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Главная » 2021 » Декабрь » 8 » DXNL 2279 - December 8, 2021
DXNL 2279 - December 8, 2021

                DXNL 2279 - December 8, 2021
                      DX Newsletter

                a free and weekly service of
                   DARC Committee "DX"

                Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
                (e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)

            translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO

5Z, Kenya:
     Fredy/HB9DSP has to postpone his activity from Kenia (initially
     scheduled for Dec. 2-16) to January 2022.

8Q, Maldives:
     Tor/DG7RO signs 8Q7RO from Fihalhohi Island (AS-013) between the
     11th and 27th. His focus will be on operating via QO-100. QSL via
     DG7RO (d/B), LoTW.

9J, Zambia:
     Mario/IK1MYT continues his stay in Lusaka until June 2022, from
     where he operates as 9J2MYT on 40, 20, 17, 15, and 10m with 100W,
     vertical and longwire antennas. QSL via IZ3KVD (d).

A7 Qatar:
     The special event stations A721FAC and A721FCA operate around the
     FIFA Arab Cup 2021 until Dec. 18. QSL via bureau and direct.

F, France:
     TM57MC is a Christmas special event station operated by
     Denis/F1PHB, Sebastien/F5BQU, Pascal/ F5TLZ, Andre/ F6BGH, and
     Philippe/F8EFU. QRV between the 12th and 26th. QSL via F-11734

G, England:
     Andy/G0SFJ marks the first successful transatlantic shortwave
     experimentn in 1921 as G0SFJ/2ZE until Dec. 26. All British
     stations may add /2ZE to their callsign until Dec. 26. QSL via

HI, Dominican Republic:
     Hrane/YT1AD has come forth with further information. HI7/YT3M and
     HI7/YT1AD will be operating holiday-style from Punta Cana until
     Dec. 14 with 100W rigs, verticals, and dipoles. QSL via homecalls.

HR, Honduras:
     Gerard/F2JD stays in Copan until the 5th of April 2022 and operates
     as HR5/F2JD on HF (CW, SSB, digital modes). QSL via F6AJA (d/B).

HS, Thailand:
     Brad/VK2BY will be active as HS0ZNR from the district Nam Yuen
     between Dec. 12 and Jan. 21 on 160-10m. QSL via VK2BY (d), LoTW.

I, Italy:
     Glauco/IZ2LQD operates as II2SAR until Dec. 24, supporting the
     Christmas in Sardinia 2021 award. QRV on HF on SSB and digital
     modes. QSL via LoTW. https://www.grsnm.it/

I, Italy:
     Members of the Italian Naval Old Rhythmers Club (I.N.O.R.C.) mark
     the 120th anniversary of Marconi's first transatlantic experiments
     with the callsign II1TCWC between the 12th and 18th. An award is
     also available. QSL via bureau. https://www.inorc.it/wp/

OE, Austria:
     The VIC Amateur Radio Contest DX Club (4U1A) celebrates Christmas
     between the 12th and 31st with the callsign 4U1XMAS from the UN
     Vienna International Center. QSL via UA3DX (d/B).

PA, Netherlands:
     PH22HNY marks the New Year 2022 between Dec. 10 and Jan. 31. For
     QSL information see qrz.com.

RA, Russia:
     The special event station R200NN marks the 200th birthday of
     Nikolay Nekrasov until Dec. 12. QSL via RC3M.

S5, Slovenia:
     S522PMC supports the WW PMC Contest (Peace Messenger City) until
     Jan. 2. Bureau cards will be sent automagically.

UN, Kazakhstan:
     The special event stations UN30RK, UP30RK, UO30RK, and UQ30RK mark
     the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence between Dec. 11
     and 19. QSL only via ClubLog and LoTW.

Other stuff:
YOTA Month (Addendum):
     For further information about the event please see:

PJ7, St Maarten:
     Tom/AA9A plans to visit Sint Maarten (NA-105) between Feb. 26 and
     March 26, operating as PJ7AA on 80-10m (CW, SSB, FT8). He also
     plans to take part in the ARRL DX SSB Contest. QSL via AA9A, LoTW,

Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS    Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
IOTA     Islands on the Air
LoTW     Logbook of the World
OQRS     Online QSL Request System
WCA      World Castles Award
WLOTA    World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC     World Radiosport Team Championship

Upcoming Contests:
08./09.12.             CWT Mini Contest
11./12.12.             ARRL 10m Contest
11./12.12.             28 MHz SWL Contest
11./12.12.             International Naval Contest
13.12.                 OK1WC Memorial Contest

IOTA     Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (dk5on@darc.de)

CW:  28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz

AS-140; S2, Khulna/ Barisal Region group: Manju/S21AM and
     Fazlay/S21RC have moved forward their activation as S21DX to Dec.
     10 and 16. QRV on HF on SSB and FT8. QSL via EB7DX.
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    УКВ ретранслятор Сергеевка
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