Главная » 2020 » Декабрь » 30 » DXNL 2230 - December 30, 2020
17:19 DXNL 2230 - December 30, 2020 |
DXNL 2230 - December 30, 2020
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
DXNL wishes all readers a happy and successful new year 2021.
5Z, Kenya:
Cato/LA9PF will be active between January and May as 5Z4/LA9PF from
Malindi on 80-10m (SSB, digital modes). QSL via eQSL; more
information on qrz.com.
CT, Portugal:
Valdemar/CT7AQD commemorates the 750th birthday of Queen Elizabeth
of Portugal throughout 2021 with the callsign CQ750RSI. QSL via
CT7AQD (d/B).
DL, Germany:
DB59FIRAC (special DOK 59FIRA) operates in the context of the 59th
International FIRAC congress in Germany. QRV throughout 2021; QSL
via bureau, ClubLog, eQSL. http://www.efa-dl.de/
DL, Germany:
Members of the DARC in Mainz (DOK K07) will be active with the
callsign DR165TESLA (special DOK 165NT) in 2021 to celebrate Nikola
Tesla's 165th birthday. QRV on all bands on CW, SSB, and digital
modes. QSL via ClubLog OQRS (peferred), DK8ZZ, LoTW. Sending cards
to them is not necessary.
DL, Germany:
The DARC club of Salzgitter-Lebenstedt celebrates its 60th
anniversary in 2021 with the callsign DR60SZL (special DOK 60H33).
QSL via bureau and DJ9PH (d).
DL, Germany:
The special event station DB100AVUS marks the opening of the
Automobile traffic and training road - AVUS in Berlin 100 years
ago. QRV until the end of 2021; QSL via bureau and DO2PZ (d).
DL, Germany:
The DARC club of Traunstein (DOK C16) celebrates its 70th
anniversary in 2021 with the callsign DL70TRS (special DOK 70C16).
QSL via bureau.
F, France:
Members of the Radio Club du Val D'Issole (F8KGH) will be active as
TM21HNY between Jan. 1 and 15 for a happy new year 2021. QSL via
F, France:
The special event station TM8AA commemorates the issue of the first
callsign in France (8AA in 1921). QRV from January until June 2021
on 80-6m. QSL via F5SLD (d), eQSL.
HB9, Switzerland:
HB40POLICE celebrates the 40th anniversary of the International
Police Association Radio Club (IPARC) during 2021 on HF, VHF, UHF,
SHF. QSL via bureau and eQSL.
I, Italy:
The ARI Fidenza Club (IQ4FE) issues an award "Elettra: The Miracle
Ship" in 2021, drawing attention to Marconi's yacht Elettra and its
significance in his radio experiments. During January, II4BLD
refers to the ship's construction and building in 1901-1904. QSL
via IQ4FE. http://www.arifidenza.it/
I, Italy:
The following special event stations celebrate the 160th
anniversary of the Italian navy in 2021: II0MMI, II1MMI, II2MMI,
IR9MMI. Several awards are available as well. For QSL information
and award rules see: http://www.assoradiomarinai.it/
LZ, Bulgaria:
The Bulgarian Radio Club Blagovestnik (LZ1KCP) continues to honour
the memory of Orthodox saints during January with the callsign
LZ21RH. QSOs count towards the new All Saints - 2021 award. QSL via
bureau, LZ1KCP (d). http://www.lz1kcp.com/
OE, Austria:
During 2021, OE100BL marks the formation of Burgenland, Austria's
easternmost state, 100 years ago. Individuals may also, upon
application, use callsigns in the form OE100xxx.
OH, Finland:
OH100SRAL celebrates the centennial of the Finnish Amateur Radio
League (SRAL) during 2021. QSL via bureau and LoTW.
RA, Russia:
The Miller DX Club invites everytone to their radio marathon
"Russian New Year - 2021" (see also DXNL 2229). Numerous special
event calls will be active until Jan. 14, among them: RN21NY,
RZ21NY, and R21HNY. QSL via RQ7L (d/B) and LoTW.
SM, Sweden:
Members of the Boraas Radioamatorer (SK6LK) celebrate the founding
of their city 400 years ago with the callsign SF400B during 2021.
QSL via bureau and LoTW. https://www.sf400b.se/
SM, Sweden:
The Kristianstad Radioamateur Club (SK7BQ) celebrates its 60th
anniversary on the air during 2021 with the callsign 7S60BQ. QRV on
160 to 23cm; this is the first callsign with the 7S60 prefix. QSL
via SM7BHM, ClubLog OQRS, LoTW. www.sk7bq.com/
SP, Poland:
The Klub Lacznosci Ligi Obrony Kraju (SP9KDU) celebrates its 65th
anniversary with the callsign SN65KDU until the end of February.
QSL via SP9KDU (d/B).
SP, Poland:
The SEDINA Contest Club commemorates Samuel Morse's 230th birthday
with the callsign SQ0MORSE until the end of April. Operators are
Waldemar/SP1DPA, Wies/SP1EG, Krzysztof/SP1MGM, Janek/SQ1PSA, and
Waldemar/SQ3PMX. QSL via SP1EG (d/B).
UR, Ukraine:
The club station UT7WZA (ex UK5WBG, UB4WZA) celebrates its 50th
anniversary with the callsign EN50WZA during January. QSL via
bureau, UT7WZA (d), LoTW.
ISWL Activities:
During January 2021, Peter/G0NQZ (WAB TQ50) operates as GX4BJC/a
and Merv/G0UJD (WAB SK56) as MX1SWL/a. QSL via M5DIK (d/B), eQSL.
DL9GFB, Franz Berndt - sk:
On Dec. 22, one day after his 68th birthday, Franz/DL9GFB passed
away. He was head of DARC's district Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. During
the last 25 years he was a team member of many DXpeditions, e.g.:
HB0/DL9GFB, C56/DL9GFB, C56R & C56M, 4S7FBG & 4S7WAG, ZD7F, VU7RG,
VU7SJ, 9N7AA, V73D, XX9D, HU1DL, Z66DX. For many years, Franz was
also part of the DX and Contesting Committee in the German amateur
radio club DARC.
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARI Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
DARC Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
DOK Distrikts-Ortsverbands-Kenner
FIRAC Federation Internationale des Radio Amateurs Cheminots
IOTA Islands on the Air
IPARC International Police Association Radio Club
LoTW Logbook of the World
OQRS Online QSL Request System
SRAL Finnish Amateur Radio League
WAB Worked All Britain
WCA World Castles Award
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC World Radiosport Team Championship
Upcoming Contests:
01.-07.01. Aktivitaetswoche Rheinland-
01.01. SARTG New Year RTTY
01.01. AGCW-DL Happy New Year
02.01. 070 Club PSK-Fest
02.01. Schwaben-Contest
02.01. RSGB AFS 80m & 40m
02./03.01. Original QRP Contest
02./03.01. ARRL RTTY Roundup
02./03.01. EUCW 160m Contest
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (dk5on@darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
No relevant announcements reached us for this edition of DXNL.
Thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL:
QRZ DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, DX World, DXNews.com, VA3RJ,
KB8NW & OPDX-Bulletin, DF6EX (fuer WIN-QSL), DJ5AV, DJ9ZB, DK8JB,
Nouvelles DX, Islands On The Air, NG3K & ADXO, OE2IKN, OM3JW &
IDXP, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, SM7BHM, W3UR & The Daily DX u.a.
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