Главная » 2017 » Июнь » 15 » DXNL 2045 - June 14, 2017
10:03 DXNL 2045 - June 14, 2017 |
DXNL 2045 - June 14, 201 DX Newsletter
4K, Azerbaijan:
Alex/4J3DJ operates in the context of the Formula 1 Grand Prix in
Baku with the call 4JF1EU until June 25. QSL via 4J3DJ (d), CLubLog
4O, Montenegro:
Giuseppe/IK5WWA plans to operate as 4O7GD between the 18th and 28th
on 80-6m (SSB only). QSL via IK5WWA (d/B).
DL, Germany:
DB125PTB (special DOK 125PTB) celebrates the 125th anniversary of
the Pressnitz Valley Narrow Gauge Railway running between Steinbach
and Joehstadt. Operators are Dieter/DL6JWN, Juergen/DL9JFA,
Steffen/ DL1JEL, and Bernd/DL3JFA. QSL via bureau.
HB0, Liechtenstein:
Bogdan/SP2FUD, Zenon/SP2GCJ, and Janusz/SP9FIH are currently active
from Liechtenstein signing HB0/homecalls on 40-6m (CW, SSB, RTTY,
PSK) with 3 rigs. QSL via ClubLog.
JA, Japan:
8N0IIDA celebrates the 80th anniversary of Iida-City (JCC 0905)
until the end of February 2018. QSL via bureau.
KL, Alaska:
Nobu/JA0JHQ operates as AH0CO/KL7 between June 17 and 19 from near
Anchorage on 160, 80, 40, and 20m. He will be participating the All
Asian DX CW Contest as well. QSL via JA0JHQ (d/B), ClubLog OQRS,
LoTW. https://pandasan.jimdo.com/ah0co-kl7/
OM, Slovak Republic:
The town Nova Dubnica celebrates its 60th anniversary with the
special call OM60ND until the end of July. QSL via bureau.
PJ7, St. Maarten:
David/W9DR, John/W9KXQ, Kenneth/KK9N, David/K9UK, and Thomas/W9AEB
will be active between the 14th and 28th from Sint Maarten
(NA-105). QRV as PJ7/homecalls on 80-6m (SSB, CW). QSL via
T8, Palau:
Yas/JA6UBY, Miyo/JO3LVG, Kaz/JH6DUL, Masayuki/JL1HYH, Hiro/JM1LIG,
and Kouichi/ JI6NCY will be operating with the calls T88RR, T88MK,
T88VV, T88HY, T88FM, and T88NC from Koror Island (OC-009, WW Loc.
PJ77fi) between the 16th and 23rd. QRV on 160-6m on CW, SSB, and
RTTY. QSL for T88RR via JA6UBY, T88MK via JO3LVG, T88VV via JH6DUL,
T88HY via JL1HYH, T88FM via JM1LIG, and T88NC via JI6NCY.
TK, Corsica:
Alessandro/IZ5CMI will be operating holiday-style between the 18th
and 24th from Calvi on Corsica. QRV as TK/IZ5CMI with 100W and
vertical antennas on SSB and CW. QSL via IZ5CMI (d/B), ClubLog.
UA, Russia:
The following special event stations commemorate the first drifting
station at the North Pole 80 years ago: RA80SP, RC80SP, RJ80SP,
RM80SP, RQ80SP, RW80SP, RX80SP, and RY80SP. An award will be
available as well. http://arctica.hamlog.ru/diploms/pa/
The special event call R80PSP commemorates the first non-stop
flight from Moscow to Vancouver over the North Pole in a Tupolev
ANT-25 80 years ago. QSL via UA3QII.
Other stuff:
ZA, Albania:
Alfredo/IK7JWX had to cancel his plans to operate as ZA/IK7JWX from
Sazan Island.
