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19:24 DXNL 2068 - November 22, 2017 DX Newsletter |
DXNL 2068 - November 22, 2017
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxnl@dxhf.darc.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
CQ World Wide DX Contest:
The upcoming weekend will see this year's CQ World Wide CW DX
Contest, one of the largest operating events in the amateur radio
calendar. Most of the items in this DXNL concern operations in and
around the contest. Good luck to all participants!
3B9, Rodriguez Island:
Olof/G0CKV will be active holiday-style from Rodriguez Island
(AF-017, zone 39) between Nov. 23 and Dec. 12. QRV as 3B9HA on HF,
with a focus on CW, low bands, and some FT8. QSL via M0OXO, LoTW.
3V, Tunisia:
Ash/KF5EYY will be active again in the contest as 3V8SS on all
bands. QSL via LX1NO, LoTW.
4S, Sri Lanka:
Takayuki/JI1SHQ moved permanently to Sri Lanka in June and is now
operating with the call 4S7TNG. QRV mainly on 30 and 20m (CW). QSL
via JI1SHQ (B).
5T, Mauritania:
Fawaz/A92AA and Obaid/A61M will be active as 5T1A and 5T1R
respectively from Nov. 20 until Dec. 20. Together with Ahmad/5T2AI
they are going to activate Tidra Island (AF-050) between Dec. 1 and
7 as 5T5TI. QSL for 5T1A and 5T1R via A92AA.
6W, Senegal:
David/VE9CB is going to participate in the contest as 6W1SU (zone
35) on all bands. QSL via M0URX.
8P, Barbados:
Dean/8P6SH will be active in the contest on 20m with the callsign
8P50B from Barbados (NA-021, WW Loc. GK03, zone 08). QSL via KU9C
(d), LoTW.
9M6,8; East Malaysia:
Saty/JE1JKL will be operating the contest from Labuan Island
(OC-133, WW Loc. OJ85, zone 28) as 9M6NA on all bands. QSL via
LoTW. http://jsfc.org/je1jkl/9m6na.html
9Y, Trinidad and Tobago:
Nikola/VE3EY returns to Trinidad and Tobago (zone 9) for the
contest. QRV as 9Y4/VE3EY on all bands. QSL via VE3EY.
A3, Tonga:
Hiro/JA6WFM plans to end his current stay on Tonga (OC-049, zone
32) after the contest. During the event he will be active on 15m as
A31MM. QSL via EA5GL, LoTW.
CT3, Madeira Island:
Jose/CT1BOH is going to operate as CR3OO for a serious contest
effort from Madeira (AF-014, zone 33) on all bands. QSL via LoTW.
CT3, Madeira Island:
Serge/R7KW and Oleg/YL3JM will be active from Madeira signing
CT9/homecalls between the 21st and 26th. During the contest they
are going to use CT9/R7KW together. QSL via K2PF, ClubLog OQRS.
CU, Azores:
Oliver/W6NV will be active in the contest as CR2M. QRV before on
160m as CT8/W6NV. QSL via LoTW.
CU, Azores:
Alan/K0AV is going to pay the Graciosa Island DX Station a visit
for the contest. QRV before the weekend as CT8/K0AV (also on 60m)
and during the contest as CU4DX. QSL for CU4DX via LoTW.
D4, Cape Verde:
Zoli/HA5PP will be active as D4P in the contest. QSL via LoTW.
EA, Spain:
AM1SAR draws attention to the 25th anniversary of Spain's sea
rescue service between the 24th and 26th. QSL via EA1HLH (d/B).
EA, Spain:
The Mike Delta Victor Dx Group celebrates its 25th anniversary on
the air with the call AM3MDV between Nov. 20 and 26. An award will
be available as well. QSL via LoTW and eQSL.
EA8, Canary Islands:
A large team (K1LZ, RA1A, RW1A, RW7K, RN1AM, E7DX, YO8TTT, YO9GZU,
YO9WF, K3JO, 9A5K, and S55M) will get together on the Canary
Islands for the contest as ED8X. QSL via RN3RQ.
