IOTA News from the
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
25 March, 2020
Island activities:
Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AN-008; various, South Orkney Islands: The VP8PJ DXpedition logged
83,778 QSOs with 20,595 different callsigns (Europe 52.67%, North
America 34.78%, Asia 6.44%, and 6.11% with the rest of the world).
More than 19000 contacts were made on 20m, over 16000 on 17m, and 30 and 40m netted over 14000 QSOs each. Almost half of the QSOs were made on CW (47.93%), FT8 (32.40%), SSB (16.77%), RTTY (2.91%).
For a log to search see:
EU-116; GD/MD, Isle of Man: Billy/GM6DX, Iain/GM5YTT, and
Stevie/GM2TT will be active as GT0SP in the WPX contest. QRV also before and after on 160 to 15m on CW, SSB, and FT8 as GD6DX, GD5YTT, and GD2TT. QSL via LoTW.
SA-001; CE0, Easter Island: Mike/VE7ACN had to cancel his operation as CE0Y/VE7ACN due to cancelled flights.
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club