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
IOTA Islands on the Air
JCC Japan Century Cities
LoTW Logbook of the World
OQRS Online QSL Request System
WLOTA Sonder - Distrikts-Ortsverbands-Kenner
WRTC World Castles Award
Upcoming Contests:
17./18.06. JARL All Asian DX Contest
17./18.06. Ukrainian Classic RTTY
17.06. FIRAC VHF Contest
17./18.06. Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge
17./18.06. West Virginia QSO Party
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (iota@dxhf.darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AS-004; 5B,/ZC, Cyprus Island: Felix/DL6JF, Jaroslav/OK4MM, and
Dieter/DL1AWD will be signing 5B/homecalls between the 15th and
25th on HF (CW only), including the All Asian contest. QSL via LoTW
or homecalls.
EU-003, CU1/CU2, Eastern group: Ralph/DL9MWG is going to operate as
CU2/DL9MWG from Sao Miguel between June 1 and July 1 on 80-10m
(mostly CW). QSL via DL9MWG (d/B).
EU-052; SV, Ipeiros/ Dytiki Ellas Region group: Dave/GM0LVI
operates holiday-style between June 16 and July 6 as SV8/GM0LVI
from Zakynthos with his QRP rig. QSL via GM0LVI (d/B).
EU-128; DL, Schleswig-Holstein State East group: A group of Belgian
radio amateurs (Eddy/ON6ZV, Rene/ON6OM, Martin/ON7EG, and
Michel/ON4MW with their respective wives) will be paying Fehmarn a
visit from the 17th to 23rd. QRV as DL/OO6P and DL/ON4IPA on SSB,
RTTY, PSK31, and PSK63. QSL via ON6ZV (d/B).
EU-128; DL, Schleswig-Holstein State East group: Stefan/DF8HS will
spend June 16 to July 1 at his 2nd QTH on Fehmarn and on HF. QSL
via direct or bureau.
NA-151; OX, Greenlands Coastal Islands South East: Bo/OZ1DJJ will
be back on the air with the call OX3LX from Tasiilaq Island between
June 12 and 26. He plans to be active during his spare time on 6
and 4m, and a bit on HF. QSL via OZ0J, ClubLog OQRS, LoTW.
WWFF Activities
CW: 28044 24894 21044 18084 14044 10124 7024 3544 kHz
SSB: 28444 24944 21244 18144 14244 7144 3744 kHz
Muntil Maramuresului National Park - YOFF-0023:
Dan/YO6EZ plans to activate this reference on June 14 as YO6EZ/p on
40-10m (SSB only). QSL via homecall (d/B).
WCA Activities
CW: 28031 24911 21031 18081 14031 10121 7031 3531 kHz
SSB: 28551 24951 21251 18131 14251 7131 3731 kHz
World Castle Weekend 2017:
The weekend of June 17/18 sees this year's 8th International World
Castle Weekend. For a list of participating stations / locations
see: http://wcagroup.org/?page_id=7451
start - end DX DXNL
- 25.06. 4JF1EU 2045*
18.06. - 28.06. 4O7GD 2045*
15.06. - 25.06. 5B/DL1AWD 2045*
15.06. - 25.06. 5B/DL6JF 2045*
15.06. - 25.06. 5B/OK4MM 2045*
01.01. - 31.12. 5P90EDR 2021
- 08/2017 5R8SV 1897
- 02/2018 5T2AI 1977
01.10. - 30.09.19 5Z4/DL2RMC 2008
- 15.06. 5Z4/OZ1AA 2044
- 12/2018 6W1SU 2012
01.04. - 30.06. 8J1IP 2035
01.01. - 20.01.18 8J1RL 2021
01.04. - 31.03.18 8J1YAC 2035
01.04. - 31.10. 8J2016Y 2034
01.06. - 31.12. 8J2YAF 2043
26.04. - 30.06. 8J4VLP 2038
