Главная » 2018 » Сентябрь » 12 » DXNL 2110 - September 12, 2018
19:22 DXNL 2110 - September 12, 2018 |
DXNL 2110 - September 12, 2018
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxnl@dxhf.darc.de)
3DA, Swaziland:
Pista/HA5AO plans to be QRV from the "Mountain Inn Resort" in
Mbabane between September 16 and 28 on 80 - 10m (CW/RTTY/FT8). QSL
via HA5AO. https://www.ha5ao.com/
7Q, Malawi:
Alex/IW5ELA is travelling through Malawi from September 17 to 26
and will be on the air as 7Q7ELA with a vertical antenna and FT857,
mostly CW. QSL via IW5ELA, ClubLog. Automatic QSLs via bureau.
8Q, Maldives:
Christian/OE3DEC will be on vacation on the Maldives (AS-013)
from September 14 to 23 and expects to be QRV as 8Q7EC,
with a focus on 20m SSB. QSL via OE3DEC (d/B).
EA6, Balearic Islands:
Andrew/G8GNI will be on Mallorca (EU-004) from September 8 to 21
and get on the air as EA6/G8GNI on the HF bands (FT8, RTTY, PSK and
Olivia) in "holiday style". QSL via G8GNI, LoTW, eQSL and ClubLog.
G, England:
Members of the "Bury Radio Society and East Lancashire Railway"
(Dave/M0LMN and Mo/M0TXK) will use the callsign GB0FS "Railway
Mobile" on September 15 on board of the "Flying Scotsman". QSL via
M0LMN (d/B).
HR, Honduras:
The 60th anniversary of the "Radio Club de Honduras" will be
celebrated on September 15/16 with a special activity of the club
station HR2RCH from San Pedro Sula on HF (SSB, PSK31, RTTY, FT8)
and VHF/UHF via satellite. QSL via HR2RCH (d/B), eQSL.
HZ, Saudi Arabia:
The 88th national day of Saudi Arabia will be celebrated on
September 23. Members of the Saudi Amateur Radio Society (HZ8SAR)
will use the special callsigns 7Z88ND, 8Z88ND and HZ88ND on this
occasion from September 16 to 30. QSL via HZ1BF.
J6, St. Lucia:
Bill/K9HZ will stay on St. Lucia (NA-108) until September 17 on HF
(CW/SSB/RTTY) and operate as J68HZ. QSL via K9HZ (d), LoTW.
KH0, Mariana Island:
Harry/JG7PSJ will sign WH0RU from Saipan (OC-086) from September 12
to 18 on 40 - 10m (CW/SSB/RTTY). QSL via JG7PSJ (d), LoTW.
T32, East Kiribati:
From September 12 to October 2, look for Uli/DL2AH as T32AH from
Kiritimati Island (OC-024) on 80-10m (SSB/RTTY/FT8) in holiday
style. QSL via DL2AH (d).
T7, San Marino:
Members of the "Radioamateurs Association of the Republic of San
Marino" will be QRV from the three towers of San Marino on
September 15/16: T71A from Torre Guaita, T71B from Torre Cesta and
T71C from Torre del Montale. Activities are planned on
40/20/15/10m. QSL via T70A. http://www.arrsm.org/
V2, Antigua and Barbuda:
Bud/AA3B is once again QRV from Antigua (NA-100) as V26K, until
September 17. QSL via ClubLog OQRS, AA3B (d/B) and LoTW.
Other stuff:
Special Award "70 Years WAE":
The special callsign DJ70WAE was very active over the last few
weeks. It counts as a joker for the 70th jubilee edition of the
Worked All Europe award. Details on QRZ.com.
XT2BR - QSL-Manager (correction):
The correct QSL manager for XT2BR is F8FUA (d/B).
DX Feile 2018:
The EIDX Group's annual meeting will take place on Aran Island on
September 14/15. Besides an interesting programme the participants
will get on the air as EJ0DXG! More information at
FR, Reunion Island:
Stephan/DL9HAL will travel to Reunion in October and hopes to be
Czechoslovakia Centenary Award:
During the month of October, the special stations OL100A, OL100C,
OL100E, OL100N, OL100R, OL100S, OL100T and OL100Y plus OL100RCS and
OM100CSR will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Czechoslovakia. A
special award will be available; see the website for details:
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
GIOTA Greek Islands On The Air
IOTA Islands on the Air
LoTW Logbook of the World
MIA Mediterranean Sea Island Award
OQRS Online QSL Request System
WCA World Castles Award
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC World Radiosport Team Championship
Upcoming Contests:
15./16.09. New Hamshire QSO Party
15.09. Thueringen-Contest
15./16.09. Iowa QSO Party
15./16.09. Scandinavian Activity Contest
15./16.09. Washington QSO Party
15./16.09. New Jersey QSO Party
16.09. BARTG RTTY Sprint 75
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (iota@dxhf.darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AS-073; 9M2, Kelantan/ Terengganu State group: Members of the
"Kuala Lumpur DX Teams" will activate Redang Island as 9M4IOTA from
September 15 to 17. QSL direct with SAE and $3.
AS-162; 3W: South China Sea Coast North group: Jacek/SP5APW will stay in
Vietnam from September 15 to 27 and will be QRV as 3W9JK/p from
Cham-Island until September 22, and then as 3W9JK from Hoi An.
QRV on 20m - 6m (SSB). QSL via SP5APW (d/B) or ClubLog OQRS.
EU-006; EI/EJ, Aran Islands: Members of the "EIDX Group" will sign
EJ0DXG from September 13 to 16 from Inishmore Island (WW Loc. IO53)
on HF/6m. QSL via M0OXO.
EU-066; R1O, Solovetskiye Islands: Dima/UA1OLM remains active as
RK1OWA/p until the end of September during his free time on
Solovetsky Island (40, 30 and 20m - CW). QSL via RZ1OA.
EU-067; SV, Kyklades (Cyclades): Heli/DD0VR will be QRV as
SV8/DD0VR from the Island of Ios (GIOTA SAS-097, MIA MG-043) from
September 14 to 17 and then hop to Naxos Island (GIOTA SAS-077,
WLOTA 4712, MIA MG-075) until September 21. He's running QRP on SSB
and CW. QSL via DD0VR (d/B).
EU-171; OZ, Jylland North group: Maarten/PD2R (OV2T), Jan/PA7JWC
(5Q7DX), Wino/PA0ABM and Sven/PA1SVM (OZ/PA1SVM) will be active
from Vendsyssel-Thy between September 14 and 21 on HF and 6m
(CW/SSB). QSL via Homecall (d/B), LoTW.
OC-123; A3, Niufo'Ou Island: Eberhard/DL7JLL will sign A35JLL from
Niuafo'Ou Island from September 14 to 19 on 40 - 10m with a KX3
(QRP) and a Kelemen Antenna. QSL via DL7JLL (d/B).
* QSLs received direct: YW6X (SA-090)
* QSL via LoTW:
3B8/PA3BAG, 4S7VG, 9A90P, BH4DQS, CU3EQ, D73G, LZ1146SPS, OJ0C,
Thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL:
QRZ DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, DxCoffee, DX World, VA3RJ,
KB8NW & OPDX-Bulletin, AD1C, DF6EX (fuer WIN-QSL), DJ5AV, DJ9ZB,
DK8JB, DL1BAH, DL1SBF, DL7MAE, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, Islands On
The Air, NG3K & ADXO, OE2IKN, OK1RR, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, W3UR &
The Daily DX u.a.
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