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Главная » 2021 » Ноябрь » 10 » DXNL 2275 - November 10, 2021
DXNL 2275 - November 10, 2021
DXNL 2275 - November 10, 2021
                      DX Newsletter

                a free and weekly service of
                   DARC Committee "DX"

                Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
                (e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)

            translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO

4X, Israel:
     4X0KTN operates from the "Small Crater" (Holyland J-26-BS, WW Loc.
     KM07nw) as part of the Land of Craters programme from the 12th
     (10z) to 13th (14z) on HF and via QO-100 (CW, SSB, FT8). QSL via
     4X6ZM (d/B), LoTW, eQSL. https://www.iarc.org/craters/

9N, Nepal:
     Robert/S53R has moved on to Kathmandu/Nepal and received the
     callsign 9N7AA. His rig is still in Kabul. For the time being, he
     will operate with a small setup. Operation on 60m is not permitted
     in Nepal. QSL via S57DX, ClubLog, LoTW.

A6, United Arab Emirates:
     A60OMA celebrates Oman's 51st national holiday from the 12th to
     18th. QSL via EA7FTR.

CX, Uruguay:
     The Radiogrupo Sur and the Museum for amateur radio and radio
     listeners draw attention to the first commercial radio broadcast
     from Radio Paradizabal on 6 November 1922 with the callsign CW100A.
     QSL via CX2ABC. https://cw100a.radio.org.uy/

DL, Germany:
     Members of the DARC club Uckermark (DOK Y01) support the annual
     christmas activities from Santa Claus' post office in Himmelpfort
     with the callsigns DL0AGU and DM3A (special DOK 21SCPO for both)
     between Nov. 11 and Dec. 24. QSL via bureau.

DL, Germany:
     The DARC club Markgraeflerland (DOK A47) operates around a Regional
     Garden Show in Neuenburg am Rhein with the special event station
     DF22LGS (special DOK LGS22) between Nov. 1 and Oct. 31 in 2022. QSL
     via bureau.

F, France:
     Francois/F8DVD joins the Antarctic Treaty celebrations as TM60ANT
     (WAP-318) from Nov. 16 to 30. QSL via F8DVD (d/B), LoTW.

G, England:
     The Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society concludes their
     commemoration of Great Britain's four patron saints with the
     callsign GB0SA for Saint Andrew, patron saint of Scotland. QRV from
     Nov. 6 until Dec. 3 on HF. QSL via G4XEX, LoTW, eQSL.

GM, Scotland:
     Ady/G6AD tours Scotland from Nov. 13 to 18 in his caravan,
     operating as GM6AD from various locations, including Loch Ness on
     the 14th. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, ClubLog.

K, United States of America:
     The special event station W8F commemorates the disastrous sinking
     of the ore freighter SS Edmund Fitzgerald on Nov. 10 in 1975. QRV
     until Nov. 15 on 40 and 20m (CW, SSB); on Nov. 13 from Belle Isle
     State Park (POTA K-1487, USi MI004R). QSL via N8MR.

ON, Belgium:
     OR95B celebrates the 95th anniversary of the Belgian national
     railway comapny until the end of 2021. QSL via OR4K (B).

TL, Central African Republic:
     The QSL route for TL7M (Oct. 30 until Nov. 15) is via M0OXO and

PA, Netherlands:
     Hans/PA7HPH supports current health campaigns with the callsign
     PC19VACCIN between Nov. 13 and Dec. 31. QSL via PA7HPH (B).

V4, St. Kitts and Nevis:
     John/W5JON concludes his tour on Calypso Bay (NA-104), operating as
     V47JA from the 10th to 22nd. QRV on 160-6m (SSB, FT8). QSL via
     W5JON (d), LoTW.

VK9, Norfolk Island:
     Nick/VK2DX is now a permanent resident on Norfolk and signs VK9DX.
     QSL via Clublog, see also qrz.com.

ZS, South Africa:
     The special event station ZS18MOTH ("Members of Tin Hats")
     commemorates the armistice of 1918 between Nov. 11 and 14 on 80,
     40, 20, 15, and 10m.

Other stuff:
KH8, Swains Island:
     The W8S team has decided to postpone their trip further to March
     2023. Reasons are the ongoing travel restrictions and the fact that
     two team members are due to travel to Bouvet as part of the 3Y0J
     team. https://swains2020.lldxt.eu/ (Ronald/PA3EWP)

V4, St. Kitts and Nevis & PJ5, Saba and St. Eustatius:
     John/W5JON plans to visit St. Kitts (June 16 to July 1) and St.
     Eustatius (July 2 to 9 as PJ5/W5JON) also in 2022. QSL via W5JON
     (d), LoTW.

Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS    Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
DOK      Distrikts-Ortsverbands-Kenner
FIRAC    Federation Internationale des Radio Amateurs Cheminots
IOTA     Islands on the Air
LoTW     Logbook of the World
OQRS     Online QSL Request System
POTA     Parks on the Air
USi      United States Islands Awards
WAP      Worldwide Antarctic Program
WCA      World Castles Award
WLOTA    World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC     World Radiosport Team Championship

Upcoming Contests:
10.11.                 CWT Mini Contest
10.11.                 RSGB 3,5MHz Autumn Series
12.11.                 Military on the Air Contest
13./14.11.             WAE DX Contest
13./14.11.             Japan International DX
13./14.11.             Aktivitaetswochenende
13./14.11.             OK/OM DX Contest
14.11.                 FIRAC Contest
15.11.                 OK1WC Memorial Contest

IOTA     Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (dk5on@darc.de)

CW:  28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz

AF-032; 5H, Zanzibar Island: Vlad/OK2WX operates as 5H3WX from
     Michamvi Kae/Zanzibar between Nov. 10 and Dec. 3 on 80-10m (CW,
     SSB). QSL via HA3JB.

AF-060; C5, The Gambia group: The C5C team (Luc/F5RAV,
     Gerard/F5NVF, Abdel/M0NPT, and Jan Francois/F4AHV) activates Bijol
     Island on the 10th as C5B on 20-10m. QSL via F5RAV (d).

OC-247; YB8, Sabalana and Tengah Islands: A large team (YB8DKL,
     YD8ERF) operates from Sapuka Besar between the 12th and 16th on
     80-10m (CW, SSB, FT8, RTTY). QSL via YB8HZ, see also qrz.com.

WWFF Activities

CW: 28044 24894 21044 18084 14044 10124 7024 3544 kHz
SSB: 28444 24944 21244 18144 14244 7144 3744 kHz

APA Aldeia de Beberiba - PYFF-0389:
     Jose/PY7BC, Jean/PY7BR, Lucas/PY7AN, and Wagner/PY7WM, activate
     this reference from Nov. 13 to 15 as ZW7I on 80, 40, 20, 15, 12,
     and 10m (CW, SSB, FT8). QSL via PY7BC (d), LoTW.

                DXNL 2275 - November 10, 2021
                      DX Newsletter

                a free and weekly service of
                   DARC Committee "DX"

                Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
                (e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)

            translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO

4X, Israel:
     4X0KTN operates from the "Small Crater" (Holyland J-26-BS, WW Loc.
     KM07nw) as part of the Land of Craters programme from the 12th
     (10z) to 13th (14z) on HF and via QO-100 (CW, SSB, FT8). QSL via
     4X6ZM (d/B), LoTW, eQSL. https://www.iarc.org/craters/

9N, Nepal:
     Robert/S53R has moved on to Kathmandu/Nepal and received the
     callsign 9N7AA. His rig is still in Kabul. For the time being, he
     will operate with a small setup. Operation on 60m is not permitted
     in Nepal. QSL via S57DX, ClubLog, LoTW.

A6, United Arab Emirates:
     A60OMA celebrates Oman's 51st national holiday from the 12th to
     18th. QSL via EA7FTR.

CX, Uruguay:
     The Radiogrupo Sur and the Museum for amateur radio and radio
     listeners draw attention to the first commercial radio broadcast
     from Radio Paradizabal on 6 November 1922 with the callsign CW100A.
     QSL via CX2ABC. https://cw100a.radio.org.uy/

DL, Germany:
     Members of the DARC club Uckermark (DOK Y01) support the annual
     christmas activities from Santa Claus' post office in Himmelpfort
     with the callsigns DL0AGU and DM3A (special DOK 21SCPO for both)
     between Nov. 11 and Dec. 24. QSL via bureau.

DL, Germany:
     The DARC club Markgraeflerland (DOK A47) operates around a Regional
     Garden Show in Neuenburg am Rhein with the special event station
     DF22LGS (special DOK LGS22) between Nov. 1 and Oct. 31 in 2022. QSL
     via bureau.

F, France:
     Francois/F8DVD joins the Antarctic Treaty celebrations as TM60ANT
     (WAP-318) from Nov. 16 to 30. QSL via F8DVD (d/B), LoTW.

G, England:
     The Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society concludes their
     commemoration of Great Britain's four patron saints with the
     callsign GB0SA for Saint Andrew, patron saint of Scotland. QRV from
     Nov. 6 until Dec. 3 on HF. QSL via G4XEX, LoTW, eQSL.

