Главная » 2020 » Май » 27 » DXNL 2199 - May 27, 2020
21:09 DXNL 2199 - May 27, 2020 |
DXNL 2199 - May 27, 2020
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
4L, Georgia:
Vaho/4L8A plans to take part in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest on 20m.
QSL via M0OXO and LoTW.
8P, Barbados:
Charles/8P6ET takes part in the WPX contest as 8P1W from Barbados
(NA-021). QSL via KU9C.
BY, China:
Watch also out for BI4WXD, operated by BD4SS, BD4TS, BI4SCC, BA4TB,
BH4TVU, and BH4QBV in the WPX contest. QSL via BI4SCC.
G, England:
GB2CDK honours the 150th anniversary of Charles Dickens's death (9
June 1870). QRV from June 1 to 12 on HF.
GM, Scotland:
GB2OL takes part in the SOS Radio Week from the Orkney Islands
(EU-009, IOSA OR01) and operates between May 23 and June 19 to
support the charity fund drive for the Longhope Lifeboat. QRV on HF
on CW, SSB, PSK, and FT8. QSL via GM0WED (d).
HI, Dominican Republic:
HI3Y honours the memory of Edwin Nunez/HI3K during the WPX contest.
QSL via LoTW.
I, Italy:
The ARI Fidenza Club (IQ4FE) puts a number of special event
callsigns on the air during 2020 to commemorate the life and
achievements of Guglielmo Marconi. During June, II4REP refers to
the sinking of RMS Republic, the first time a distress signal was
transmitted. An award will be available as well. QSL via IQ4FE.
JT, Mongolia:
JU85UIA celebrates the founding of the University of Internal
Affairs 85 years ago. Operators throughout 2020 are JT1CH, JT1BZ,
JT1BU, JT1DR, JV1A, and JT1BV. QSL via JT1CH (d).
KP4, Puerto Rico:
Alfredo/WP3C and Carlos/KP4EJ are going to operate the WPX contest
together as KP4EJ. QSL via direct.
LY, Lithuania:
Rolandas/LY5AA plans to join the WPX contest on 160m as LY88A. QSL
via LY5AA (d).
LZ, Bulgaria:
The Bulgarian Radio Club Blagovestnik (LZ1KCP) continues to honour
the memory of Orthodox saints during June with the callsign
LZ734PA. QSOs count towards the All Saints - 2020 award. QSL via
bureau, LZ1KCP (d). http://www.lz1kcp.com/
VE, Canada:
Jean/VE2JCW will be using the special event callsign VE2SPEED
during June to refer to the Montreal Grand Prix, although the event
is cancelled. QSL via VE2JCW (d).
ZF, Cayman Islands:
William/KO7SS operates the WPX contest as ZF2SS. QSL via LoTW.
ZL, New Zealand:
Holger/ZL3IO will be active as ZM4T in the WPX contest; and
Jacky/ZL3CW as ZM1A. QSL for ZM4T via ZL3IO (d), LoTW, ClubLog
ISWL Activity:
During June 2020, Arthur/G0KOC will be active as M1SWL7MX1SWL (WAB
TQ62). QSL via M5DIK (d/B), eQSL. http://www.iswl.org.uk/
STAY AT HOME Special Event Stations:
In addition to those already mentioned in previous editions of
DXNL, watch out also for the following callsigns: CB3SH, GB9WFH,
Other stuff:
IOTA and LoTW - QSO Matching:
Islands On The Air (IOTA) Ltd. reports on its website that QSO
matching of LoTW confirmations for IOTA awards is now possible
since May 21.
Nodir/EY8MM has a new QSL manager. Cards are now handled by W0VTT
(d/B) and LoTW.
Sajjad/EP6DSP, active since March 2020, has now found Russ/WA3FRP
as his QSL manager. Requests are handled via bureau and direct.
KL7RRC/p - Kiska Island (NA-070):
Members of the Russian Robinson Club are planning IOTA activations
from Alaska during September:
* Sept. 02: Arriving in Adak/Alaska
* Sept. 04: Travel to nach Kiska Island (NA-070)
* Sept. 05-10: QRV from Kiska Island (NA-070)
* Sept. 11-18: QRV from Adak (NA-039)
* Sept. 19: Departure
The team consists of Rob/NN7QT, Yuri/UA9OBA, Vyacheslav/OK8AU,
and Yuri/N3QQ. Tim/NL8F and Alexey/NW7M may possibly join the team
as well. The group plans to operate on HF on CW, SSB, and FT8.
QSL via N7RO. https://www.na-234.com/
FP, St. Pierre and Miquelon:
Eric/KV1J has postponed his activation of Miquelon Island (NA-032,
WW Loc. GN17, DIFO FP-002, WLOTA 1417), which was scheduled for
July. He now plans to visit the island from Sept. 22 until Oct. 6.
QRV as FP/KV1J on 80 to 6m on SSB, RTTY (including the CQ WW RTTY
Contest), FT8, FT4, and some CW. QSL via KV1J (d/B), LoTW, eQSL.
7Q, Malawi:
Pista/HA5AO has put his plans to operate from Malawi as 7Q7AO
during September/October on hold.
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
DIFO Diplome des Iles Francaises d'Outre Mer
IOSA Island of Scotland Award
IOTA Islands on the Air
LoTW Logbook of the World
OQRS Online QSL Request System
RRC Russian Robinson Club
USi United States Islands Awards
WAB Worked All Britain
WCA World Castles Award
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC World Radiosport Team Championship
Upcoming Contests:
30./31.05. CQ WW WPX Contest
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (dk5on@darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
NA-015; CO/KG4, Cuba: Kelly/NM7H remains active on 40-6m (CW, FT8)
as KG4NE, after his departure at the beginning of May was
cancelled. He now hopes to return home on May 28. QSL via NM7H
NA-085, W4, Florida State North West (Bay to Wakulla County) group:
Bruce/K5TEN will be operating from Dog Island (USi FL005S) again
between June 1 and 10. QRV as K4D on 40 and 20m (SSB, FT8). QSL via
K5TEN (d), LoTW, eQSL.
NA-158; KL, Kenai-Cook Inlet group: Brayden/KC1KUG activates Fire
Island from June 2 to 27 as KL7/KC1KUG. QRV mainly on 40 and 20m,
maybe also 30 and 17m, on SSB, CW, and FT8. QSL via KC1KUG (d).
Thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL:
QRZ DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, DX World, VA3RJ, KB8NW &
OPDX-Bulletin, DF6EX (fuer WIN-QSL), DJ5AV, DJ9ZB, DK8JB, DL1BAH,
DL1SBF, DL3FF, DL7MAE, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, Islands On The
Air, NG3K & ADXO, OE2IKN, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, W3UR & The Daily
DX u.a.
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