Главная » 2018 » Октябрь » 31 » DXNL 2117 - October 31, 2018
22:00 DXNL 2117 - October 31, 2018 |
DXNL 2117 - October 31, 2018
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxnl@dxhf.darc.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
4S, Sri Lanka:
Once more, Peter/DC0KK will spend the winter months on Sri Lanka.
QRV between Oct. 31 and April 2 next year as 4S7KKG from Moragalla
(AS-003, WW Loc. MJ96xk). QSL via DC0KK (d/B), ClubLog OQRS, LoTW.
5R, Madagascar:
Andy/OE7AJH and Tomas/OE7KUT will be active holiday-style as 5R8UP
from Madagascar (AF-013, WLOTA 2455) between Nov. 3 and 13 on
40-10m (CW, SSB), 80m depending on conditions. QSL via OE7AJH
5Z, Kenya:
5Z4/WA5A (Scott) remains active from Ruaka until Nov. 7 on 40, 20,
and 17m. QSL via WA5A.
8P, Barbados:
Manfred/DK1BT, Wolf/DL4WK, Anette/ DL6SAK, Sigi/DL7DF,
Frank/DL7UFR, and Jan/SP3CYY will be operating as 8P9AE from Nov. 6
to 20. QRV with three rigs on 160-10m on CW, SSB, and digital
modes. QSL via DL7DF (d/B). http://www.dl7df.com/8p9/
DL, Germany:
German members of the European DX Foundation are celebrating the
club's anniversary with the call DL32EUDXF during November. QSL via
ClubLog OQRS or via DJ8NK.
G, England:
GB100ARM commemorates the armistice at the end of World War I
throughout November. QSL via G0TOC (d), bureau.
I, Italy:
The ARI section Fidenza (IQ4FE) honours Joseph Henry as their
milestone in radio history during November with the callsign
I, Italy:
Special event station 4U73B marks the founding of the United
Nations 73 years ago. The call is operated by the Amateur Radio
Club 4U1GSC. QSL via 9A2AA, ClubLog.
I, Italy:
Between Nov. 3 and the end of the year, IY1EY from Loano
commemorates Marconi's experiments conducted from aboard his yacht
"Elettra". QSL via IK1QBT (d/B). www.ariloano.it
J6, St. Lucia:
Gerd/DL7VOG returns to St. Lucia (NA-108) from Nov. 3 to 25. QRV as
J68GU on HF (RTTY, FT8), and during the WAE RTTY and CQ WW DX CW
contests. QSL via DL7VOG (d/B).
LZ, Bulgaria:
The Bulgarian Radio Club Blagovestnik (LZ1KCP) continues to honour
the memory of Bulgarian saints during November with the callsign
LZ33MM. QSL via bureau, LZ1KCP (d). http://www.lz1kcp.com/
OE, Austria:
Jo/OE4VIE celebrates EUDXF's 32nd anniversary with the call
OE32EUDXF between Nov. 1 and 17. QSL via bureau, LoTW, eQSL.
PA, Netherlands:
EUDXF's members from the Netherlands are joining in with special
event calls PA...PI32EUDXF. QSL via PA1AW.
VK, Australia:
The Wireless Institute of Australia and Australian amateurs are
commemorating the end of World War I with the special callsigns
VI100PEACE, VI2...9PEACE, and VI2...6LWF from the 3rd to 11th of
November. For more information see qrz.com.
VK9C, Cocos Keeling Islands:
Michael/DF8AN operates as VK9CH from Cocos Keeling (OC-003) between
Nov. 6 and 9. QRV on 160-6m on CW, RTTY, digital modes, and FT 8
(DXped. mode). QSL via DF8AN (d/B).
VK9X, Christmas Island:
Prior to Cocos Keeling and afterwards, Michael/DF8AN will be active
from Christmas Island (OC-002). QRV as VK9XQ from Nov. 3 to 6 and
Nov. 9 to 17 on 160-6m (CW, RTTY, digital modes, FT8). QSL via
DF8AN (d/B).
VP9, Bermuda:
Paul/VP9KF operates from Bermuda (NA-005, WW Loc. FM72pi) between
Oct. 31 and Nov. 14. QRV on 160-10m (CW only). QSL via W4/VP9KF
(d). http://vp9kf.com/
XT, Burkina Faso:
Harald/DF2WO will be back on the air as XT2AW with a focus on 160m
during November. QSL via M0OXO.
YL, Latvia:
YL100K, YL100L, YL100R, YL100V, and YL100Z are celebrating Latvia's
independence centennial. QRV from Nov.1 to 18. An award is also
available. QSL via ClubLog OQRS, LoTW. http://www.lral.lv/yl100/
Z6, Republic of Kosovo:
Jeremy/EI5GM and Dave/EI9FBB will be signing Z6/homecalls from
Kosovo between Oct. 30 and Nov. 5 on HF (CW, SSB). QSL for Z6/EI5GM
via M0OXO, Z6/EI9FBB via EI9FBB.
Other stuff:
32 Years of EUDXF:
The European DX Foundation, founded to support DXpeditions,
celebrates its anniversary with special event callsigns from many
different countries. http://www.eudxf.eu/
Erratum: The correct QSL route for OX3LX (see DXNL 2115) is via
OZ0J (d/B), ClubLog OQRS, LoTW.
YS, El Salvador:
Tom/KC0W plans an operation as YS1/KC0W for February 16 to 22 next
year (CW only).
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
CIsA Canadian Islands Awards
EUDXF European DX Foundation
IOTA Islands on the Air
LoTW Logbook of the World
OQRS Online QSL Request System
WCA World Castles Award
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC World Radiosport Team Championship
Upcoming Contests:
01.11. Holzhammer Contest
01.11. NRAU 10m Activity Contest
03.11. IPA Radio Club Contest
03./04.11. Ukrainian DX Contest
04.11. IPA Radio Club Contest
04.11. HSC CW-Contest
05.-11.11. VFDB Aktivitaetstage
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (iota@dxhf.darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AF-090; 5R, Madagascar's Coastal Islands East: Eric/F6ICX activates
Sainte Marie Island from Nov. 5 until February 2019. QRV
holiday-style as 5R8IC on CW, some RTTY, PSK, and SSB. QSL via
F6ICX (d/B), LoTW.
AF-111P; EL, Liberia group: Eric/EL2EF, Col/MM0NDX, and Jonathan/
MM0OKG plan to activate Telengbe Island for the first time from
Nov. 5 to 9 as EL2EL/4 with three rigs on 40, 30, 20, and 17m (FT8,
SSB). QSL via M0SDV (d/B), ClubLog, LoTW. https://af111newiota.com/
AS-173; VU, Tamil Nadu State group: A group headed by VU3NPI will
be active from Pamban Island (WLOTA 3132) on Nov. 3 and 4. QRV as
AT4DK on 80-10m on CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL info to be announced on
the air.
NA-077; VE2, Quebec Province (Anticosti Island) group: Eric/VA2IDX
plans to operate as VA2IDX/p between Nov. 2 and 7 from Anticosti
Island (CIsA QC001, WLOTA 0042, WW Loc. FN89) with a QRP rig on 40
and 20m (SSB, maybe CW). QSL via VA2IDX (d/B), eQSL.
OC-144; YB, Bangka and Belitung Islands: Watch out for
Burkhard/DL3KZA operating from Belitung Island (WLOTA 1378) between
Oct. 31 and Nov. 11 on 20m (SSB) during the local evening hours.
QSL via DL3KZA (d/B).
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