EU, Belarus:
The special event call EV135KK commemorates the birthdays of the
authors Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas who were both born 135 years
ago. QSL via EU1EU (d), LoTW, eQSL.
F, France:
Members of the Radio Club de Provins (F6KOP) will be active in the
contest as TM1A. The team consists of Larry/F5PBM, Francis/F5QF,
Xavier/F5NTZ, Eric/F5PZR, Serge/F6DZS, Maurice/F5IYU,
Antoine/F5RAB, and Maurice/F5NQL. QSL via F5GSJ (d), bureau, LoTW,
FG, Guadeloupe:
Oliver/F6ARC is currently active as FG/F6ARC until Nov. 29. He
focuses on the low bands, and during the contest plans to work
single band on 15m. QSL via FE11DX (d/B), LoTW, eQSL.
FK, New Caledonia:
Masa/JR3RIU operates holiday-style as FK/JR3RIU between the 24th
and 26th and also in the contest on 40-10m. QSL via homecall (d),
FY, French Guiana:
Hartwig/DL7BC will be operating as FY/DL7BC and FY/DL7BC/p between
Nov. 26 and Dec. 7 while helping his friend Bruno/DH1BL setting up
antennas. QSL via h/c (d/B), ClubLog, LoTW.
FY, French Guiana:
Didier/FY5FY will be active in the contest on 20m single band. QSL
via homecall.
GU, Guernsey:
Oleg/RL5D is going to put Guernsey (EU-114, zone 14) on the air on
all bands during the contest as GU3FHN. QSL via bureau.
HR, Honduras:
Dennis/W1UE, Paul/K1XM, and Charlotte/KQ1F will be operating the
contest as HQ9X from Roatan Island (NA-057, zone 7). QRV before
signing HR9/homecalls. QSL via KQ1F.
KH6, Hawaii:
Jim/N6TJ will be active in the contest as KH7M (zone 31) on all
bands. QSL via KH6ZM.
OE, Austria:
Andy/OE1ZZZ and HB9RB will be active in the contest as 4U1A. QSL
via UA3DX. http://www.cqdx.ru/4u1a/
P4, Aruba:
P40L, operated by Robert/N5KO, Michael/N7MH, John/W6LD, and
Ed/W0YK will be active in the contest from Aruba (SA-036, zone 9)
on all bands. QSL via WA3FRP. http://www.arubaqth.com/
PY0F, Fernando de Noronha:
Leo/PP1CZ, Julio/PP2BT, Fabio/PY1ZV, and Renner/PY7RP are joining
forces for the contest under the callsign PS0F from Fernando de
Noronha Island (SA-003, WW Loc. HI36sd, zone 11). QSL via PY7RP
(d), ClubLog, LoTW.
PY0F, Fernando de Noronha:
Fabio/PP5BZ will be active in the contest as PX0F. QSL via PP5BZ
PZ, Suriname:
Members of the Voodoo Contest Group are currently active until the
29th (also during the contest) as PZ5V from Suriname (zone 9). Ops
are Ned/AA7A, John/G4IRN, Lee/KY7M, and Ray/G4FON. QSL via M0URX.
S7, Seychelles:
Martin/G4XUM operates as S79K from Mahe Island (AF-024, zone 39) on
all bands between the 22nd and 29th with a focus on the contest.
QSL via G3NKC.
