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22:34 IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club 28 July, 2022 |

IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
28 July, 2022
Island activities:
Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AF-013; 5R, MADAGASCAR ISLAND: Elvira/IV3FSG signs 5R8LH from Aug.1 until Sept. 9 on HF (SSB, digital modes). QSL via IK2DUW (d/B),no digital confirmations.
AF-086; D4, WINDWARD ISLANDS: G4BVY, G4CLA, GD4XUM, and G4PVM operate the IOTA Contest together as D4Z from Sao Vicente Island. QSL via IK2NCJ (B).
AS-082; R0Q, LAPTEV SEA COAST CENTRE group: Eugene/UA6EX, Yuri/RM0F, Sergey/R4WAA, and Vasily/R7AA activate Brusneva Island (RRA RR-08-11, RDA YA-11, Lighthouse Brusneva RLHA RLA-033, WLOTA LH-0281, ARLHS ASR-161, Loc: PQ41mp) from the 27th to 31st as RI0QQ. QSL via R7AA.
AS-103; BV, P'ENGHU ISLANDS: BM2AAV, BV5OO, BV5PD, BX2AGL, BX3ACH, and BX3AC will be active in the IOTA Contest from Penghu Island as BP0A. The team stays on the island from July 29 until Aug. 1. QSL via Box 73-326, Taipei, Taiwan or via BV2KS.
AS-117; JA3/4/9, HONSHU'S COASTAL ISLANDS WEST: JA4GXS/4 activates Kasado Island for the contest. QSL via homecall (d/B).
AS-125; HS, GULF OF THAILAND NORTH EAST group: A team (E21IZC, E20OMN, HS7UCQ, E27EK HS7QNC, E24YEJ, E25CVD, E25NNN) operates from Chang Island during the contest as HS7AP/p. QRV from July 29 until Aug. 1 on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10m (CW, SSB, FT8). QSL via E21IZC.
EU-006; EI/EJ, ARAN ISLANDS: Fred/ON6QR operates as EI/ON6QR from Aran Island in the contest. QSL via homecall (d/B).
EU-008; GM/MM, INNER HEBRIDES: GM2T (ops MM0DXC, MM0NBW, 2M0NQT, GM4GZW, GM4UYZ, M0THL, G3UJE, MM0VPR, MM0JXI, G7IBO, M0RNR, MM0INS, and MM0XAB) will join the contest from the Isle of Tiree. QSL via bureau.
EU-010; GM/MM, OUTER HEBRIDES: GM0WAT will be active in the contest from Lewis & Harris.
EU-018; OY, FAROE ISLANDS: Carsten/OY1CT will operate the IOTA contest in CW high power. QSL (d) with SASE or LoTW
EU-025; I*9, SICILY ISLAND: IT9WDC, IT9KXK, IT9BXR, IT9ATF, IT9ORA, IT9RJE, IT9DSZ, IT9JES, and IT9YMM sign IR9K together in the IOTA Contest. QSL via bureau or direct, LoTW, OQRS.
EU-042; DL, SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN STATE NORTH WEST group: Michael/DG5LAC will be active from Hallig Hooge (DLFF-0013) signing DG5LAC/p. He stays from July 29 until Aug. 1 and operates on SSB and FT4/8. QSL via DG5LAC (d/B), ClubLog OQRS, LoTW.
EU-045; I*0, LAZIO REGION group: Alessandro/IU3EDK and Massimo/IU3KGO use the callsign IB0V from Ventotene Island for the IOTA Contest (CW and SSB). Their location covers the following WWFF references: IFF-1906: Natura 2000 - Isole di Ponza, Palmarola, Zannone, Ventotene e S. Stefano and IFF-0110: Riserva Naturale Statale Isole di Ventotene e Santo Stefano. QSL via IU3EDK (d/B).
EU-057; DL, MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN STATE group: Jo/DL5KUD plans to operate in the contest for 12h (low power, CW). QSL via OQRS ClubLog.
EU-065; F, BRETAGNE (FINISTERE NORTH WEST) REGION group: F5RAB, F4FET, F6IFY, F4HHL, and F8GGV operate the contest together as TM65M from Molene Island. QSL via F5RAB.
EU-105; F, BRETAGNE (FINISTERE NORTH) REGION group: Manu/F4FLQ will sign F4FLQ/p in the IOTA contest. QSL via h/c (d/B), eQSL, ClubLog or LoTW
EU-114; GU/MU, GUERNSEY group: Look out for Nobby, G0VJG as GU0VJG/p (QSL via G0VJG (d/B)) and MU5E (operated by GU4YOX, CW only) in the IOTA contest.