GM, Scotland:
     Ady/G6AD tours Scotland from Nov. 13 to 18 in his caravan,
     operating as GM6AD from various locations, including Loch Ness on
     the 14th. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, ClubLog.

K, United States of America:
     The special event station W8F commemorates the disastrous sinking
     of the ore freighter SS Edmund Fitzgerald on Nov. 10 in 1975. QRV
     until Nov. 15 on 40 and 20m (CW, SSB); on Nov. 13 from Belle Isle
     State Park (POTA K-1487, USi MI004R). QSL via N8MR.

ON, Belgium:
     OR95B celebrates the 95th anniversary of the Belgian national
     railway comapny until the end of 2021. QSL via OR4K (B).

TL, Central African Republic:
     The QSL route for TL7M (Oct. 30 until Nov. 15) is via M0OXO and

PA, Netherlands:
     Hans/PA7HPH supports current health campaigns with the callsign
     PC19VACCIN between Nov. 13 and Dec. 31. QSL via PA7HPH (B).

V4, St. Kitts and Nevis:
     John/W5JON concludes his tour on Calypso Bay (NA-104), operating as
     V47JA from the 10th to 22nd. QRV on 160-6m (SSB, FT8). QSL via
     W5JON (d), LoTW.

VK9, Norfolk Island:
     Nick/VK2DX is now a permanent resident on Norfolk and signs VK9DX.
     QSL via Clublog, see also qrz.com.

ZS, South Africa:
     The special event station ZS18MOTH ("Members of Tin Hats")
     commemorates the armistice of 1918 between Nov. 11 and 14 on 80,
     40, 20, 15, and 10m.

Other stuff:
KH8, Swains Island:
     The W8S team has decided to postpone their trip further to March
     2023. Reasons are the ongoing travel restrictions and the fact that
     two team members are due to travel to Bouvet as part of the 3Y0J
     team. https://swains2020.lldxt.eu/ (Ronald/PA3EWP)

V4, St. Kitts and Nevis & PJ5, Saba and St. Eustatius:
     John/W5JON plans to visit St. Kitts (June 16 to July 1) and St.
     Eustatius (July 2 to 9 as PJ5/W5JON) also in 2022. QSL via W5JON
     (d), LoTW.

Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS    Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
DOK      Distrikts-Ortsverbands-Kenner
FIRAC    Federation Internationale des Radio Amateurs Cheminots
IOTA     Islands on the Air
LoTW     Logbook of the World
OQRS     Online QSL Request System
POTA     Parks on the Air
USi      United States Islands Awards
WAP      Worldwide Antarctic Program
WCA      World Castles Award
WLOTA    World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC     World Radiosport Team Championship

Upcoming Contests:
10.11.                 CWT Mini Contest
10.11.                 RSGB 3,5MHz Autumn Series
12.11.                 Military on the Air Contest
13./14.11.             WAE DX Contest
13./14.11.             Japan International DX
13./14.11.             Aktivitaetswochenende
13./14.11.             OK/OM DX Contest
14.11.                 FIRAC Contest
15.11.                 OK1WC Memorial Contest

IOTA     Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (dk5on@darc.de)

CW:  28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz

AF-032; 5H, Zanzibar Island: Vlad/OK2WX operates as 5H3WX from
     Michamvi Kae/Zanzibar between Nov. 10 and Dec. 3 on 80-10m (CW,
     SSB). QSL via HA3JB.

AF-060; C5, The Gambia group: The C5C team (Luc/F5RAV,
     Gerard/F5NVF, Abdel/M0NPT, and Jan Francois/F4AHV) activates Bijol
     Island on the 10th as C5B on 20-10m. QSL via F5RAV (d).

OC-247; YB8, Sabalana and Tengah Islands: A large team (YB8DKL,
     YD8ERF) operates from Sapuka Besar between the 12th and 16th on
     80-10m (CW, SSB, FT8, RTTY). QSL via YB8HZ, see also qrz.com.

WWFF Activities

CW: 28044 24894 21044 18084 14044 10124 7024 3544 kHz
SSB: 28444 24944 21244 18144 14244 7144 3744 kHz

APA Aldeia de Beberiba - PYFF-0389:
     Jose/PY7BC, Jean/PY7BR, Lucas/PY7AN, and Wagner/PY7WM, activate
     this reference from Nov. 13 to 15 as ZW7I on 80, 40, 20, 15, 12,
     and 10m (CW, SSB, FT8). QSL via PY7BC (d), LoTW.

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