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19:11 DXNL 2324 - October 19, 2022 |

DXNL 2324 - October 19, 2022
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Andreas Salder, DK5ON
(e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
DX Activities
Kasimir/DL2SBY signs 3A/DL2SBY from Oct. 20 to 23 on 30-10m, maybe
also on 6m. QRV mostly on FT8, some CW. QSL via direct, LoTW,
ClubLog OQRS.
Don/K6ZO operates as 7Q6M from Oct. 19 until Nov. 29 on 160-6m. He
also plans to take part in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via
homecall or LoTW.
A722FWC operates from Doha around the FIFA Football World
Championship until Dec. 18. Other special event calls from the
tournament's locations are: A71FIFA (Albayt), A72FIFA (Lusail),
A73FIFA (Education City), A74FIFA (Ahmed bin Aliho), A75FIFA
(974-Stadium), A76FIFA (Thumama), A77FIFA (Khalifa), and A78FIFA
(Aljanoob). An award is also available. For more information see:
www.qrz.com/db/A722FWC. QSL via QARS bureau, LoTW.
Gunter/DK2WH is currently back on the air from his second home in
Namibia with the callsign V51WH. QRV on 160-10m. He plans to set up
a new OptiBeam yagi for a better signal. During contests he signs
V55Y. For QSL information see: www.qrz.com/db/v51wh.
DX News
Elmo Bernabe Coll EA5BYP (EA5E) passed away some days ago. For many
years (1997-2018) he operated from Equatorial Guinea (3C) and
Annobon Island (3C0) with the callsigns 3C0R, 3C0V, 3C5DX, 3C0M,
3C0C, 3C9B, 3C7Y, 3C6A, 3C0E, 3C1GS, and 3C0BYP; he also was a team
member in numerous other DXpeditions.
RRDXA - special DOK RRDXA:
The German Rhein Ruhr DX Assocation has secured a new club callsign
DA0RR (special DOK RRDXA) for the upcoming contest season. For QSL
information see qrz.com; confirmations also via LoTW, DCL, OQRS.
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AF-014; CT3, MADEIRA ARCHIPELAGO: Look out for Helmut/DF7EE and
Georg/DD8ZX signing CT9/DF7EE and CT9/DD8ZX starting October 25
from Madeira, including 60m. In the CQWW DX SSB the callsigns CQ3W
and CR3W will be used in single band efforts. QSL info on qrz.com
(d/B, OQRS).
announced that the DXpedition to Nosy Be had to be postponed due to
a COVID-19 infection of a team member. The activity has been
rescheduled to late November.
AN-010; ANTARKTIS, RI1.: Oleg/ZS1OIN will operate from the
Bellingshausen Base on King George Island from late October to late
March as RI1ANU. QSL via ZS1OIN: Oleg Neruchev, P.O.Box 808, West
Beach Vill, 7433, Cape Town, South Africa. AN-017; FT/Y ADELIE LAND
group: David, F4FKT plans a short activity from Tasmania as
VK7/F4FKT starting around October 20th, followed by a few days at
the Italian arctic base "Zucharelli" from which he will get on the
air as IA0/F4FKT. After that he will continue to the Concordia base
from where he will operate as FT4YM/P. Activities as FT4YM/m are
planned as well during a convoi to the other bases, and FT4YM/mm
from the ice breaker L'Astrolabe. Eventually he'll spend some more
days at the Dumont-d'Urville base and operate as FT4YM on SSB and
FT8. QSL via Mehdi F5PFP (Mehdi-Jean Escoffier, 460 Chemin des
Closures, 38440 St-Jean de Bournay, Frankreich) or bureau.
EU-165; I*0, SARDINIA'S COASTAL ISLANDS: Marco/IS0BSR will use the
call IM0B from San Pietro Island from October 22 to November 5,
including the CQWW SSB. QSL only via LoTW.
NA-002; VP5, CAICOS ISLANDS: Kann/JJ2RCJ will sign VP5Z from
Providenciales Is. from October 24 - 31 on FT8 and a little CW and
RTTY. QSL via ClubLog, OQRS or via JJ2RCJ: Kan YOKOTA, 121 Kawanari
Shinmachi, FUJI, 416-0955, Japan.
NA-002; VP5, CAICOS ISLANDS: Look out for VP5DX which will be
activated by Jim/NU4Y and Ron/N4KE from October 20 to November 2 on
all HF bands, including a participation in the CQWW DX SSB in the
MS LP category. QSL via NU4Y, LoTW.
COUNTY) group: Mike/W7LG will once again be QRV from Rodanthe,
Hatteras Island between October 24 and 29, signing W7LG/4 on
80/40/20m CW/SSB. Activity times will be 16Z-21Z and 00Z-0230Z. QSL
via W7LG (d), eQSL or LoTW.
NA-103; VP2M, MONTSERRAT: George/K2DM will be QRV from Montserrat
as VP2MDM for the CQWW DX SSB and a few days around it. QSL via
K2DM (d) or LoTW.
