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Главная » 2022 » Август » 13 » ARLD032 DX news
ARLD032 DX news

ARLD032 DX news

QST de W1AW 
DX Bulletin 32 ARLD032
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT August 11, 2022
To all radio amateurs 

ARLD032 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral
from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks
to all.

AZERBAIJAN, 4K. Dirk, DK1DKE is active as 4K7DK until August 13.
Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL via DK1DKE,
by the Bureau or LoTW.

TANZANIA, 5H. Eugen, DL8AAI will be active as 5H2JK/p during a
hiking tour in Kilimanjaro National Park (5HFF-0005) until August
17, and some days after hiking, from Moshi. Activity will be
holiday style, mainly on SSB on 20 to 10 meters. Check for WSPR
beacon signals from 5H2JK/P on 15 meters which will be activated
when the antenna is operational. QSL via DL8AAI.

MALAWI, 7Q. Junior, 7Q7JN has been active as 7Q7EMH from the radio
station at the Embangweni Mission Hospital in the Northern Region.
Activity has been on 30, 15 and 12 meters using CW and FT8. QSL via
LoTW or ClubLog.

INDONESIA, 8H7/8I7. To celebrate the 77th anniversary of
independence, amateurs will be using 8H7 and 8I7 call signs from
August 13 to 21. Activity will be on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters
and on 2m/70cm for Satellites, as well VHF Terrestrial on 2 meters,
using CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8 and FM (Satellite).

MALDIVES, 8Q. Giovanni, IZ2DPX will be active as 8Q7AG until August
20. Activity will be on various HF bands as well as 6 meters. QSL
to IZ2DPX direct, via HE9ERA by the Bureau, LoTW or ClubLog's OQRS.
Also, Stefan, EA5Q will be active as 8Q7QE from August 14 to 24.
QSL via EA5Q. All contacts will be confirmed via LoTW.

USA, N. Special event station N7C is commemorating the Navajo Code
Talkers of World War II, until August 19. Look for them on 7265,
14265 and 18130 kHz using CW, FT8 or phone. QSL via Herb, N7HG.
Herb's father, John V. Goodluck, was one of the US Marine Corps
Navajo Code Talkers, serving in the South Pacific in WWII.

PAKISTAN, AP75. Members of the Pakistan Amateur Radio Society
(PARS) will operate under special call sign AP75PAK and Pakistani
hams may use the "AP75" prefix with their existing call sign
suffixes for the month of August to celebrate the 75th anniversary
of Pakistan's Independence. Activity will be on various HF bands
and modes, 6 meters and the satellites.

INDIA, AT2. Members of the West Bengal Radio Club, VU2WB, will
activate the special call sign AT2AAM to commemorate the 75th
anniversary of the Independence of India. Activity will be on
various HF Bands. QSL via AT2AAM or VU2WB.

CUBA, CO. Lefty, CO2QU will be active until December 31 on 30
meters (FT8/FT4) and 6 meters (FT8). QSL via CO2QU direct or LoTW.

MAYOTTE, FH. Marek, F4VVJ will be active as FH4VVK from August 20,
2022 to April 1, 2024. Operations will be on various HF bands and
modes. QSL direct (see QRZ.com) or eQSL.

ECUADOR, HD1. Members of the Ecuador DX Club will be active as
HD1HERO until August 12 to commemorate the August 10th Heroes and
will be on all bands and modes.

SAUDI ARABIA, HZ. Members of the Saudi Amateur Radio Society will
be using the special call sign HZ1CPCF for the "Crown Prince Camel
Festival" until September 4. Activity has been on 20, 17, 15 and 6
meters using CW, SSB and FT8/FT4. QSL via HZ1SAR.

DJIBOUTI, J2. Jeje, F8FKJ will be active as J20EE sometime this
month and into September. His activity will be on 40 to 10 meters
using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via F4DXW direct only.

GRENADA, J3. Greg, N9GB will be active as J38GB from August 12 to
19. He expects to be using CW and SSB on 40 to 6 meters including
the newer bands. QSL via his home call sign, LoTW, and possibly

ISLE OF MAN, MD. Dale, EI7HDB will be active as MD/EI7HDB from
August 14 to 19. Activity will be on various HF bands using CW, SSB
and digital modes. QSL EI7HDB via the Bureau.

ALAND ISLAND, OG0. Operators Alex, UT5UY/OH5UY, Pasi, OH2MZB,
Jouni, OH2JIU, Niko, OH5CZ, Toni, OH5CY, Jere, OH5ELX and Juha,
OH5CW will be active as OH5CW from August 20 to 27. Activity will
be on 160 to 2 meters with a focus on 6 meters and the newer bands,
using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. QSL via OH5C.

SEYCHELLES, S7. Operators EA3WL and EA3BT will be active as
S79/EA3WL and S79/EA3BT until August 23. The operation will be in
SAT mode only, on QO-100, RS-44 and others, in a holiday style
DXpedition, using SSB, CW and FT8. QSL via EA3BT or OQRS.

ST. KITTS, V4. Jim, NT5V is active as V4/NT5V until August 18.
Activity will be on various HF bands using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via
home call sign, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW. In addition, Gary,
G0FWX will be active as V47FWX from August 21 to 30. Activity will
be holiday style on various HF bands using SSB only. QSL via M0URX.

144-MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest, WAE DX Contest, SKCC Weekend
Sprintathon, Kentucky State Parks on the Air, Maryland-DC QSO Party
and the 50-MHz Fall Sprint will keep contesters busy this weekend.
The 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint is August 15 and the
Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest is August 16. Please see August
2022 QST, page 70 and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest websites for
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    УКВ ретранслятор Сергеевка
    Одесса 439,200/431,600 (-7,600) DMR, D-Star, Fusion, P-25

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