Главная » 2019 » Март » 6 » DXNL 2135 - March 6, 2019 DX Newsletter
18:02 DXNL 2135 - March 6, 2019 DX Newsletter |
DXNL 2135 - March 6, 2019
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
3B8, Mauritius:
Nigel/G3TXF plans to participate in the Commonwealth Contest (March
9/10) as 3B8XF from Mauritius (AF-049). QSL via ClubLog OQRS.
3W, Vietnam:
Wolfgang/DL5MAE remains active as 3W2MAE from Phan Thiet until
March 8 on 80 to 6m (CW, SSB). QSL via DL5MAE.
6W, Senegal:
Jean-Louis/F5NHJ continues to sign 6W7/F5NHJ until the 13th on HF,
mostly on FT8. QSL via LoTW and ClubLog.
7P, Lesotho:
Rune/LA7THA, Harald/ LB2HG, Chris/OE5CWO, Phillipp/OE7PGI, Arne/
LA7WCA, Piotr/LA7RRA, Svein/LA3BO, Svein/LA9KKA, and Thor/LA9VPA
will be active as 7P8LB between the 8th and 16th from Molengoane
Lodge (WW Loc. KG30vo). They plan to set up 2 to 3 rigs for HF
(SSB, CW, FT8), with a focus on FT8 work on the lowbands. QSL via
M0OXO, ClubLog. http://www.la9vpa.com/7p8lb/index.html
9G, Ghana:
A team, led by Dov/4Z4DX and Haim/9G5AF, is going to operate from
Ghana between March 9 and 20 with the callsign 9G2DX. They plan to
activate 3 different locations on HF (CW, SSB, FT8). One is a beach
location near Accra, where the focus will be on 160-30m; other
locations are the WWFF references Shai Hills Resource Reserve
(9GFF-0007) and Kakum (9GFF-0004). QSL via M0OXO, ClubLog.
CT3, Madeira Island:
Rosel/DL3KWR and Hardy/DL3KWF will be back on the air from Madeira
(AF-014). QRV between March 8 and April 3 as CT9/DL3KWR and
CT9/DL3KWF on HF, including 60m, on CW and FT8. QSL via homecalls,
eQSL, LoTW. http://www.dl3kwr.de/
E5, North and South Cook Islands:
Rainer/DL1AUZ and Dagmar/DM7PQ are going to activate the following
islands holiday-style as E51AUZ and E51NPQ:
March 09-11: Rarotonga (OC-013)
March 13-25: Manihiki (OC-014)
March 27-31: Aitutaki (OC-083)
April 02-11: Rarotonga (OC-013)
QSL via homecalls (d/B).
FO, French Polynesia:
Karel/OK2ZI will be active as FO/OK2ZI between the 6th and 12th
from Tahiti (OC-046) on 40-10m (CW, SSB, digital modes, FT8). QSL
via ClubLog OQRS, LoTW, OK2ZI (d/B). http://www.ok2zi.cz/exped.php
KG4, Guantanamo Bay:
Karl/KP2L and Clifton/N4SIA are going to operate from Guantanamo
Bay (NA-015) as KG4SC and KG4AS. QRV from the 6th to 13th on HF on
CW, SSB, FT8, and other digital modes. QSL via homecalls (d), KG4AS
also via ClubLog.
PJ7, St. Maarten:
John/W3FSA remains active holiday-style until March 19 as PJ7/W3FSA
on 40, 30, and 20m on CW with a QRP rig. QSL via W3FSA.
Other stuff:
IOTA Honour Roll and Annual Listing 2019:
Find the IOTA Honour Roll 2019 and Annual Listing 2019 here:
FR, Reunion Island:
A Croatian team consisting of 9A2AA, 9A2NA, 9A3CJW, 9A3EME, 9A3MR,
9A7Y, and 9A8RA plans to operate as TO19A from Reunion between
April 27 and May 8 with a focus on the low bands.
