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18:20 DXNL 2342 - February 22, 2023 |

DXNL 2342 - February 22, 2023
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Andreas Salder, DK5ON
(e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)
DX Activities
Kamel, 7X2GK will be on the air as 7T22ANT on the occasion of the
Antarctic Activity Week (Feb. 19.-26.). QSL an IK2DUW.
Henning OZ2I's planned trip to Algeria (to operate as 7U7EE) was
cancelled because of problems with the visa.
On the occasion of the Kuwait national and liberation day, the
callsign A60KWT will be activated by the EARS radio club and
A60KWT/0 through A60KWT/14 by individual operators. QSL info for
each station on QRZ.com.
Andalusia Day (February 28th) will be celebrated by special event
stations AN43AND, AN43AL, AN43CA, AN43CO, AN43GR, AN43HU, AN43JA,
AN43MA and AN43SE on all HF bands. An award is available; details
on https://www.qrz.com/db/AN43AND
Bob DU7ET (VQ9ET) will be QRV from Bishkek as EX0ET for five weeks
starting February 22. After this he will return to the Philipines.
QSL direct (see QRZ.com).
Look out for HZ1KWT celebrating Kuwait's national and liberation
day, from February 19 to 25. QSL via HZ1SAR.
Carlos CT2GQA returned to Guinea-Bissau and will be QRV as J5JUA
for a month. After a short return to Portugal for two weeks, he
will be back in J5 for three months. QSL via homecall.
Members of the Radio Club QRM Belgrano (LU4AAO) will celebrate
their 55th anniversary on the air from February 25 to March 5 on
SSB, QRS CW and FT8. Check out their website for further
information: http://amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/55_aniv_lu4aao.htm and
During the Antarctic Activity Week (Feb 19-26), the stations
OE2OAAW, OE88WAP, OE89ANT and OE90AAW will be on air from Austria.
QSL via (d/B).
Joe VE3BW will be active as TI7/VE3BW from February 26 to March 12
oin all HF bands and modes. QSL via VE3BW (d/B)
Walt W0CO and his wife Mary, K0ZV are currently active from Belize
as V31DJ (CW) and V31DK (SSB), working with 800W and dipole
antennas on the HF bands. They will return home on March 11th. QSL
via home calls, LoTW or via OQRS.
Diya Z81D (YI1DZ) announced he got a permission to continue his
activities, after a year off air, despite difficulties with
obtaining a renewal for his license. Karen, EK6KB is in Juba since
September 2022 already and still waiting for green light for his
Z81K license.
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AF-015; 3B7, SAINT BRANDON ISLANDS: Lubo OM5ZW (team leader), David
OK6DJ (QSL manager), Rudy OM3PC, Joe OM4MW, Ruda OK2ZA, Miro OM5RW,
Sylvia OM3KAP and Martin OM4MM will be QRV from Saint Brandon (most
wanted DXCC #55) from February 24 to March 5th signing 3B7M. They
will be QRV with four stations on CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 on the HF
bands and also plan to be active on QO-100. QSL OQRS via OK6DJ.
AN-017; Various, ADELIE LAND group: David FT4YM can be heard from
the Dumont D'Urville base on Les Petrels Island since February 13.
He'll work SSB only on 20m and stay until February 27th. After this
he will be QrV as FT4YM/MM from the "L'Astrolabe P800" until early
HK3MKQ will sign 5J0EA and 5K0VT respectively from Providencia
Island on SSB (80m - 10m) and maybe some FT8. QSL via W4GDV
NA-101; J7, DOMINICA: Yuri VE3DZ wird be QRV in holiday style from
Dominica as J74D from February 20 to 27, mostly on CW. QSL via
VE3DZ (d, OQRS).
NA-108; J6, SAINT LUCIA: To celebrate St Lucia's 44th anniversary
of independence, the special prefix J644 may be used by radio
amateurs from February 19 to 25 (i.e. J69DS becomes J644DS).
NA-109; J8, ST. VINCENT: Sandro VE7NY, Allan VE7SZ and Rob N7QT
will sign J8NY from Feb 24 to March 7 on all bands (CW, SSB and FT8
F/H), including a participation in the ARRL DX SSB contest. QSL via
VE7NY (d), OQRS or LoTW.
OC-009; T8, PALAU ISLANDS: Ichy JH7IPR will visit the DX hotel on
Koror Island and operate as T88UW from February 24 to March 2
(CW/SSB/FT8, 80-10). A second activity is planned from April 13 to
20th, when he will be joined by Mamoru JF6CHA, signing T88CH. QSL
via home calls, eQSL or LoTW.
OC-018; T33, BANABA ISLAND: Norbert DF6FK and Judith DL2ZAD are
currently on Tarawa (T30) from where they will take a ship to
Banaba Island on February 17. They plan to be QRV from Banaba for
about 11 to 12 days on CW/SSB on 80-10m signing T33BA and T33BB.
