IOTA News from the
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
13 March, 2022
Island activities:
Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AN-016; Various, Antarctica:
Claudio/LU3CDK is a member of the crew of the icebreaker "ALIMIRANTE IRIZAR", which is en route to Antarctica. During the trip Claudio will be QRV on the icebreaker under the callsign LU2AIB. Approximately between April 15 and 18 he will make a stopover at the Antarctic base General San Martin on Barry Island. If his professional duties permit, Claudio will be QRV on the station under the callsign LU1ZD. QSL to LU4DXU.
AS-013; 8Q, Maldives:
Braco/E77DX/OE1EMS will be on the air with the callsign 8Q7DX from April 13-27 from Baa Atoll in the Maldives from 80m to 10m, possibly 160m. Braco has an ICOM IC-705 and a Juma 1000 with 1kW in his luggage and plans to set up a vertical antenna and some VDA antennas on the beach. QSL via OE1EMS (d/B) or ClubLog OQRS
EU-026; JW, Spitsbergen Island:
Max/ON5UR/A52UR, Pascal/ON5RA, Marc/ON4MA, Jelmer/DJ5MO, Willy/ON2BDJ, Cedric/ON4CKM, Patrick/ON4DCU, Marc/ON8AK, Andre/ON4DTO, Carlo/ON4BR, Erik/ON4EC, Marc/ON6CC, Franky/ON7RU, and Francis/ON8AZ will be operating as JW0X and JW1000QO from Spitsbergen from April 19 - 26 on 160 to 6 m in CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 with five stations from three locations from Longyearbyen on Svalbard. They plan to make the 1st QSO from Svalbard in SSB via QO-100 between April 22 and 24. QSL via M0URX. More details online at
EU-085; R1P, Kolguev Island:
Mikhail/UA1QV and Misha/RW3FS plan to be QRV from Kolguev Island in the Barents Sea from April 14-21 as RI1PA.
EU-089; CU8/9, Western group:
Starting April 13 through April 19, Tony/CU8AS will be heard under the special callsign CQ84AS from Flores Island in the Azores mainly in CW on the shortwave bands. to celebrate his 84th birthday. QSL via HB9CRV
NA-021; 8P, Barbados:
In the CQMM DX Contest Charles/8P6ET will be using his contest callsign 8P1W and hopes to make many contacts. QSL via KU9C
NA-101; J7, Dominica:
Michael/DF8AN will be on the island of Dominica April 19-24 and plans to be QRV on HF as J79MN. QSL via DF8AN (B/d)
NA-107; FM, Martinique:
Michael/DF8AN will be QRV on HF in CW and digital modes on his Caribbean trip April 13-19 and again May 1-2 as FM/DF8AN from Martinique. In the CQMM DX Contest he will try to get many contacts in the log under the callsign TO8N. QSL via DF8AN (B/d)
OC-005; VK9, Norfolk Island:
Chris/VK3QB, Luke/VK3HJ and Alan/VK6CQ will be active from Norfolk Island April 14-15 on the bands from 160m to 6m in CW and some SSB/FT8 under the call VK9NT. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS
Stewie/WV7MS is a newly licensed amateur who will be employed as a firefighter on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands "for the foreseeable future." He is QRV as V7/WV7MS when time permits. QSL via eQSL or LoTW.
OC-144; FO/A, Australes:
Rob/N7QT, Walt/N6XG, Heye/DJ9RR, Gene/K5GS, Steve/W1SRD, Melanie/N7BX and Doris/K0BEE plan to be on the air from April 16-28 from Raivavae Island as TX5N from 160m to 10m in CW, SSB and digital modes. The team will meet in Papeete on April 12 to fly to Raivavae on April 15. QSL via M0URX
Info planned IOTA activity:
In a recent report earlier this week, Ken LA7GIA states that they still need $120,000 to go to Bouvet. Since August 2021, they have received monetary donations from about 1,000 individual donors. In June, they need to pay a second installment as a deposit for the ship. By then, all purchases will be completed, equipment tested, and they will begin loading a container that will depart from Oslo in September. By June they will decide from which port in South America they will sail to Bouvet. Those who donate more than 200 USD will receive a T-shirt as a gift. The latest operator to join the team is lowband expert Peter N0FW.
Info of past IOTA activities:
3D2USU: Dominik 3Z9DX has announced that he will be sending out paper QSLs after he returns home, while regularly uploading his log to LoTW. In the meantime, he is planning another DX expedition to Rotuma Island under the callsign 3D2RRR (no date yet).
TO1Q: Jean-Luc F1ULQ ended his operation from Guadeloupe as TO1Q on April 8, making more than 11,500 QSOs during his stay. QSL to his home call.
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
RSGB IOTA website