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11:42 DXNL 2064 - October 25, 2017 DX Newsletter |
DXNL 2064 - October 25, 2017
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxnl@dxhf.darc.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
CQ World Wide DX Contest:
The weekend of Oct. 28/29 sees the SSB leg of this year's CQ World
Wide DX Contest. Together with its CW part in November at attracts
more than 35,000 participants. This DXNL largely concentrates on
activities in and around the contest. Good luck to everyone having
a bash at it. http://www.cqww.com/index.htm
3V, Tunisia:
Ash/KF5EYY and Ludo/HB9EOU are going to join the contest together
as 3V8SS on all bands. QSL via LX1NO, LoTW. http://www.kf5eyy.info/
4L, Georgia:
Gia/4L4WW will be using the call 4L0A in the contest on all bands.
QSL via LoTW.
4S, Sri Lanka:
Martti/OH2BH and some friends are going to operate as 4S7BHG
between Oct. 25 and Nov. 1 on HF, with a focus on the low bands and
the contest. QSL via OH2BH.
4S, Sri Lanka:
Ilya/R3XA is currently active as 4S7KLG until Oct. 31. QSL via
5B, Cyprus:
The Nicosia Contest Group is going to field a Multi/2 team as C4A
from Cyprus (AS-004, zone 20) in the contest. Operators are
Stavros/5B4AFM, Nestor/5B4AHZ, George/ 5B4KH, Spyros/5B4MF,
Philip/5B4ZN, and Mark/G4AXX. QSL via 5B4KH, ClubLog OQRS, LoTW.
8P, Barbados Dean/8P6SH will be using the special event call 8P50B
in the contest on 20m from Barbados (NA-021, WW Loc. GK03, zone 8).
QSL via KU9C, ClubLog OQRS, LoTW.
8P, Barbados:
Tom/W2SC will be signing 8P5A from Barbados in the contest on all
bands. QSL via LoTW.
8P, Barbados:
Charles/8P6ET will be active as 8P1W. QSL via KU9C.
9K, Kuwait:
Abdallah/9K2GS plans to participate in the contest as 9K2K on all
bands. QSL via LoTW.
A3, Tonga:
Hiro/A31MM (JA6WFM) is going to make Tonga (OC-049, Zone 32)
available in the contest on all bands except 160 and 80m. QSL via
EA5GL, LoTW. http://a31mm.blogspot.de/
BV, Taiwan:
Koji/JL3RDC will be active in the contest on all bands as
BW/JL3RDC. QSL via JL3RDC (d).
BV, Taiwan:
Kushi/JP3PZG is going to join the contest as BW/JP3PZG on all
bands. QSL via JP3PZG.
BV, Taiwan:
Finally, look also for BW/JN3MXT (Masanori) during the contest on
all bands. QSL via JN3MXT (d).
BY, China:
The CRAC contest station B9K will be active with a large team in
the contest. Ops are BD9GQ, BG9JK, BG9GFR, BG9GUB, BA7NQ, BA7IO,
CN, Morocco:
RU3RQ, RW3FO, RK4FM, RC0F, RK3AD, and VE3LA will be active in the
contest as CN2AA. QSL via UA2FM, LoTW.
CT3, Madeira Island:
Filipe/CT3AB, Norberto/CT3FH, Dinora/CT3JJ, and Debora/CT3OP are
going to participate together in the contest as CR3Z from Madeira
(zone 33). QSL via CT3AB.
D4, Cape Verde:
Zoltan/HA5PP will be active in the contest as D4P. QSL via HA5PP
(d), LoTW.
D4, Cape Verde:
Rafal/SQ9CNN is going to operate the contest from Sao Vicente
Island (AF-086, WW Loc. HK76mu, Zone 35) on 15m as D4Z. QSL via
HB9DUR (d), IK2CNJ (B). http://d4c.cc/
DL, Germany:
In preparation for next year's WRTC Moshe/4X1DX and Zvi/4X6FR are
going to pay DM9EE's "DX-Hotel" in Holzminden a visit to
familiarise themselves with propagation conditions in Germany. They
will be signing DL/4X1DX in the contest. QSL via 4X6OM.
