during July.

GRENADA, J3. Greg, N9GB will be active as N9GB/J3 from August 13 to
18. Activity will be mainly holiday style on 40 to 10 meters using
CW, SSB and FT8. Most of the time operation will be at night, but
sometimes will be during the day. QSL via N9GB.

ARGENTINA, L95. Members of the Radio Club Rosario (LU4FM) will be
active with special event call sign L95F to commemorate 95th
anniversary of their club. Activity will be on various HF bands.
QSL via L95F direct, by the bureau or eQSL.

UNITED STATES, N7. Operators around the state of Oregon will be
signing N7DUX to commemorative the 2022 World Athletics
Championships being held at the historical Hayward Field in Eugene,
until July 24. QSL via N7DUX direct w/SASE, by the bureau or LoTW.

CURACAO, PJ2. Look for the Dave Kalter Youth DX Adventure to be
active as PJ2Y from the PJ2T contest station until July 19.
Operators will be three youths and team leaders. Activity will be
on various HF bands using CW, SSB, FT8 and possibly on satellites.
QSL via AB8YK direct.

RUSSIA, R65. Members of the Fifth Ocean Aviators HAM Club will
activate the special call sign R65RKP from the Arkhangelsk Region,
until July 17. Activity is to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the
Russian Plesetsk Cosmodrome Mirny AR-10. See QRZ.com for details.

CANADA, VX7. Jon, VA7JC will be active as VX7ITE from Metro
Vancouver, BC, to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth

UNITED STATES, W8. Operators Geoff, W8GNM, Jay, K8CJY and Jon,
KB8SRQ will be active as W8GNM/8 from the Port Clinton Lighthouse
August 20, from 1500 to 2100z. QSL via LoTW only.

CAYMAN ISLANDS, ZF. Frank, K3TRM will be active as ZF2RM from July
17 to 30. Activity will be focused on 6 meters and the satellites,
plus the HF bands, including 40 to 10 meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY,
FT8. QSL via K3TRM, direct, by the Bureau, LoTW or ClubLog.

MARKET REEF, OJ0. DG5CST, DL3DXX, DL6FBL and SM0W plan to operate
OJ0DX from July 25 to August 1, concentrating on the IOTA Contest.
Prior to the contest they will be operating on 3.5 through 50 MHz
and DG5CST will be on VHF and UHF. Their arrival and departure will
be dependent on weather as Market Reef has no harbor so landing is
always difficult and only possible with low wind and waves. QSL via

ANGOLA, D2. Bernie, ZS4TX plans to be QRV from August 12 to 16,
operating on 2 Meter EME and HF as D2TX. There is also a
possibility he will be on 6 meters EME and Tropo and 70CM. QSL via

TURKEY, TA. Berkin, TA3J will be QRV as TA3J/0 from Yassica Island
(AS-099) every Saturday and Sunday until October 31, 2022. Activity
will be on SSB, CW, RTTY and FT8 on 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and
10 Meters. Logs will be uploaded to Club Log and LoTW.

TAIWAN, BV. During the 2022 RSGB IOTA Contest BM2AAV, BV5OO, BV5PD,
BX2AGL, BX3ACH and BX3AC will be QRV as BP0A from Pong-Hu Island,
AS-103. QSL c/o ART, P.O. Box 73-326, Taipei, Taiwan.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The Russian Radio Team Championship,
Trans-Tasman Low-Bands Challenge, IARU Region 1 70 MHz Contest,
North American QSO Party, CQ Worldwide VHF Contest, RSGB
International Low Power Contest, Great Colorado Gold Rush and Run
for the Bacon QRP Contest are all on top for this weekend. The
OK1WC Memorial and RSGB FT4 Contest are on July 18. Please see July
QST, page 78 and the ARRL and WA7BMN contest websites for details.
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    Одесса 439,000/431,400 (-7,600) субтон 67.0

    УКВ ретранслятор Сергеевка
    Одесса 439,200/431,600 (-7,600) DMR, D-Star, Fusion, P-25

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