NA-104; V4, ST KITTS AND NEVIS: Randy/K5ZD will be QRV from St.
Kitts from October 23 to November 1 including a participation in
the CQWW SSB as V47T (SOAB HP). QSL via LoTW or W2RQ.
NA-104; V4, ST KITTS AND NEVIS: David/HC5DX and Matt/K4KIU will
sign V48DM in the CQWW SSB and a few days before/after, from the
V47JA QTH. QSL via N4GNR (d/B), LoTW or ClubLog
NA-105; FS/PJ7, ST MARTIN (SINT MAARTEN): Phil/N2HX stays on Sint
Maarten from October 22 to December 9 and uses the callsign PJ7PL.
A participation in the CQWW SSB is planned. QSL via N2HX
NA-145; PJ5/6, SINT EUSTATIUS & SABA ISLANDS: John/W5JON will sign
PJ5/W5JON from October 25 to November 4 from Saba Island (60m - 6m,
SSB and FT8). QSL via W5JON (d) oder LoTW
NA-146; FJ, ST-BARTHELEMY ISLAND: After several past activities as
FJ/K2LIO, Phil/K2LIO now received the callsign FJ4WEB. He's mostly
QRV on SSB from 40m to 10m. QSL via K2LIO
OC-240; P2, PAPUA-NEUGUINEA: A German team (Ron/DG2RON, Heye/DJ9RR,
Olaf/DJ7TO, Werner/DJ9KH, Rudolf/DK3CG, Frank/DL1KWK,
Norbert/DL2RNS, Georg/DL4SVA, Christian/DL6KAC, Olaf/DL7JOM und
Rolf/DL7VEE) will be QRV as P29RO from Loloata Island from October
25 to November 10th on all bands and modes. QSL via DL4SVA (B),
ClubLog OQRS or LoTW. See: https://p29ro.mydx.de SA-002; VP8
Stanley since late September already and plans to stay there until
December. He's QRV in SSB and FT8 on 40 to 10m. QSL via EB7DX
SA-006; PJ4, BONAIRE ISLAND: Tjeerd/PE1OJR, will be QRV from
Bonaire as PJ4TB from October 21 to October 31 (SSB/FT8 on 40m-6m),
including the CQWW SSB. QSL via LoTW.
IOTA news
NA-123; V3, TURNEFFE ISLANDS: Hernan/V31DX announced that the V3E
DXpedition was postponed/cancelled.
WWFF Activities
CW: 28044 24894 21044 18084 14044 10124 7024 3544 kHz
SSB: 28444 24944 21244 18144 14244 7144 3744 kHz
FFF-1095, Lac du Bourget - Triangle Terre Nue - Les Blaches:
Jean Marie/F5NLX will sign F5NLX/p on October 19 (1200-1445 UTC)
auf 20/40m CW/SSB from Lac du Bourget - Triangle Terre Nue - Les
via F5NLX (B), eQSL or SWL (d)
CTFF-0075, Area Protegida do Caldeirao (SIC/ZPE):
The Area Protegida do Caldeirao will be activated by Enno/PF5X as
CT7/PF5X/p (10m-40m, CW). QSL via LoTW
Parks On The Air (POTA)
K-4556, Appalachian Trail National Scenic Trail:
Cam/K4DCA is QRV from K-4556 on CW (14060 kHz) on October 20 - 22.
QRV. QSL via LoTW or K4DCA (d)
K-6840, Fort Fisher State Historic Site;
K-3842, Fort Fisher State Recreation Area;
K-2722, Carolina Beach State Park;
K-2907, Myrtle Beach State Park;
K-2900, Huntington Beach State Park;
K-6831, Battleship North Carolina State Historic Site:
Susan/K4ZXN will be on vacation with her husband Michael (AJ4QJ) and
activate several parks from October 22 to 28 on 40 and 20m.
QSL via K4ZXN (d/B), LoTW or eQSL
K-2195, Reed Bingham State Park:
Ken/WD4ERM will bring K-2195 on the air on October 22 (1400 UTC -
2030 UTC) on 20m and 40m (SSB/CW, QRP) signing W4TFM. QSL via
WD4ERM (d/B)
HK-0006, Cerro Nutibara Recreation Site:
HK-0006 will be activated by Alex/HK4SSI, Juan Gabriel/HK4RMT,
Rafael/HJ4DMD and Jose/HJ4YZA on October 22/23 on 20m - 40m (SSB,
FT8 + 2m/70cm SAT).
K-8673, La Crosse River State Trail:
The Mississippi Valley Amateur Radio Association (MVARA) will be on
air from Bangor WI Town Park as W9MVA on October 22. QSL via N9FDE
K-2790, Lake Murray State Park:
Randy/N5ILQ is QRV on October 22 (1800 - 2200 UTC) on 20m, mostly
CW. QSL via N5ILQ (d/B), ClubLog, QRZ or LoTW
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