EA8, Canary Islands:
Manuel/EA8DO is going to use the call ED8W from La Palma (AF-004,
Zone 33) in the contest. QSL via EA8DO.
EA9, Ceute and Melilla:
Jorge/EA9LZ will be active as EF9R in the contest. QSL via EA5KB.
ES, Estonia:
A large team will be operating in the contest with the call ES9C.
QSL via ES5RY.
FM, Martinique:
A multi operator team is going to participate in the contest as
TO5A from Martinique (zone 8). QSL via ClubLog QORS, F5VHJ, LoTW.
GU, Guernsey:
Oleg/RL5D is going to pay Guernsey (EU-114, zone 14) a visit for
the contest and operate as GU3HFN on all bands. QSL via bureau.
HC, Ecuador:
Members of the Quito Radio Club will be active in the contest as
JT, Mongolia:
WV6E will be operating together as JT5DX. QSL via JT1CO (d).
KH0, Mariana Islands:
The Mariana Intrepid Contest Club (Rocky/HL1VAU, Han/DS2GOO,
Ville/OH1JD, Jussi-Pekka/OH6RX, and Esa/OH7WV) is going to put
Tinian Island (OC-086, USi NI-003S, WLOTA 3108, Zone 27, WW Loc.
QK24tx) on the air in the contest with the call AH0K. QSL via
OH6GDX (d/B), LoTW, ClubLog.
KH2, Guam:
Seiichiro/JJ2CJB plans to join the contest as AC2AI/KH2 from Guam
(OC-026, zone 27). QSL via JJ2CJB (d/B), LoTW.
KH2, Guam:
AH2R from Guam (OC-026, zone 27) will be operated by JI3ERV,
KH6, Hawaii:
James/N6TJ will be active in the contest as KH7M. QSL via KH6ZM.
KH6, Hawaii:
Members of the Coconut Wireless Contest Club (AH7C, JH1ECG, JH1BUO,
JE1FQV, JA1NRH, JL1IEO, and K2WR) will be using the call KH7CW from
Oahu (zone 31, WW Loc. BL11bj). QSL via K2WR.
OE, Austria:
OE500ML will be active on Oct. 31, marking Luther and the
Reformation. QRV on 160m to 13cm. QSL cards will be sent out
automagically via the bureau.
P2, Papua New Guinea:
Roly/ZL1BQD remains active as P29RR until Nov. 6. QSL via ZL1BQD
P4, Aruba:
Andrew/AE6Y will be active in the contest as P49Y on all bands. QSL
via AE6Y, LoTW.
PJ2, Curacao:
Uli/DL8OBQ, Heiko/DK3DM, John/N4RV, Stephano/PT2IC, and Louis/DO9EE
will be working the contest together as PJ2T from Curacao (SA-099,
zone 9). QSL via W3HNK.
PJ4, Bonaire:
David/NA2AA, Noah/K2NG, Giuseppe/IT9HBT, Sal/IW9FRA,
Gianfranco/IT9SPB, and Gabry/IT9RGY will be the operators behind
PJ4G in the contest. QSL via WA2HNA, LoTW.
T8, Palau:
Tetsuya/JA7XBG will be active from Koror Island (OC-009) between
the 27th and 31st. QRV on HF as T88GA and as T8ED during the
contest. QSL via JA7XBG (d), LoTW.
TI, Costa Rica:
A team of the Northeast Tarrant County Amateur Radio Club
(Phillip/K5SGE, James/W5AP, und Randall/WA0D) is currently on the
air signing TI7/homecalls until Oct. 30. QRV on HF on CW, SSB, and
digital modes. QSL via homecalls.
TK, Corsica:
Salvatore/IK8UND is going to participate in the contest with the
call TK9R from Ajaccio (EU-014, zone 15) on all bands. QSL via
V3, Belize:
Victor/WB0TEV will be active again as V31VP from the 27th to 31st,
including the contest on all bands. QSL via WB0TEV (d/B), ClubLog.
