Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Aug. 22-28, 2017
Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)
Pse send any update to:
To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, 50 MHz DX News by OZ6OM, ARRL DX bullettin, Dxcoffe, DXitalia DXnews by I2MQP, DXNL,, Got6 by N8OFS, ICPO, MMMonVHF, OPDX, &
Aug. 26 - Morning: Es: DL, SM, SP, HA, G, YL. Afternoon: Es: SM, ON, SP, F, HA, 4X, CT, SV. Evening: Es: G, F, PA, ON, SP, LA, SM, OH.
Aug. 25 - Morning: Es: OZ, EA, G, SP, SM, F, DL, PA, HA, UT, LY, ON, OK, OE, 9A, Z3, EA, CT, SV, YO, EI, EA6, 4X, OE, LZ, SV9, SV5, LY, LZ.Esmh: 9K, A9. Afternoon: Es: DL, OH, S5, OH0, SM, EI, G, LA, OZ. Evening: Es: CT, EA.
Aug. 24 - Morning: Es: 4X, Afternoon: Es: CT, EA. Evening: Es: T7, EA, DL, PA, ON, G, SM, EI.
Aug. 23 - Morning: Es: SM, SP, DL, SV, UT, EA. Afternoon: Es: LA, LY, SP, DL.
Aug. 22 - Morning: Es: SV9. Afternoon: Es: DL, OH. Evening: Es: SV, F, G.
Aug. 21 - Morning: Es: SP. Afternoon: Es: EA, PA, HA, SV9, HB, EI, F, 4X, G, SV, LZ. Evening: Es: CT, PA, EA, G.
7X2KF, Karim.
A2 - Botswana - 26.08.17
Yuri RM0F/A25BI, Pavel, R2AD/A25SP and Elena RC5A/A25BE will be active from Botswana on 15-25 September. They will operate CW and SSB on 160-6 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or via home calls (direct and bureau); A25BI and A25BE also via LoTW.
VK9C/VK9X EME dxpeditiom - 27.08.17
W7GJ, Lance, wrote:
As the 6m Es season winds down, optimum times for 6m EME and TEP are rapidly approaching. Hopefully, you are fine tuning your 6m setup and getting itready for some really long path contacts! I know there now are many more 6m stations active on digital modes than there were during my 2016 6m EME DXpedition, when I worked 92 stations. I am looking forward to seeing how many deserving people I will contact this year!
It is now less than 2 weeks before I depart to the opposite side of the globe to activate the rare DXCC of VK9C and VK9X for the first time on 6m EME. Complete information regarding my planned operating schedules, equipment, operating procedures and how to complete a contact with me are on my DXpedition website here:
*PLEASE READ* the information provided on the above web page and in the links listed! I know hams are busy and don't want to bother reading instructions, but much of the information is critical if you want to work these rare DXCC on 6m! Especially with Region 2, my common moon windows are very short, and horizon-only stations will be perfectly positioned to use their ground gain! However, I will not have time to waste with people who don't know what they are doing! So, for the sake of everybody's success, please follow my instructions! I already have spenta great deal of effort, time and money to make this DXpedition a success, and I would greatly appreciate your consideration in reading the information, and calling me using the properly set up software and procedure so we can complete a contact ;-)
If you plan to call me, and your call and grid are not in my call3.txt file, please send me your current information. I will be using data in the call3.txt file below to make sure I am active when we both can see the moon (or aim my antenna toward you, if it is an ionospheric or "terrestrial" contact):
If there is anything you don't understand about the DXpedition, please ask.At this point, I expect to have very little free time before I depart to answer individual emails. If you have questions and don't receive a reply from me before September 8, please ask some of the many experienced 6m EME stations in the *Magic Band EME email group* or on the *ON4KST EME CHAT page*. With your help, I look forward to setting a high bar for future 6m EME DXpeditions.
GL and DX! VY 73, Lance".