World Radiosport Championship 2018 Participants Represent Wide Range of Ages
World Radiosport Championship 2018 (WRTC 2018) organizers are counting down the days until WRTC 2018 gets under way on July 12 in the Jessen/Wittenberg area of Germany. The competition among two-person teams takes place in conjunction with the IARU HF Championship event but follows its own rules.
Competitors have been announced, and they range in age from 14 (Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO) to 77 (Marvin Bloomquist, N5AW). “In between, all age groups are represented almost equally,” WRTC 2018 organizers recently noted, “so that we will experience Amateur Radio not only as a global sport but as a generation-connecting one. All participants compete in the same competition and on the same level.”
Nearly all WRTC 2018 participants got into Amateur Radio as teenagers. AWRTC 2018 survey showed an average age of just over 13 when first licensed.
For WRTC 2018, 63 teams have been invited to compete in Germany next July. Team Leaders were chosen from each region, based on 2 years of qualifying contest scores and have chosen a team mate for the event. — Thanks to WRTC 2018 Vice President for Fundraising and Public Relations Michael Höding, DL6MHW