V3, Belize:
Doug/WB5TKI is currently active holiday-style as V31WB. QRV on
20-10m on SSB, CW, and FT8 until Oct. 28. QSL via WB5TKI.
V4, St. Kitts and Nevis:
Felipe/NP4Z plans to operate the contest as V43Z from St.
Christopher Island (NA-104, zone 8). QSL via NP4Z.
V5, Namibia:
Tev/TA1HZ is going to pay Namibia a visit for the contest and
operate as V51/TA1HZ from the Swakopmund Beach Hotel (zone 38, WW
Loc. JO77gh). QRV between the 26th and 30th on 80-10m. QSL via
VE, Canada:
Paul/VE2PGI, Sebastien/VE2GTZ, and Raphael/VE2CVI will be providing
contacts with CQ zone 2 in the contest under the call VA2ZM. QSL
via VE2PGI.
VP2M, Montserrat:
George/K2DM and Dennis/N0SMX will be active as VP2MDG from
Montserrat (NA-103, zone 8) during the contest. Before and after
they will also use VP2MMX on 160-10m. QSL for VP2MDG via K2DM (d),
VP2MMX via N0SMX (d).
VP5, Turks and Caicos Islands:
Operators Irwin/KD3TB, Andrew/KD3RF, Zev/N2WKS, and Sheldon/WA2UBK
from the Frankford Radio Club will be operating the contest as
VP5W. QSL via KD3TB, LoTW.
VR2, Hong Kong:
The FUN Amateur Radio Club is going to participate in the contest
as VR20FUN from Hong Kong (AS-006, Zone 24). Operators are
Huang/BD7IS, David/VR2YDC, Farid/VR2UNG, Lap/VR2UP, Eric/VR2ZRE,
and Dawood/VR2XNG. QSL via VR2FUN.
YB, Indonesia:
YE2A from zone 28 will be run by YB0ARJ, YB1ALL, YD1SDL, YB2DX,
ZC4, Cyprus SBA:
Adrian/G0KOM plans to operate the contest as ZC4MK from Avdimou
Beach. QRV from the 27th to 31st. QSL via G0KOM, ClubLog OQRS,
ZF, Cayman Islands:
Stan/K5GO will be active in the contest as ZF9CW from the Cayman
Islands (NA-016, zone 8) on all bands. QSL via K5GO (d), LoTW.
Previously mentioned activities concerning the CQ WW DX SSB Contest
in our DXNL include:
DXNL 2063: 6Y4V, A25A, E44WE, C6ARW, PJ4Q, VK9CZ, ZF2ZE.
Carl Smith (N4AA) Silent Key:
Bernie/W3UR informed the DX community about Carl's passing. N4AA,
77 years old, was a ham for 63 years and well known for his work in
the ARRL and for CQ Magazine. Carl was inducted into the CQ DX Hall
of Fame in 2012. His first and only DXpedition took him to the
Bahamas in 2009 (C6AAA).
E51AND - QRT on Rarotonga:
On Oct. 28 Andy/E51AND will have to take down his station and move
to a new location. Requests for QSL cards should be put into the
mail before Nov. 1. He will announce his new adress once he has
moved with his family to a new QTH (not before February 2018).
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
AB All Band
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
HP High Power
IOTA Islands on the Air
LoTW Logbook of the World
LP Low Power
SB Online QSL Request System
SO Single Band
USi Single OP
WCA United States Islands Awards
WLOTA World Castles Award
WRTC World Lighthouse On The Air Award
Upcoming Contests:
28./29.10. CQ WW DX SSB Contest
25.10. UKEICC 80m Contest
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (iota@dxhf.darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AF-111P; EL, Liberia group: Rich/EL2BG, Dick/EL2DT, Jeremy/EI5GM,
David/EI9FBB, and Col/MM0NDX plan to activate Baiyah Island from
Oct. 31 to Nov. 4. QRV as 5L3BI on HF (CW, SSB). QSL via M0OXO,
ClubLog. https://af111new.com/
NA-015; CO/KG4, Cuba: CO0CB is going to commemorate Columbus's
arrival on Cuba 525 years ago. QRV between Oct. 26 and Nov. 1 on
80-10m on CW, SSB, and digital modes. QSL via CO8NDZ (d), LoTW.