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
DICE Diploma Islas de Chile
IOTA Islands on the Air
LoTW Logbook of the World
OQRS Online QSL Request System
WCA World Castles Award
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC World Radiosport Team Championship
Upcoming Contests:
06.03. UKEICC 80m Contest
08.03. Intern. YL-Aktivitaet zum
09.03. DIG QSO Party
09.03. AGCW-DL QRP Contest
09./10.03. FIRAC Contest
09./10.03. RSGB Commonwealth Contest
09./10.03. Oklahoma QSO Party
09./10.03. Stew Perry Topband Distance
09./10.03. EA PSK63 Contest
09./10.03. Tesla Memorial HF CW
09./10.03. Idaho QSO Party
10.03. DIG QSO Party
10.03. UBA Spring Contest
10./11.03. Wisconsin QSO Party
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (dk5on@darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AS-157; 3W, South China Sea Coast Centre group: Jacek/SP5APW
operates from Phu Quy Island between the 10th and 16th as XV9JK on
20 and 17m (SSB), and 30 & 40m (FT8). QSL via SP5APW (d/B),
NA-001; C6, Great Bahama Bank group: Dom/M1KTA will be active from
Eleuthera between March 8 and 16 as C6AKT on 80, 40, 20, 15, and
10m (CW only), and during the Commonwealth Contest. QSL via CLubLog
OQRS, LoTW, M1KTA (d/B).
NA-016; ZF, Cayman Islands: Colin/G4CWH is going to pay the ZF1A
club station another visit and operate as ZF2CA between the 6th and
11th. QRV in the Commonwealth contest and before and after on
160-10m (CW, SSB). QSL via G4CWH (d/B).
NA-073; V3, Corozal/Belize District group: Iain/G4SGX plans to
participate in the Commonwealth Contest as V31GX and remains active
after it for two more days on the low bands (CW). QSL via G4SGX
(d/B), ClubLog OQRS, LoTW.
SA-005; CE0Z, Juan Fernandez Archipelago: Members of the Russian
Robinson Club (Vasily/R7AL, Vlad/RK8A, Aleksei/RL5F, Leo/RW9JZ,
Wlodek/SP6EQZ, and Marco/CE1TBN) activate Robinson Crusoe Island
(DICE ICE-004, WLOTA 0153, CEFF-0003, WW Loc. FF06ai) from March 9
until April 3. QRV as XR0ZRC on 160 to 10m (all modes) with 4 rigs.
QSL via ClubLog OQRS, R7AL. https://dxpedition.wixsite.com/xr0zrc
WWFF Activities
CW: 28044 24894 21044 18084 14044 10124 7024 3544 kHz
SSB: 28444 24944 21244 18144 14244 7144 3744 kHz
Spring Field Week by IG Hamspirit:
IG Hamspirit, a group of German amateurs, holds its Spring Field
Week from March 7 to 14 at the lake Dreetzsee. Ops are DL7AG,
DL7KM, DH2SN, DO5DGH, and other signing their homecalls /p from the
following WWFF references on HF (CW, SSB, FT8): DLFF-0057 - Nature
Park Feldberger Seenlandschaft DLFF-0129 - Nature Park
Uckermaerkische Seen The group also uses the callsign DL50AMSAT in
the context of satellite activities.
* QSLs received direct: EP6RRC (GDXF), RI0B, TX0M (OC-297)
* QSL cards received via bureau:
CE9/UA4WHX, KB8KB/VP9, TZ4RM (W0SA), V26K (AA3B), V47T (N2NT),
* QSL via LoTW:
Thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL:
QRZ DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, DxCoffee, DX World, VA3RJ,
KB8NW & OPDX-Bulletin, DF6EX (fuer WIN-QSL), 4Z4DX, DH2PC, DJ5AV,
DL7MAE, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, Islands On The Air, NG3K & ADXO,
OE2IKN, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, W3UR & The Daily DX u.a.
Free subscription DXMB / DXNL:
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