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Главная » 2019 » Январь » 2 » Лучшие сайты 2018
Лучшие сайты 2018

Some of the best amateur radio links we reviewed during the 2018.

RadioMasterList, a comprehensive radio set performances and specifications database
RadioMasterList, a comprehensive receiver and transceiver directory. Performances and specifications for every radio set (by daniele)

Dish antenna for 2 meters band
An efficient 2 meter antenna disguised as a TV Satellite dish. This vertically polarized horizontal slot antenna, cut into the reflector of a TV dish, might be the ultimate stealth antenna. (by W6NBC)

NCDXF Beacons Transmission Schedule
Whatch at beacons transmitting in real time. This page contains a self refreshing table that displays every 10 seconds the current transmission schedule of the international beacon project. Tune your radio and check the beacon you are hearing. (by NCDXF)

The Fan Dipole A valuable multi-band HF antenna
The fan dipole antenna as an alternative to the paralled dipole antenna, to achieve a larger bandwidth and a better tuning by decreasing elenment influences.A project based on the W6HDG original concept.

Super Duper Moxon for 144 MHz
6 element super duper moxon antenna for the 144 MHz, a modified HAARP Antenna projetc (by WB8AHT)

A Progressive Communications Receiver
A Progressve Communications Receiver by W7ZOI and K5IRK. First published in the November 1981 QST (by Glen Millen)

Digital SWR Meter with Arduino
Inline RF Power & VSWR Meter. A DIY meter 0 to 30 Watt with Average and Peak. Circuit Description, Arduino Nano software code and part list to DIY your own Digital SWR Meter (by KN9Bb)

DIY NVIS Antenna Using a Mag Mount
NVIS antennas, also known as Near Incident Vertical Skywave antennas have a high angle of radiation. Something on the order of 60 degrees, to straight up to 90 degrees. A portable, easy to setup and cheap nvis antenna project. (by Mike Thompson)

World Map
Free windows world map application display current time, sunrise and sunset, greyline map, dx stations, requires windows 7 or higher. The program includes three resized Natural Earth maps which have been resized to 4k or slightly less. By Simon Brown G4ELI better known as the inventor of Ham Radio Deluxe. (by G4ELI)

How to Measure SWR
A guide to measuring SWR with different types of SWR Meters, the single needle and dual needle meters (by MAARS)

Homemade spectrum analyzer
An inexpensive spectrum analyzer for the radio amateur, with a respectable performance and a quite good dynamic range. Schematic and basic information on how spectrum analyzers works. (by robkalmeijer)

3 Element Beam for 50 MHz
A six meter band 3 element yagi beam antenna project with shortened elements using coax cables with the outer ends stripped and the center conductor shorted in somewhat of a Bazooka antenna. (by KK4ICE)

Raspberry Pi - Packet Radio BBS setup howto
This project describe how to setup a Raspberry Pi Linux system with a few AX.25 packet radio applications already installed on. (by F6BVP)

80m Vertical Antenna with Folded CounterPoise
A very efficient 80 meter Counterpoise antenna designed to reduce ground losses from inadequate radial systems beneath inverted L antennas, a project by DM2GM and DM4IM based on the original K2AV antenna concept. (by DL0WH)

Helically wound antenna for 40m
A helically wound vertical antenna experiment. 14 meter of wire wounded on a 8 meter fishing pole with 4 elevated radials (by M0MCX)

2 Element 30 meter Yagi Antenna
Dimensions and EZNEC plots for a 2 Element 30 meter Yagi antenna with 28 Ohm featuring 4.3 dBd Gain and a 16dB F/B with a good bandwidth. (by DK7ZB)

Choosing right material to make antennas
Why build antennas out of copper and not aluminum or stainless steel. Selecting the best metals for antennas evaluating the conductivity factor. (by KB9VBR)

Vertical Full Wavelength Loop
Consider installing a stealth vertical loop antenna if you live in a place with no antenna restrictions. Full wave loop wire antennas allow you to be on the air without installing evidente external aerials. (by KN9B)

Omni-directional Antenna for 50 MHz
This simple project, based on the orginal CobWebb-Antenna model, is about an horizontally polarized, omi-directional antenna for the six meter band. (by DL1GSJ)

The KL3JM modified SRI Fan Dipole for 80-40-20 Meters
The antenna in this project is a modification of the techniques used to design a multiband fan type dipole with little or no tuning involved having a total space of 105 feet (by KL3JM)

Weather Resistant Field Antenna for 50 MHz
Photo construction manual of a portable antenna made with two heavy duty whips by buddipole. In this article has been implemented a 50 MHz portable dipole. (by KF7ETX)

The Lindenblad Antenna: The Ultimate Satellite Omni Directional Aerial
This Antenna project is a bit more complex than other omni antennas for satellite use, but it is much easier and cheaper than a standard tower mounted circular polarized azimuth and elevation rotating beam system. (by w6shp)

A Small Loop for 20 and 15 meter band
A Small Transmitting Loop Antenna for 14MHz and 21MHz, an antenna you might consider if you have limited space, Based on material originally published in Amateur Radio, November 1991 (by VK5BR)

Portable Vertical Antenna
A home made portable vertical antenna, that with a single 1/4 wave counterpoise wire is possible to achieve less than 1.5:1 SWR on 40, 30, and 20 meter bands. It is basically a center load, shortened ground plain vertical antenna. (by WB9DLC)

Yaesu FT-857D Cheat Sheet
A PDF File to download and print, with a table of all menu options with values, default settings, description and a quick reference guide of the front panel menus (by Yaesu)

DMR For Dummies
A beginners guide to DMR. This web site cover all aspects of DMR and is a valuable resource for those who want to get started with DMR. (by dmrfordummies)

Oil Filled, Power Measuring Dummy Load
This project will demonstrate how to build a dummy load, and measure power correctly, you can also calibrate your meters for accuracy with this project (by AI4JI)

6 Bands Fan Dipole Antenna
Extension to an existing fan dipole originally modeled for 40 20 and 6 meters. This modification will add 80 15 and 10 meter bands. (by PA0ROB)

Camping with Ham Radio
Camping with Ham Radio is fun, but twice as complicated as just camping. There are two lists of things not to forget, the camping stuff and the radio stuff. (by UH Ham Club)

Receiver Front End Protection
A simple receiver front end protection ciruit idea to protect your receiver when it is not in use (by N7BB)

Portable HF Antenna for the field day
This article describes a project of asymmetrical hatted vertical dipole, a portable antenna that can be used for field day operations, sota, campings or even for fixed installations. This is a freestanding 20-10m antenna that is really easy to build, easy to tune and relatively easy to carry. (by John Huggins)

The list represented in this article is just a selection of best amateur radio links we have reviewed and added to our links directory.

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