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17:53 DXNL 2441 - January 15, 2025 DX Newsletter |

DXNL 2441 - January 15, 2025
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Andreas Salder, DK5ON
(e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
DX Activities
Members of the Rebel DX Group will be active during the third week
of January as 5N9DTG.
The C8K DXpedition, scheduled to begin on Jan. 17, has to be
postponed to January / February 2026 due to recent political
instabilities and security issues in the country.
DL2025C celebrates Chemnitz as one of the European Capitals of
Culture 2025 from Jan. 18 until March 31. In addition, DL2025B,
DL2025E, DL2025W, and DL2025S will also be active, marking previous
German cities similarly honoured (Berlin, Essen, Weimar) and also
the DARC district Saxony, where Chemnitz is located. An award
programme is also available; see www.2025c.de. QSL only in various
digital forms.
Rick, NE8Z/HC1MD/SP9E, is back on the air as HC1MD/2 until Jan. 18.
QRV on 160-6m (CW, SSB, FT4/8), mostly on WARC bands. QSL via K8LJG
(d), LoTW.
Dwight, VE7BV, remains active as TG9BBV until the 28th on 40-6m
(CW, SSB, FT8). QSL via homecall (d/B), LoTW, eQSL.
Emmanuel, VK2/F5LIT, will be active from near Wagga Wagga between
Jan. 21 and 28. QSL direct or via ClubLog OQRS.
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AF-014; CT3, MADEIRA ISLAND: A team consisting of Csaba/HA2KMR,
Feri/HA2KF, Zoli/HA4FF, and Joe/OE6JOZ (HA2EAV) is currently active
from Maedeira, signing CT9/homecalls until the 22nd. During the HA
DX Contest (Jan. 18/19) they will use the callsign CR3HA. QSL for
CR3HA via HA bureau, eQSL; others via homecalls.
AF-019; IG9, PELAGIE ISLANDS: A large team (S51V, S52OT, S52P,
S54W, S56DX, S57UN, S58MU, S59A, S59ZZ, IG9ITO, IV3CTS, YT3H) is
going to put Lampedusa Isl. on the air during the CQWW 160m Contest
as IG9/S51V. QRV also before and after the contest from the 19th
until the 29th as IG9/homecalls.
AF-022; ZD7, ST HELENA ISLAND: Giovanni, IZ2DPX, is going to pay
Derek's (ZD7CTO) station a visit and opeerate as ZD7DPX between
Jan. 21 and Feb. 3 on HF (SSB, FT8). QSL via IK2DUW, OQRS.
AS-161; VU, KERALA STATE group: A team of Indian operators is
preparing a trip to Sacrifice Rocks, wich was last activated in
2002, for the second week of February.
activations in South Wales for the weekend of Jan. 19.
NA-002; VP5, CAICOS ISLANDS: Watch out for Gerhard, OE3GEA, signing
VP5/homecall between the 23rd and 26th from Providenciales Island.
QSL via homecall, ClubLog, LoTW.
SA-036; P4, ARUBA ISLAND: Mathias, DL4MM, will be back on the air
from Aruba between Jan. 18 and 28 with the callsign P40AA,
including also the CQ 160m Contest. QSL via DL4MM, OQRS.
SA-099; PJ2, CURACAO: Andre, PD1DRE, operates holiday-style as
PJ2/PD1DRE until Feb. 4 on 40, 20, and 10m (SSB). QSL via eQSL.
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