Lighthouse Activities
Lighthouse Phare de Colombi:
Members of the Radio Club Djelfa (7X2VFK) plan to activate this
lighthouse from the 25th until the 29th as 7Y9C.
WWFF Activities
CW: 28044 24894 21044 18084 14044 10124 7024 3544 kHz
SSB: 28444 24944 21244 18144 14244 7144 3744 kHz
Naturschutzgebiet "Reissinsel" - DLFF-0475:
Wolfgang/DK4WN and Frank/DL6FH are planning the first activation of
this reference for Oct. 31 (0630z to 0930z) with the call DL0NV.
QSL via DL0NV (d/B).
start - end DX DXNL
01.10. - 31.01. 3G18PAX 2063
01.10. - 31.01. 3G1PAX 2063
28.10. - 29.10. 3V8SS 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. 4L0A 2064*
22.10. - 31.10. 4S7AYG 2063
25.10. - 01.11. 4S7BHG 2064*
23.10. - 31.10. 4S7KLG 2064*
31.10. - 04.11. 5L3BI 2064*
01.01. - 31.12. 5P90EDR 2021
- 02/2018 5T2AI 1977
01.10. - 30.09.19 5Z4/DL2RMC 2008
- 12/2018 6W1SU 2012
21.10. - 31.10. 6Y4E 2063
21.10. - 31.10. 6Y4F 2063
21.10. - 31.10. 6Y4J 2063
21.10. - 31.10. 6Y4V 2063
16.10. - 28.10. 7P8AO 2063
25.10. - 29.10. 7Y9C 2064*
01.01. - 20.01.18 8J1RL 2021
01.04. - 31.03.18 8J1YAC 2035
01.06. - 31.05.18 8J1ZIU 2055
01.04. - 31.10. 8J2016Y 2034
01.06. - 31.03.18 8J2Y 2047
01.06. - 31.12. 8J2YAF 2043
01.01. - 20.01.18 8J60JARE 2021
04.06. - 28.02.18 8N0IIDA 2045
01.04. - 31.03.18 8N3H70Y 2041
01.08. - 05.11. 8N4KJ 2052
03.06. - 31.12. 8N4KL 2046
01.04. - 31.03.18 8N60JLRS 2036
28.10. - 29.10. 8P1W 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. 8P5A 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. 8P50B 2064*
17.10. - 25.10. 8P9KZ 2062
17.10. - 25.10. 8P9RN 2062
17.10. - 25.10. 8P9SL 2062
28.10. - 29.10. 9K2K 2064*
01.12. - 12/2018 9M2MRS 2024
- 10/2019 9Q6BB 2012
- 30.12. 9X0JW 2004
20.10. - 05.11. A25A 2063
14.01. - 31.12. A31MM 1973
28.10. - 29.10. AC2AI/KH2 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. AH0K 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. AH2R 2064*
06.10. - 28.10. AT1FI 2062
06.10. - 28.10. AT2FI 2062
06.10. - 28.10. AT3FI 2062
06.10. - 28.10. AT4FI 2062
28.10. - 29.10. B9K 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. BW/JL3RDC 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. BW/JN3MXT 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. BW/JP3PZG 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. C4A 2064*
23.10. - 01.11. C6ARW 2063
28.10. - 29.10. CN2AA 2064*
26.10. - 01.11. CO0CB 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. CR3Z 2064*
23.10. - 10.11. CT8/DJ7ZG 2063
23.10. - 10.11. CT8/DL7AFS 2063
28.10. - 29.10. D4P 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. D4Z 2064*
09.01. - 31.12. DB20ENERGY 2025
01.01. - 31.12. DC500LS 2023
01.01. - 31.12. DK60HERTEN 2022
28.10. - 29.10. DL/4X1DX 2064*
31.10. - DL0NV 2064*
01.01. - 31.12. DL1250BRET 2022
01.01. - 31.12. DL40MFR 2026
01.01. - 31.12. DL500ML 2023