They will use verticals on the low bands and directional antennas
on HF with 1.5kW. There will be no operation on 60m. QSL via DF6FK,
LoTW, no ClubLog!
OC-097; 5W, SAMOA ISLANDS: The DXpedition to Samoa (5W0DX) planned
for February 2nd to 28th was cancelled.
YB7WV/p along with a big team of operators (YB7UFO/p, YB7UK/p,
YB7VAS/p, YB7VBD/p, YB7WKX/p, YB7YD/p, YC7UPZ/p, YC7USF/p,
YC7VBA/p, YD7VHO/p) will activate Maratura Island from February 25
to 27 on SSB and FT8 on the HF bands with 100W and a multiband
vertical antenna. It's the first activation of this island. QSL
direct via home calls, OQRS or LoTW
NA-104; V4, ST. KITTS & NEVIS: Matt K4KIU will be QRV from Calypso
Bay as V4/K4KIU from February 22 to March 1 on SSB only (40m-10m).
QSL via ClubLog OQRS and LoTW.
Other IOTA news
3Y0J logged their last QSO on Tuesday, February 14th at 0300 UTC.
Due to the poor weather conditions they could only bring a small
part of the planned equipment to the island. The Marmara is now
enroute to South Africa.
Dom 3Z9DX (3D2USU) announced on the Facebook page of the "Rebell DX
Group" that there are two vacant spots for an activity from T30,
preferably for CW and SSB opererators.
K-2912 - Santee State Park:
Steven W4JM will be QRV on February 22 from 1400 UTC to 1900 UTC on
20m and 17m CW QRV. QSL via W4JM (d/B)
K-2754 - Stone Mountain State Park:
Ken N4OI plans to be QRV on 40m, 30m, 20m and 15m from Feb 22 (2000
UTC) to Feb 25 (1500 UTC) with QRP and dipoles on CW. QSL via eQSL
or LoTW
K-0663 - Cumberland Island National Seashore:
Look out for KD4YDC on Feb 23 between 0800 UTC and 0900 UTC on FT8
and SSB (20m/40m) QRV sein. QSL via KD4YDC (d/B)
K-9696 - Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge:
Amy KK7JCJ will be QRV on Feb 23 from 1500 UTC to 1800 UTC on 40m,
30m, 20m, 17m and 15m on FT8 QRV. QSL via KK7YDC (d/B)
OA-0049 - ALBUFERA MEDIO MUNDO Bird Sanctuary:
Jean Pierre OA4DYO will activate this reference from February 23
(1700 UTC) to February 24 (2300 UTC) on 40m and 30m (SSB/FT8). QSL
via OA4DYO eQSL, QRZ or LoTW
K-1874 - Gasparilla Island State Park:
Zachary K1ZK will be active from IOTA NA-069, US Islands FL-034S
and WWFF KFF-1874 from Feb 23 to March 1 in holiday style.
Activations of the light houses USA-066 and USA-910 are possible.
QSL via K1ZK (d/B) or LoTW
ZL-0075 - Big Bush Conservation Area, ZL-0034 - Abel Tasman National Park:
Rick, ZL3RIK will be QRV from ZL-0075 between 0100 UTC and 0300 UTC
on February 24th (20m SSB). Starting about 2200 UTC until 0145 UTC
he will activate ZL-0034 on 20m and 40m CW/SSB. QSL via eQSL, LoTW
or (B)
K-2184 - Hard Labor Creek State Park:
Jeff KK4CHP will be QRV on 20m and 40m from Feb 24 - 27 from a camp
of the BSA Scouts. QSL via KK4CHP (d/B)
K-1048 - Monte Sano State Park:
Allan KV4T and Bridget KS4YT will be QRV from K-1048 starting Feb
25 (0500 UTC) until Feb 27 (0500 UTC) on 15m, 20m, 30m and 40m FT8
only with two stations.. QSL via LoTW, eQSL or (d)
K-4433 - Agua Fria National Monument:
The THUNDERBIRD AMATEUR RADIO CLUB will be active from K-4433 on
Feb 25 from 1600 UTC to 2000 UTC as W7TBC on various bands and
K-3007 - Fairfield Lake State Park:
Matt K5NON will be QRV on Feb 25 and 26 from K-3007 on 20m SSB. The
park will be closed and removed from POTA at the end of the month,
so this is the last chance to work Fairfield Lake State Park. QSL
via K5NON (d/B)
V5-0001 - Etosha National Park:
Wynand V51WW will activate Etosha National Park on Feb 26 from 1100
UTC to 1400 UTC on the following frequencies: 28450, 28550, 21290,
21300, 14225 and 14223 kHz. QSL (d)
PA-0196 - Noorderparkruigenhoek National Park:
Lemmy PC2LR plans an activation on Feb 26 from 1300 UTC to 1600 UTC
on 14250 kHz. When the weather is good, he will be joined by his
son Luke, PD4L. QSL via PC2LR (d/B)
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