Главная » 2021 » Апрель » 14 » DXNL 2245 - April 14, 2021 DX Newsletter
21:56 DXNL 2245 - April 14, 2021 DX Newsletter |
DXNL 2245 - April 14, 2021
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
4X, Israel:
Amateurs from Israel celebrate their country's 73rd anniversary of
independence with the prefixes 4X73 or 4Z73 between April 14 and
April 17 (22z). QSL via LoTW or per individual arrangements.
4X, Israel:
Ruben/4Z5FI and Jan/4X1VF will take part in the Holyland Contest as
4X73T from the rare Holyland Square L19BL (Dead Sea Area).
Concurrently, this will also be the first activation of the WWFF
reference 4XFF-0019. A special QSL card will be sent for all
A9, Bahrain:
Members of the Bahrain Amateur Radio Society (BARS) will be active
with the callsign A91WARD (IOTA-AS-002) between the 14th and 18th
to mark the World Amateur Radio Day. QSL via EC6DX.
DL, Germany:
The German DX Foundation (GDXF) celebrates its 25th anniversary
with the callsign DF0GDX (special DOK GDXF) since Feb. 1. During
May, June, and July they will also put DL25GDXF (special DOK
25GDXF) on the air. An award 25 Years GDXF is available as well.
QSL for the special calls go via the bureau.
F, France:
Members of the ISS Fan Club mark Yuri Gagarin's first flight into
space with the callsign TM60YURI until April 25. QSL via F1UJT
(d/B). https://issfanclub.eu/
G, England:
GB0DOE honours the memory of the recently deceased Prince Philip
(Duke of Edinburgh) until May. QSL voa GB0DOE (d/B).
G, England:
The Thurrock Acorns Amateur Radio Club joins the World Amateur
Radio Day on April 18 with the callsign GB6ARD. QSL only via eQSL.
HC, Ecuador:
HD1DX and HD2DX, operated by members of the Ecuador DX Club, will
be active for the World Amateur Radio Day. An award is available as
well. QSL via LoTW. https://ecuadordxclub.org/radioday/
I, Italy:
Loriano/IZ5RHU and the ARI section Grosseto commemorate the
Chernobyl disaster between April 18 ad May 9 as II5RCH on 80-2m
(CW, SSB, digital modes) and via satellite. QSL via IZ5RHU (d/B).
K, United States of America:
K1S from New Hampshire (birthplace of the first American in space)
operates until April 18 to commemorate Gagarin's spce flight. QSL
via WU3A.
LX, Luxembourg:
LX5WARD remains active until April 25 around the World Amateur
Radio Day. QRV on HF on CW, SSB, FT8/4. QSL via LX1JH (d/B), LoTW.
LZ, Bulgaria:
During April, Georgi/LZ2VP operates as LZ21DIG on HF. QSL via LZ2VP
PA, Netherlands:
PA21AGR operates in the context of the Amstel Gold Race for
professional bicyclists on April 18. During September, there will
be a similar event for amateur racers, also supported by PA21AGR.
PA, Netherlands:
Hans/PA0Q operates as PA96Q during April, celebrating the 96th
anniversary of IARU and the World Amateur Radio Day. QRV on 160-10m
on SSB and CW. QSL via PA0Q (d/B).
PA. Netherlands:
Alex/PA1AW and Bob/PB5X mark the World Amateur Radio Day as
PA96WARD and PB96WARD respectively. QSL for both calls via ClubLog
and PA1AW.
PJ2, Curacao:
Jeff/K8ND plans to operate as PJ"ND from the Signal Point contest
station between April 15 and May 3. QSL via K(ND (d), LoTW.
RA, Russia:
The Miller-DX-Club celebrates Gagarin's space flight with the
callsigns RA60YG-RZ60YG, R1994YU, R1996VK, R2014NC, RG21DS, RU21DS,
R60MCC, R60CTC, and R60YAG between April 12 and 25. The club also
issues several awards around their activity. QSL via RQ7L.