20.12. - 19.12. DL60NEU 2022
01.05. - 30.04.18 DL60TELF 2038
01.03. - 31.12. DM1517L 2030
- 28.02.18 DM200LFS 2035
01.01. - 31.12. DM5LUTHER 2023
- 02/2018 DP0GVN 2015
01.01. - 31.12. DQ200WESER 2023
01.01. - 31.12. DQ70PEINE 2021
01.01. - 31.12. DR0HARZ 2024/2030
01.01. - 31.12. DR1517LU 2021
01.01. - 31.12. DR25MDK 2021
01.01. - 31.12. DR500MLE 2023
01.01. - 31.12. DR5LUTHER 2023
01.02. - 31.12. DR60PAS 2031
01.01. - 31.12. DR60SAL 2021
01.01. - 31.12. DR60VKL 2021
01.09. - 31.12. DU3/W6QT 2056
18.10. - 29.10. E44WE 2063
01.04. - 31.12. E770BAB 2044
28.10. - 29.10. ED8W 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. EF9R 2064*
01.01. - 31.12. EI11WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI22WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI33WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI44WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI55WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI66WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI77WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI88WAW 2021
21.10. - 01.11. EI8GQB 2063
01.01. - 31.12. EI99WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EM500L 2023
27.01. - 31.12. EN90IWA 2029
26.05. - 30.10. EN90QDG 2044
28.10. - 29.10. ES9C 2064*
17.10. - 06.11. FG4KH 2062
28.10. - 29.10. GU3HFN 2064*
01.10. - 31.10. GX4BJC/a 2060
01.01. - 31.12. H2017PFO 2026
18.10. - 27.11. H44MS 2063
01.10. - 31.10. HA500M 2062
01.10. - 31.10. HA500R 2062
01.10. - 31.10. HA500T 2062
01.07. - 30.06.18 HA60FMV 2048
01.01. - 31.12. HB600NVF 2036
28.10. - 29.10. HC0E 2064*
01.08. - 31.10. HC8/G8OFQ 2051
15.08. - 08/18 HF700LUB 2054
01.10. - 31.10. HG500A 2062
01.10. - 31.10. HG500E 2062
01.10. - 31.10. HG500H 2062
01.10. - 31.10. HG500I 2062
01.10. - 31.10. HG500L 2062
01.10. - 31.10. HG500N 2062
01.10. - 31.10. HG500PRO 2062
01.10. - 31.10. HG500R 2062
01.10. - 31.10. HG500REF 2062
01.10. - 31.10. HG500T 2062
01.10. - 31.10. HG500U 2062
- 06/18 HK3JCL 2060
- 2017 HL2/F4AAR 1837
01.07. - 31.12. II2FIST 2047
10.10. - 27.01.18 II4GV 2061
- 31.12.19 J28ND 2035
- 01.09.19 J28PJ 2004
15.10. - 15.12. JG8NQJ/JD1 2062
28.10. - 29.10. JT5DX 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. KH7CW 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. KH7M 2064*
- 2016/17 KH9/KJ6GHN 1885
01.01. - 31.12. LA1742K 2032
01.01. - 31.12. LM80Q 2021
01.01. - 31.12. LM80REX 2021
01.10. - 31.10 LZ251MKP 2060
01.01. - 31.12. LZ45YE 2023
01.01. - 31.12. LZ73TRC 2023
01.10. - 31.10. MX1SWL/a 2060
31.10. - OE500ML 2064*
01.01. - 31.12. OF100FI/x 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OH100FIN 2021
04/17 - 11/17 OK1DLA/p 2034
19.04. - 31.12. OM500R 2038
01.08. - 31.12. OM50SPSEKE 2051
01.01. - 31.12. OM685RADOLA 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OP17HC 2021