SU, Egypt:
Nacho/EA1AK hopes for a good result in the contest as SU9JG from
zone 34. He plans to operate 15m single band. QSL via EA5GL (d),
T8, Palau:
Noboru/JH1OLB will operate as T88DT from the VIP Guest Hotel on
Koror Island (OC-009, WW Loc. PJ77fi) from November 23 to 29 on HF
in SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV and JT65A.. QSL via JH1OLB (d/B),
TI, Costa Rica: Chris/KL9A will operate the CQ WW DX CW Contest
from Costa Rica (Zone 7) as TI7W in the SOAB HP category. QSL via
V2, Antigua and Barbuda:
Bud/AA3B will be on Antigua (NA-100, Zone 8) from November 22 - 27
and operate as V26K, mostly CW with a little RTTY. He'll be in the
SOAB LP category during the contest. QSL via AA3B (d/B), ClubLog
V3, Belize:
Uwe/DG8NCO will be on a EME DXpedition to Belize from November 26
to December 10. His callsign for this first ever EME activity from
Belize will be V31EME. QRV on 2m and 70cm. QSL via DG8NCO (d/B).
V4, St. Kitts and Nevis:
Andy/N2NT, Dan/K1TO and Tom/N9NC will take part in the contest as
V47T in the M/2 category from St. Kitts (Zone 8). QSL via W2RQ.
V6, Micronesia:
Sho/JA7HMZ uses the callsigns V63DX and V6A (in the contest) from
Pohnpei Island (OC-010, Zone 27) during his stay from November 24
to Devember 1. QSL via JA7HMZ (d).
VP9, Bermuda:
Anthony/VE3RZ will be QRV as VE3RZ/VP9 from Bermuda (Zone 9) in the
CQWW CW, operating in the SOAB LP category. Before the contest he
will focus on the lowbands (CW, FT8, RTTY). QSL via M0URX.
VU, India:
The special event station AU2JCB (OP Datta/VU2DSI) will remember
the scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose, born on November 30, 1858,
from November 23 to December 11. Activities will take place on 80m,
40m, 20m, 15m and 10m on SSB. QSL via VU2DSI (d).
YB, Indonesia:
YE3AA, YB4IR, YB2TX and YD1SDL/2) will take part in the CQWW from
Indonesia (Zone 28) as YE2C in the M/2 category. QSL via LoTW.
ZP, Paraguay:
Manu/ZP9MCE will join the contest in the SOAB LP category from
Paraguay (Zone 11). QSL via EA5ZD.
CQWW CW activities from previous issues:
DXMB 2067: 5X1NH, 5X8B, 9G5W, P40W, PJ4E, PJ4I, TK0C, TO2SP, TO5W,
Other stuff:
5L3BI Baiyah Island AF-111NEW:
Col/MM0NDX published an interesting report of the failed attempt to
activate AF-111 (5L3BI), available on the GDXF website:
3W, Vietnam:
Tom/KC0W reports that his activities as 3W9CW came to an end after
a few QSOs due to technical difficulties.
XX9, Macao:
Bom/XX9LT, Leo/PP1CZ, Junior/PR7AB, Claudio/PY2MC, Alex/PY2SEX,
Alex/ PY2WAS, Miguel/PY3MM, Fernando/PY4BZ, Herminio/PY5HSD,
Beto/PY6RT and Jim/PY7XC are planning a DXpedition to Macao
(AS-075, WW Loc. OL62sd) from March 9 to 17, 2018, with three
stations. Callsign to be announced. QSL via PP1CZ.
C8, Mozambique:
The "Lions DX Team" will travel to Mozambique in early May next
year. The team consisting of Kurt/ON8KW (DXpedition leader),
Roger/ON7TQ, Bruno/CS7ABG, Paulo/CU2CO, Emil/DL8JJ, Ron/ON1DX,
Philippe/ON4ACP, Marc/ON4AMX, Erik/ ON4CCV, Oliver/ON4EI,
Herman/ON4QX, Ivo/ON5CD, Cis/ON6LY and Franky/ON7RU will be on the
air with the callsign C8T. https://mozambique2018.wordpress.com/
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
AB All Band
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
DFCF Diplome des Forts et Chateaux de France
HP High Power
IOTA Islands on the Air
JCG Japan Century Guns
JIIA Japanese IOTA Islands Award
LoTW Logbook of the World
LP Low Power
Multi Online QSL Request System
OQRS Single Band
SB Single OP
SO World Castles Award
WCA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WLOTA World Radiosport Team Championship
WRTC World Wide Flora & Fauna
Upcoming Contests:
25./26.11. CQ WW DX CW Contest
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (iota@dxhf.darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AS-024; JA6, Yaeyama Islands: Takayoshi/JA7GAX will sign JA7GAX/6
from November 23 to 28 from Kuro Island (JIIA 47-141, WW Loc.
