IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
25 May 2022
Island activities:
Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AF-060; C5, THE GAMBIA group: Gerard/F5NVF, Abdel/M0NPT (7X2TT), and Luc/F5RAV activate Bijol Island from May 27 until June 7 as C5B on 80-10m (CW, SSB, FT8/4) and via QO-100. QSL via LoTW, eQSL.
AF-086; D4, WINDWARD ISLANDS (aka BARLAVENTO): Pierre HB9AMO, Philippe HB9ARF, and Marco HB9CAT will be active from Sao Vicente as D4Z for the CQ WPX CW Contest (May 27/28). QSL via IK2NCJ (d/B), LoTW.
EU-015; SV9, CRETE ISLAND: Erwin/DK5EW will be signing SV9/DK5EW between May 31 and June 11 on 2m (EME, MS). QSL via DK5EW (d/B).NA-002; VP5, CAICOS ISLANDS: John/K4BAI and James/K4QPL operate as VP5/K4BAI and VP5/K4QPL from the 24th until the 31st. During the CQ WPX contest their callsign will be VP5M. QSL via K4BAI (d/LoTW), K4QPL (d/LoTW), VP5M via direct.
NA-016; ZF, CAYMAN ISLANDS: William/KO7SS will be back on the air as ZF2SS from Cayman Brac (LH-0667) for the CQ WPX contest. QSL only via LoTW.
NA-102; FG, GUADELOUPE: Reiner/DL2AAZ operates as TO2AZ from Guadeloupe (QTH: Basseterre Island) between May 27 and June 10 on 40-10m (CW, SSB). QSL via DL2AAZ (d/B).
NA-106; KP2, VIRGIN ISLANDS: Mariano/LU8EOT is going to participate in the WPX contest as KP2B from St. Croix (LH-2477;USi VI002S). QSL via EB7DX.
NA-107; FM, MARTINIQUE: Mar/ON4RU signs TO3F from Martinique (LH-1041) during the CQ WPX contest. QSL via ON4RU (d).OC-019; KH6/7, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: John/NH7T, Oliver/W6NV, Robert/N6TV, James/N6TJ, Gary/KH6LC, and Kimo/KH7U operate the WPX contest together as NH7T from Oahu Island (LH-1227, USi HI008S, Honolulu County). QSL via KH6SH.
OC-247; YB8, SABALANA AND TENGAH ISLANDS: A group of Indonesian operators will be active between the 27th and 29th as YB8HZ/p, YB8DKL/p, YC8ES/p, YC8AQY/p, and YC8BNZ/p. QSL via homecalls (d/B).
SA-099; PJ2, CURACAO ISLAND: The PJ2T station at Signal Point will be used by a multi-operator crew for the WPX contest. Before and after, team members may also use individual callsigns. QSL for PJ2T via W3HNK (d), LoTW; others via homecalls.
Upcoming Island Activations:
3D2, FIJI: Members of the Rebel DX Group departed Fiji on Friday and are en route to Rotuma. The journey will take ca. 72 hours. During the journey they are active as E51DOM/mm on 14183 kHz.
3Y/B BOUVET IS.: Ken LA7GIA reports about a recent inspection of the chartered vessel for the 3Y0I DXpedition. This inspection was conducted over 4 days at the end of April in Brazil. The ship was found in very good shape. Some minor improvements will be done during May. The DXpedition crew also drew up a plan for loading and storing their gear, which amounts to 6500 kg. Their departure from South America is scheduled for January 6 in 2023.
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club