01.01. - 20.01.18 8J60JARE 2021
26.04. - 30.06. 8J6VLP 2038
01.05. - 31.08. 8J7FESTA 2040
26.04. - 30.06. 8J8VLP 2038
26.04. - 30.06. 8J9VLP 2038
04.06. - 28.02.18 8N0IIDA 2043*
01.04. - 31.03.18 8N3H70Y 2041
01.04. - 31.03.18 8N60JLRS 2036
01.01. - 30.06. 9H2017EU 2024
01.12. - 12/2018 9M2MRS 2024
- 10/2019 9Q6BB 2012
- 30.12. 9X0JW 2004
14.01. - 31.12. A31MM 1973
17.06. - 19.06. AH0CO/KL7 2045*
07.06. - 16.06. C6ACC 2044
07.06. - 16.06. C6ALY 2044
07.06. - 16.06. C6ATA 2044
17.06. - 01.07. CU2/DL9MWG 2045*
09.01. - 31.12. DB20ENERGY 2025
01.01. - 31.12. DC500LS 2023
13.10. - 12.10. DF0WRTC 2011
16.06. - 01.08. DF8HS 2045*
01.01. - 31.12. DK60HERTEN 2022
17.06. - 23.06. DL/ON4IPA 2045*
17.06. - 23.06. DL/OO6P 2045*
01.01. - 31.12. DL1250BRET 2022
01.05. - 31.07. DL2017TDF 2040
01.01. - 31.12. DL40MFR 2026
01.01. - 31.12. DL500ML 2023
20.12. - 19.12. DL60NEU 2022
01.05. - 30.04.18 DL60TELF 2038
01.04. - 30.06. DM150HSM 2035
01.03. - 31.12. DM1517L 2030
- 28.02.18 DM200LFS 2035
01.01. - 31.12. DM5LUTHER 2023
- 02/2018 DP0GVN 2015
01.01. - 31.12. DQ200WESER 2023
01.01. - 31.12. DQ70PEINE 2021
01.01. - 31.12. DR0HARZ 2024/2030
01.01. - 31.12. DR1517LU 2021
15.06. - 14.06. DR160TESLA 1994
01.01. - 31.12. DR25MDK 2021
01.01. - 31.12. DR500MLE 2023
01.01. - 31.12. DR5LUTHER 2023
01.02. - 31.12. DR60PAS 2031
01.01. - 31.12. DR60SAL 2021
01.01. - 31.12. DR60VKL 2021
10.06. - 17.06. E51XYL 2044
01.04. - 31.12. E770BAB 2044
01.01. - 31.12. EI11WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI22WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI33WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI44WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI55WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI66WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI77WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI88WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI99WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EM500L 2023
26.05. - 30.10. EN90QDG 2044
27.01. - 31.12. EN90IWA 2029
24.04. - 22.06. EV145O 2037
01.05. - 31.07. FO/IZ2ZTQ 2038
04.06. - 16.06. FR/F4HPX 2043
01.06. - 30.06. GX4BJC/a 2043
01.01. - 31.12. H2017PFO 2026
11.06. - 24.06. HB0/SP2FUD 2045*
11.06. - 24.06. HB0/SP2GCJD 2045*
11.06. - 24.06. HB0/SP9FIH 2045*
01.01. - 31.12. HB600NVF 2036
01.06. - 30.06. HF800RC 2043
01.01. - 31.08. HG17EYOF 2022
06.06. - 04.07. HI9/F5PLR 2044
- 2017 HL2/F4AAR 1837
01.03. - 30.06. II1TON 2030
- 31.12.19 J28ND 2035
- 01.09.19 J28PJ 2004
25.05. - 23.06. J48GEO 2042
15.05. - 15.07. JG8NQJ/JD1 2040
- 2016/17 KH9/KJ6GHN 1885
01.01. - 31.12. LA1742K 2032
01.01. - 31.12. LM80Q 2021
01.01. - 31.12. LM80REX 2021
01.05. - 30.06. LY17PM 2038
01.01. - 31.07. LZ114RF 2023
01.06. - 30.06. LZ121SBS 2043
01.01. - 31.12. LZ45YE 2023
01.01. - 31.12. LZ73TRC 2023
03.06. - 17.06. MM0GHM/p 2043
01.06. - 30.06. MX1SWL/a 2043