PL14XF, JAFF-0011, JCG 47005) on CW. QSL via JA7GAX (d/B).
AS-079; JA6, Miyako Islands: Take/JI3DST will be QRV as JI3DST/6
and JS6RRR from Miyako Island between November 23 and 28, on SSB,
CW, RTTY and JT65. QSL for JS6RRR via JS6RRR, for JI3DST/6 via
NA-078; XE, Baja California Sur State South West group:
Manuel/XE2IC, Felix/XE2I, Saul/XE2HQI and Antonio/XE2HVF will bring
Magdalena island on the air as XF1IM, between November 25 and
December 3. QSL via XE2IC (d).
WWFF Activities
CW: 28044 24894 21044 18084 14044 10124 7024 3544 kHz
SSB: 28444 24944 21244 18144 14244 7144 3744 kHz
Ensemble de zones humides du Nord du Beaufortain - FFF-1786:
Jean-Marie/F5NLX will sign /P from Ugine (FFF-1786, DFCF 73-194,
WCA 06411, WW Loc. JN35fr) on November 22 (07:30 - 10:30 UTC). QSL
via F5NLX (d/B).
Landschaftsschutzgebiet Ottakring - OEFF-0667:
Gregor/OE1GOA will be QRV from Landschaftsschutzgebiet Ottakring
(OEFF-0667) on November 24 between 09:00 and 13:00 UTC as OE1GOA/1,
working on 40m, 20m and possibly 80m (SSB/CW). QSL via OE1GOA
(d/B), LoTW.
start - end DX DXNL
23.11. - 12.12. 3B9HA 2068*
17.11. - 30.11. 3W9CW 2067
01.11. - 30.11. 3XY3D/p 2065
01.11. - 25.03.18 4S7KKG 2065
25.11. - 26.11. 4U1A 2068*
05.11. - 05.12. 5H3DX 2065
12.11. - 25.11. 5K0T 2066
21.11. - 28.11. 5K1B 2067
01.01. - 31.12. 5P90EDR 2021
20.11. - 20.12. 5T1A 2068*
20.11. - 20.12. 5T1R 2068*
- 02/2018 5T2AI 1977
20.11. - 30.11. 5X1NH 2067
15.11. - 01.12. 5X8B 2067
01.10. - 30.09.19 5Z4/DL2RMC 2008
- 12/2018 6W1SU 2012
01.11. - 30.11. 7S50AW 2065
01.01. - 20.01.18 8J1RL 2021
01.04. - 31.03.18 8J1YAC 2035
01.06. - 31.05.18 8J1ZIU 2055
01.06. - 31.03.18 8J2Y 2047
01.06. - 31.12. 8J2YAF 2043
01.01. - 20.01.18 8J60JARE 2021
04.06. - 28.02.18 8N0IIDA 2045
01.04. - 31.03.18 8N3H70Y 2041
03.06. - 31.12. 8N4KL 2046
01.04. - 31.03.18 8N60JLRS 2036
25.11. - 26.11. 8P50B 2068*
20.11. - 29.11. 9G5W 2067
01.12. - 12/2018 9M2MRS 2024
25.11. - 26.11. 9M6NA 2068*
- 10/2019 9Q6BB 2012
- 30.12. 9X0JW 2004
15.11. - 30.11. 9X2AW 2067
22.11. - 27.11. 9Y4/VE3EY 2068*
14.01. - 31.12. A31MM 1973
21.11. - 28.11. AD4ES/PJ4 2067
24.11. - 26.11. AM1SAR 2068*
20.11. - 26.11. AM3MDV 2068*
23.11. - 11.12. AU2JCB 2068*
25.11. - 26.11. CR2M 2068*
25.11. - 26.11. CR3OO 2068*
21.11. - 26.11. CT9/R7KW 2068*
21.11. - 26.11. CT9/YL3JM 2068*
25.11. - 26.11. CU4DX 2068*
25.11. - 26.11. D4P 2068*
09.01. - 31.12. DB20ENERGY 2025
01.01. - 31.12. DC500LS 2023
01.01. - 31.12. DK60HERTEN 2022