16.10. - 15.11. OP36CLM 2062
01.01. - 31.12.19 OU0POLIO 1919
01.01. - 31.12. OV90EDR 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OX90EDR 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OZ100DVI 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OZ1AARHUS 2029
01.01. - 31.12. OZ44C 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OZ7D 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OZ90EDR 2021
20.10. - 06.11. P29RR 2064*
23.10. - 31.10. P40W 2063
28.10. - 29.10. P49Y 2064*
01.08. - 28.11. PA50LELY 2051
01.09. - 31.10. PE44FF 2056
01.01. - 31.12. PG400TH 2023
28.10. - 29.10. PJ2T 2064*
23.10. - 01.11. PJ4/G3XTT 2063
23.10. - 01.11. PJ4/W4PA 2063
28.10. - 29.10. PJ4G 2064*
23.10. - 01.11. PJ4Q 2063
01.10. - 31.10. PS14BIS 2060
22.10. - 27.10. PY0FW 2063
27.09. - 27.10 R80ORL 2060
04/17 - 03/18 RI1ANO 2034
21.10. - 25.10. S21ZDC 2063
- 31.12. S5100LIONS 2035
01.01. - 31.12. S557E 2021
20.10. - 01.11. S79KB 2063
06.07. - 31.12. SC40VIC 2049
01.04. - 31.12. SC90SM 2036
01.05. - 31.12. SN100F 2039
01.07. - 31.12. SN250A 2047
01.06. - 30.04.18 SN5PSK 2044
01.06. - 30.11. SP660K 2046
03.10. - 30.10. SV5/DK7TX 2060
21.10. - 28.10. T2AR 2063
28.10. - 29.10. T8ED 2064*
27.10. - 31.10. T88GA 2064*
20.10. - 20.11. TC10A 2063
20.10. - 20.11. TC10E 2063
20.10. - 20.11. TC10F 2063
20.10. - 20.11. TC10K 2063
20.10. - 20.11. TC10L 2063
20.10. - 20.11. TC10M 2063
20.10. - 20.11. TC10R 2063
20.10. - 20.11. TC10S 2063
20.10. - 20.11. TC10T 2063
20.10. - 20.11. TC10U 2063
21.10. - 30.10. TI7/K5SGE 2064*
21.10. - 30.10. TI7/W5AP 2064*
21.10. - 30.10. TI7/WA0D 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. TK9R 2064*
01.01. - 31.12. TM17PGM 2022
28.10. - 29.10. TO5A 2064*
18.09. - TR8CA 1902
- 2018 TY2CD 1914
- 10/2018 TY2SN 1957
27.09. - 27.10 UE80O 2060
27.09. - 27.10 UE80OL 2060
27.10. - 31.10. V31VP 2064*
21.10. - 28.10. V31WB 2064*
01.02. - V31YB 2026
28.10. - 29.10. V43Z 2064*
15.10. - 07.11. V47JA 2062
26.10. - 30.10. V5/TA1HZ 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. VA2ZM 2064*
24.10. - 07.11. VK9CZ 2063
28.10. - 29.10. VP2MDG 2064*
28.10. - 29.10. VP5W 2064*
- 04/2018 VP8DPJ 2014
01.07. - 30.06.18 VR20.... 2047
28.10. - 29.10. VR20FUN 2064*
17.10. - 10.11. VY0ERC 2063
01.02. - 31.12. XM1150CAN 2029
- 31.12. XO1X 2033
29.09. - 30.10. XT2AW 2060
01.10. - 2018 XV9JM 2061
28.10. - 29.10. YE2A 2064*
01.01. - 31.12. YV50ARV 2023
01.10. - 31.12. Z370M 2062
27.10. - 31.10. ZC4MK 2064*
23.10. - 29.10. ZF2ZE 2063
28.10. - 29.10. ZF9CW 2064*
05/17 - 05/2020 ZL7DX 2040
05/17 - 05/2020 ZL7QT 2040
- 05/2018 ZS8Z 2017
11.10. - 31.10. ZV40MS 2063
* = new or updated
.. = and other calls
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Просмотров: 953 |
Добавил: radioclubodessa
| Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |