Главная » 2020 » Апрель » 22 » DXNL 2194 - April 22, 2020 DX Newsletter
09:08 DXNL 2194 - April 22, 2020 DX Newsletter |
DXNL 2194 - April 22, 2020
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
DU, Philippines:
Members of the Philippine Amateur Radio Association operate as
DX0STAYHOME during the present isolation measures. QSL via DX1PAR.
EA, Spain:
The special event callsigns AM95WARD, AM1WARD, AM2WARD, AM3WARD,
active on 160-10m until the end of April. An award is available as
well. QSL via EA4URE (d/B).
EA, Spain:
In parallel to the AMxWARD activity, all Spanish stations may use
an altered prefix up to April 30:
EA calls: AO + geogr. area + 95 + Suffix: AO595XA = EA5XA
EB calls: AM + geogr. area + 95 + Suffix: AM795DX = EB7DX
EC calls: AN + geogr. area + 95 + Suffix: AN595AHA = EC5AHA
G, England:
Chris/M0VWT and Adrian/M0PAI are paying tribute to key workers
during the Covid-19 pandemic with the callsigns GB4KW and GB9KW.
QRV until May 16 on HF (SSB, digital modes). QSL only via eQSL.
G, England:
Members of the Bury Radio Society urge everyone to "Wash Your
Hands" with GB9WYH until May 11 on SSB, FM, FT4, FT8, and CW.
HA, Hungary:
The following special event calls from Hungary will be active until
May 15: HG20ST, HG20AY, HG20AT, HG20HO, and HG20ME. An award is
also available for QSOs with these stations. QSL via bureau, LoTW.
HK, Columbia:
Lothar/DK8LRF has to extend his stay in Columbia and remains on the
air as HK3JCL, probably until the end of May.
OE, Austria:
The Documentary Archive for the History of Radio Communication and
Electronic Media runs the special event station OE20M to mark
Marconi's birthday between the 24th and 26th. QSL via OE1WHC (B) or
STAY AT HOME Special event callsigns:
In addition to those already mentioned, watch out also for the
following callsigns: 4J0STAYHOME, 4K0STAYHOME, 8C2WFH, CB3SH,
V8, Brunei Darussalam:
Members of the Brunei Darussalam Amateur Radio Association (BDARA)
celebrate the World Amateur Radio Day with the callsign V84SAR
until May 2 on HF (SSB, CW, digital modes). QSL via direct, see
VE, Canada:
XN1BOA, operated by members of the Grassroots HAM Radio Club,
commemorates the end of the Battle of the Atlantic 75 years ago.
QRV between April 25 and May 15 from Saint Johns / Newfoundland
VK, Australia:
The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) celebrates its 110th
anniversary and the World Amateur Radio Day with the following
callsigns during the next 6 months: VK1WIA, VK2WIA, VK3WIA, VK4WIA,
XU, Cambodia:
Tom/BG9XD remains active as XU7AMG from Phnom Penh until June 11.
QRV mostly on 40 and 20m (CW). QSL via ClubLog, direct via BD4HF.
Other stuff:
HAM RADIO 2020 cancelled:
Following the most recent restrictions instituted in Germany to
curtail the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ham Radio 2020 exhibition has
now been cancelled. The exhibition cooperation and Germany's
amateur radio organisation DARC are planning a virtual exhibition
were new products and talks may be presented on a website.
36th International Amateur Radio Meeting in Gosau a. Dachstein cancelled:
This event, scheduled for July 3 to 5, has been cancelled as well.
At present, it remains to be seen if the usual Autumn Fieldday (2nd
weekend in September) may take place as usual. (Ingo - OE2IKN &
Elfie - OE6YFE)
Kosa Dvukh Pilotov Island - R207RRC:
The R207RRC team logged more than 8300 QSOs between the 4th and
11th of April. The log has now been uploaded to CLubLog and the
request service for QSL cards is active.
CE0, Easter Island:
Hans-Martin/DK2HM plans to pay Easter Island a visit from Aug. 27
to Sept. 7 and operate as XR0YHM on 80-10m (SSB, digital modes).
QSL via DK2HM (d/B), ClubLog OQRS, LoTW, eQSL.
OA, Peru:
Yuri/N3QQ has plans to sign OA7/N3QQ from Machu Picchu between Aug.
6 and 12.
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
BARTG British Amateur Radio Teledata Group
BDARA Brunei Darussalam Amateur Radio Association
IOTA Islands on the Air
LoTW Logbook of the World
OQRS Online QSL Request System
WCA World Castles Award
WIA Wireless Institute of Australia
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC World Radiosport Team Championship
Upcoming Contests:
25.04. Nord-Contest
25./26.04. SP DX RTTY Contest
25./26.04. Helvetia Contest
26.04. BARTG Sprint 75
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (dk5on@darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AN-016; various, Antarctica: Alexander/RX3ABI has reached Mirny
Base and is now active as RI1ANM (40 and 20m) until early 2021. QSL
via RX3ABI (d/B).
EU-115; EI/GI/MI, Ireland: GB1SOS pays tribute to all medical
personnel (QRV until May 11). Peter/G4XEX operates GB4SAH (Stay at
Home) until April 30.
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