01.01. - 31.12. DL1250BRET 2022
01.01. - 31.12. DL40MFR 2026
01.01. - 31.12. DL500ML 2023
20.12. - 19.12. DL60NEU 2022
01.05. - 30.04.18 DL60TELF 2038
01.03. - 31.12. DM1517L 2030
- 28.02.18 DM200LFS 2035
01.01. - 31.12. DM5LUTHER 2023
- 02/2018 DP0GVN 2015
01.01. - 31.12. DQ200WESER 2023
01.01. - 31.12. DQ70PEINE 2021
01.01. - 31.12. DR0HARZ 2024/2030
01.01. - 31.12. DR1517LU 2021
01.01. - 31.12. DR25MDK 2021
01.01. - 31.12. DR500MLE 2023
01.01. - 31.12. DR5LUTHER 2023
01.02. - 31.12. DR60PAS 2031
01.01. - 31.12. DR60SAL 2021
01.01. - 31.12. DR60VKL 2021
16.11. - 23.11. DU1/SP5APW 2067
01.09. - 31.12. DU3/W6QT 2056
21.11. - 29.11. DU9/R4WAA 2067
21.11. - 29.11. DU9/RZ3FW 2067
01.04. - 31.12. E770BAB 2044
25.11. - 26.11. ED8X 2068*
01.01. - 31.12. EI11WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI22WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI33WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI44WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI55WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI66WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI77WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI88WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EI99WAW 2021
01.01. - 31.12. EM500L 2023
27.01. - 31.12. EN90IWA 2029
17.11. - 30.11. EV135KK 2068*
22.11. - F5NLX/p 2068*
15.11. - 29.11. FG/F6ARC 2068*
24.11. - 26.11. FK/JR3RIU 2068*
26.11. - 07.12. FY/DL7BC 2068*
25.11. - 26.11. FY5FY 2068*
25.11. - 26.11. GU3HFN 2068*
01.11. - 30.11. GX4BJC/a 2065
01.01. - 31.12. H2017PFO 2026
18.10. - 27.11. H44MS 2063
01.07. - 30.06.18 HA60FMV 2048
01.01. - 31.12. HB600NVF 2036
15.08. - 08/18 HF700LUB 2054
- 06/18 HK3JCL 2060
- 2017 HL2/F4AAR 1837
25.11. - 26.11. HQ9X 2068*
11.11. - 27.11. HR/W1UE 2066
01.07. - 31.12. II2FIST 2047
10.10. - 27.01.18 II4GV 2061
01.11. - 30.11. IP5LV 2065
- 31.12.19 J28ND 2035
- 01.09.19 J28PJ 2004
13.11. - 26.11. J5T 2066
23.11. - 28.11. JA7GAX/6 2068*
15.10. - 15.12. JG8NQJ/JD1 2062
23.11. - 28.11. JI3DST/6 2068*
23.11. - 28.11. JS6RRR 2068*
21.11. - 28.11. K9ES/PJ4 2067
21.11. - 05.12. K9VV/KP2 2067
21.11. - 05.12. K9ZO/KP2 2067
25.11. - 26.11. KH7M 2068*
- 2016/17 KH9/KJ6GHN 1885
21.11. - 05.12. KK9K/KP2 2067
01.01. - 31.12. LA1742K 2032
01.01. - 31.12. LM80Q 2021
01.01. - 31.12. LM80REX 2021
01.01. - 31.12. LZ45YE 2023
01.01. - 31.12. LZ73TRC 2023
01.11. - 30.11. LZ307MU 2065
01.11. - 30.11. MS1SWL/a 2065
21.11. - 05.12. NE9U/KP2 2067
24.11. - OE1GOA/1 2068*