EU-116; GD/MD, ISLE OF MAN: G2NV will sign GD2NV from the Isle of Man (via eQSL). Also Rich, M5RIC will be QRV from the same island signing MD7C (SSB only). QSL for MD7C via M0OXO OQRS
EU-120; G/M, ENGLISH COASTAL ISLANDS: Two teams will be QRV from the Isle of Wight: G3VYI, G3WRR and G4WGE will sign G4ALE/p (QSL via bureau); G4LMW, M0DDT, G3ZGC, G3KLH, G0KPE, 2E0FEC and G3VPW will be QRV as G5XV (QSL via OQRS M0OXO).
EU-121; EI/EJ, IRISH COASTAL ISLANDS: Henning/OZ2I will be QRV from Bere Island as EJ7EE (CW, LP). QSL via OZ2I (B) or ClubLog OQRS
EU-122; GI/MI, NORTHERN IRISH COASTAL ISLANDS: Rathlin Island will be activated by G3WVG as MN5A. QSL via LoTW or OQRS
EU-123; GM/MM, SCOTTISH COASTAL ISLANDS: MM0GOR and M0UTD will team up and operate as MM1E from Great Cumbrae Island. QSL via LoTW or ClubLog OQRS
EU-129; DL/SP1, USEDOM ISLAND (aka UZNAM ISLAND): There will be two stations active from Usedom: Jef/DD2CW as DA2C (single operator), QSL via ON3UN (d/B) or Clublog, and DL2RNS, DL2RVL, DL4SVA, DL1RTL, DG2RON and DL7JOM as DK1A in the multi operator category (QSL via d/B).
EU-132; SP1, SZCZECIN / KOSZALIN PROVINCE group: Ros/4Z5LA and Jan/4X1VF will be on Wolin Island and use the callsign 3Z5LA/1 in the contest and otherwise SP/homecall. QSL SP/4Z5LA and 3Z5LA/1 via 4Z5LA (d/B); SP/4X1VF via K1FJ
EU-146; PA, ZUID HOLLAND / ZEELAND PROVINCE group: PI4AMF/p will be activated by PA0PIW, PA2LO, PA3EYC, PA3GRM and PE1KWH from Schouwen Duiveland. QSL via PA3EYC (B)
EU-147; R1N, WHITE SEA COAST group: Kondostrov Island (RDA: KL-08, RRA: RR-02-01, Loc: KP84hf) will be on air as RI1KO on CW, SSB and FT4/8 from July 27 to August 3. A participation in the IOTA contest us currently not intended. QSL via R1BET (d/B), LoTW or ClubLog
EU-181; LZ, BULGARIA group: A Bulgarian-Greek team (LZ3FN, LZ3YY, LZ4AA, LZ4AW, LZ5VK, SV2CLJ, SV2DCD, SV2DSJ, SV9BMJ, SV9DJO, SV9FBG, SV9GPV, SV9OFS) will sign LZ0KP from Sveti Ivan Island in the IOTA contest. QSL via SV2CLJ (d)
NA-057; HR, BAHIA ISLANDS: Watch out for HR9/K6VHF from Roatan Island on 6m-80m (FT8, CW and SSB). QSL via H/c (d) or LoTW
NA-067; W4, NORTH CAROLINA STATE EAST: Keith/W4KAZ will be QRV from Cape Lookout NC (POTA K-0683) with low power in the IOTA contest. QSL via LoTW
NA-104; V4, ST KITTS AND NEVIS: John/W5JON will be on St. Kitts from July 27 to August 7 and he's QRV from 160m to 6m (incl. 60m) on SSB and FT8 as V47JA. QSL via W5JON (d) or LoTW.
NA-128; VE2, QUEBEC PROVINCE (ST LAWRENCE WATERWAY) group: The NA128-Contest group will be QRV once again from Ile aux Coudress as VX2I. QSL via LoTW
NA-142; W4, FLORIDA STATE NORTH WEST: N9EAJ/p will bring Okaloosa Island on the air from July 24 to 31 on 10m - 40m (mostly SSB, some CW). QSL via H/c (d)
OC-019; KH6/7, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Jim/N6TJ will sign KH7Q in the IOTA contest from Hawaii. QSL via AH6NF (d) or LoTW
OC-021; YB0-3, JAVA ISLAND: Java Island will be QRV in the IOTA contest. Look out for YB0ECT on 20m CW. QSL via W2FB (d/B)
OC-027; FO, MARQUESAS ISLANDS: After his activity from Huahine Island (OC-067), Patrick/FO5QS now lives on Hiva-Oa, Marquesas (OC-027) and hopes to be back on the air from 160m to 70cm in all modes, including 6m EME at the end of July.
OC-047; H44, SOLOMON ISLANDS: H44MS will be once again activated by Bernhard/DL2GAC from August 1 to September 21 from Solomon Island (80m - 6m SSB, some FT8). QSL via DL2GAC (d/B) or LoTW
OC-139; VK5, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE EAST CENTRE group: Kangaroo Island will be activated by Grant/VK5GR and Chris/VK5FR as VK5KI inthe IOTA contest. More information:
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
e-mail: iota@dxhf.darc.de
RSGB IOTA website
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