S7, Seychelles:
The Seychelles Amateur Radio Society puts S77SARA on the air for
the World Amateur Radio Day on the 18th (11z to 13z). Operators are
S79KW, S79RP, and S79VU.
SP, Poland:
Dionizy/SP6IEQ joins the World Amateur Radio Day celebrations with
the callsign 3Z0WARD during April. QSL via SP6IEQ (B), LoTW.
VE, Canada:
The following special event stations from Canada will be active on
Radio Amateurs of Canada). QSL via bureau and LoTW.
Other stuff:
Waldemar/SP7IDX, avid IOTA activator and designer of Hexbeam
antennas, passed away unexpectedly on April 4.
ON, Belgium:
Between April 18 (World Amateur Radio Day) and December 12 (first
transatlantic transmission by Marconi in 1901), Belgian stations
may use the prefix OS instead of ON.
CQMM DX Contest:
The following stations plan to take part in the CQMM DX Contest
(April 17/18):
* 3DA0AQ (QSL via EA5GL)
* 5Z4PA (QSL via M0URX)
* CP6UA (QSL direct, LoTW)
* EK6RL (QSL direct)
* FK8IK (QSL direct)
* HI3DX (QSL direct)
* NP2J (40m HP, QSL via K8RF)
* OA1F (LoTW, see qrz.com)
* OA4DX (QSL direct)
* TG9AOR (QSL via EC6DX)
* TG9ADM (QSL via EA5GL)
* ZZ1M (QSL via PY1SAD, LoTW, eQSL)
XE, Mexico:
4A2MAX plans to honour the memory of Maximilian Mary Kolbe (SP3RN)
during August. QSL via N5MEX (d), LoTW, ClubLog, eQSL.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Telegrafie (AGCW):
The German CW club Arbeitsgemeinschaft Telegrafie (AGCW) celebrates
its 50th anniversary with the callsigns DR50AGCW and DP50AGCW
(special DOK AGCW50). In addition, SN50AGCW, PA50AGCW, CR50AGCW,
YL50AGCW, and OE50AGCW will be active as well. https://www.agcw.de/
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
AGCW Arbeitsgemeinschaft Telegrafie
ARI Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
BARS Bahrain Amateur Radio Society
GDXF German DX Foundation
IOTA Islands on the Air
LoTW Logbook of the World
OQRS Online QSL Request System
SARA Seychelles Amateur Radio Society
WARD World Amateur Radio Day
WCA World Castles Award
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC World Radiosport Team Championship
Upcoming Contests:
14./15.04. CWT Mini Contest
16./17.04. Holyland Contest
17.04. ES Open Championship
17./18.04. YU DX Contest
17./18.04. CQ Manchester Mineira DX
17.04. PACCdigi Contest
18.04. Funk.Tag on the air Contest
19.04. OK1WC Memorial Contest
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (dk5on@darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AN-011; Various, Ross Island group: Mark/W5MED stays on the McMurdo
base on Ross Island until the end of October. He plans to operate
as KC4USV on April 17 (2330z-0230z) and April 18 (06z-08z, 21z-00z)
on 14243 kHz (SSB) and 14070 kHz (FT8). QSL via K7MT (d), LoTW.
AS-117, JA3,4,9; Honshu's Coastal Islands West: Kenji/JA4GXS plans
to activate Otsu Island on the 17th and 18th, signing JA4GXS/4 on
40, 30, and 20m on CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via homecall (d/B).
EU-123; GM/MM, Scottish Coastal Islands: Depending on weather and
sea conditions, Col/MM0NDX, Ross/ MM0OBT, and Jonathan/MM0OKG
activate Bass Rock on the 17th, maybe also on the 18th, as MS0INT.
QRV on 40, 30, and 20m on CW and SSB. QSL via EB7DX and LoTW.
* QSLs received direct: 6W/IV3FSG (IK2DUW), CO7MLS (IK2DUW), YB0MWM (IK2DUW)
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