01.01. - 31.12. OF100FI/x 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OH100FIN 2021
04/17 - 11/17 OK1DLA/p 2034
01.01. - 30.06. OM42KYSUCE 2024
19.04. - 31.12. OM500R 2038
01.06. - 30.07. OM60ND 2045*
01.01. - 31.12. OM685RADOLA 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OP17HC 2021
01.06. - 30.06. OR95RCBE 2043
01.06. - 30.06. OS500RD 2043
01.01. - 31.12.19 OU0POLIO 1919
01.01. - 31.12. OV90EDR 2021
12.06. - 26.06. OX3LX 2045*
01.01. - 31.12. OX90EDR 2021
13.06. - 26.06. OY/K2HVN 2044
01.01. - 31.12. OZ100DVI 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OZ1AARHUS 2029
01.01. - 31.12. OZ44C 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OZ7D 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OZ90EDR 2021
01.01. - 31.12. PG400TH 2023
14.06. - 28.06. PJ7/K9UK 2045*
14.06. - 28.06. PJ7/KK9N 2045*
14.06. - 28.06. PJ7/W9AEB 2045*
14.06. - 28.06. PJ7/W9DR 2045*
14.06. - 28.06. PJ7/W9KXQ 2045*
01.06. - 31.08. R110A 2044
01.05. - 31.07. R100FNR 2038
01.06. - 30.06. R100K 2044
21.06. - 30.06. R1608M 2043
11.06. - 20.06. R1945M 2043
17.06. - 25.06. R80PSP 2045*
06.06. - 18.06. RA80SP 2045*
06.06. - 18.06. RC80SP 2045*
04/17 - 03/18 RI1ANO 2034
06.06. - 18.06. RJ80SP 2045*
06.06. - 18.06. RM80SP 2045*
06.06. - 18.06. RQ80SP 2045*
06.06. - 18.06. RW80SP 2045*
06.06. - 18.06. RX80SP 2045*
06.06. - 18.06. RY80SP 2045*
- 31.12. S5100LIONS 2035
01.01. - 31.12. S557E 2021
01.04. - 31.12. SC90SM 2036
01.05. - 31.12. SN100F 2039
01.06. - 30.04.18 SN5PSK 2044
16.06. - 06.07. SV8/GM0LVI/p 2045*
09.06. - 18.06. T8CW 2044
16.06. - 23.06. T88FM 2045*
16.06. - 23.06. T88HY 2045*
16.06. - 23.06. T88MK 2045*
06.06. - 09.06. T88MZ 2043
16.06. - 23.06. T88NC 2045*
16.06. - 23.06. T88RR 2045*
16.06. - 23.06. T88VV 2045*
- 2017 TJ3SN 1896
18.06. - 24.06. TK/IZ5CMI 2045*
22.04. - 20.10. TM160BF 2037
01.01. - 31.12. TM17PGM 2022
04.06. - 18.06. TM24H 2044
05.07. - 10.07. TM500LH 2042
18.09. - TR8CA 1902
11.06. - 19.06. TX5EG 2044
02.06. - 03.09. TX5JF 2044
- 2018 TY2CD 1914
- 10/2018 TY2SN 1957
01.02. - V31YB 2026
- 04/2018 VP8DPJ 2014
04/17 - 06/17 VQ9ZZ 2034
01.02. - 31.12. XM1150CAN 2029
03.06. - 03.07. XM3CARF 2043
- 31.12. XO1X 2033
14.06. - YO6EZ/p 2045*
01.01. - 31.12. YV50ARV 2023
23.05. - 18.06. Z25DX 2042
10.06. - 20.06. ZA/IK7JWX 2044
05/17 - 05/2020 ZL7DX 2040
05/17 - 05/2020 ZL7QT 2040
- 05/2018 ZS8Z 2017
* = new or updated
.. = and other calls
* QSLs received direct: A25UK (M0OXO)
* QSL cards received via bureau:
4S7BBG (OM2FY), 6O0CW, 7QAA, 7Z1JA (KE5JA), 9J2BO, 9N7FD (SP2GCJ),
(PP5BZ), S9YY (DH7WW), T30D, T30TW, TO5FP (F1RAF), TT8DX, TZ6MF,
* QSL via LoTW:
Thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL:
N4AA & QRZ DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, DxCoffee, DX World,
VA3RJ, KB8NW & OPDX-Bulletin, DF6EX (fuer WIN-QSL), DJ5AV, DJ9ZB,
Homepage, W3UR & The Daily DX, WO2N, u.a.
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