01.01. - 31.12. OF100FI/x 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OH100FIN 2021
04/17 - 11/17 OK1DLA/p 2034
19.04. - 31.12. OM500R 2038
01.08. - 31.12. OM50SPSEKE 2051
01.01. - 31.12. OM685RADOLA 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OP17HC 2021
01.01. - 31.12.19 OU0POLIO 1919
01.01. - 31.12. OV90EDR 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OX90EDR 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OZ100DVI 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OZ1AARHUS 2029
01.01. - 31.12. OZ44C 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OZ7D 2021
01.01. - 31.12. OZ90EDR 2021
25.11. - 26.11. P40L 2068*
20.11. - 28.11. P40W 2067
01.11. - 28.11. PA25ZWN 2065
01.08. - 28.11. PA50LELY 2051
01.01. - 31.12. PG400TH 2023
09.11. - 29.11. PJ4/DH8BQA 2066
09.11. - 29.11. PJ4/DL5CW 2066
09.11. - 29.11. PJ4/DL5LYM 2066
25.11. - 26.11. PJ4E 2067
25.11. - 26.11. PJ4I 2067
25.11. - 26.11. PS0F 2068*
25.11. - 26.11. PX0F 2068*
19.11. - 28.11. PZ5V 2068*
04/17 - 03/18 RI1ANO 2034
- 31.12. S5100LIONS 2035
01.01. - 31.12. S557E 2021
22.11. - 29.11. S79K 2068*
06.07. - 31.12. SC40VIC 2049
01.04. - 31.12. SC90SM 2036
01.05. - 31.12. SN100F 2039
01.11. - 30.11. SN145BRAIL 2065
01.07. - 31.12. SN250A 2047
01.06. - 30.04.18 SN5PSK 2044
01.06. - 30.11. SP660K 2046
25.11. - 26.11. SU9JG 2068*
23.11. - 29.11. T88DT 2068*
01.11. - 14.01.18 TC630MECCA 2065
25.11. - 26.11. TI7W 2068*
25.11. - 26.11. TK0C 2067
25.11. - 26.11. TM1A 2068*
01.01. - 31.12. TM17PGM 2022
16.11. - 30.11. TO2SP 2067
21.11. - 28.11. TO5W 2067
18.09. - TR8CA 1902
- 2018 TY2CD 1914
- 10/2018 TY2SN 1957
22.11. - 27.11. V26K 2068*
26.11. - 10.12. V31EME 2068*
01.02. - V31YB 2026
18.11. - 30.11. V34AO 2067
25.11. - 26.11. V47T 2068*
25.11. - 26.11. V6A 2068*
24.11. - 01.12. V63DX 2068*
21.11. - 28.11. VE2IM 2067
25.11. - 26.11. VE3RZ/VP9 2068*
21.11. - 02.12. VP2EHC 2067
21.11. - 02.12. VP2ESM 2067
- 04/2018 VP8DPJ 2014
15.11. - 25.11. VP8JLL 2067
01.07. - 30.06.18 VR20.... 2047
17.11. - 25.11. W9N 2067
25.11. - 03.12. XF1IM 2068*
01.02. - 31.12. XM1150CAN 2029
- 31.12. XO1X 2033
01.10. - 2018 XV9JM 2061
25.11. - 26.11. YE2C 2068*
21.11. - 29.11. YN2CC 2067
01.01. - 31.12. YV50ARV 2023
01.10. - 31.12. Z370M 2062
20.11. - 28.11. ZF2MJ 2067
05/17 - 05/2020 ZL7DX 2040
05/17 - 05/2020 ZL7QT 2040
25.11. - 26.11. ZP9MCE 2068*
- 05/2018 ZS8Z 2017
* = new or updated
.. = and other calls
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