Главная » 2018 » Ноябрь » 21 » DXNL 2120 - November 21, 2018
08:32 DXNL 2120 - November 21, 2018 |
DXNL 2120 - November 21, 2018
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxnl@dxhf.darc.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
CQ World Wide DX Contest:
The upcoming weekend will see this year's CQ World Wide CW DX
Contest, one of the largest operating events in the amateur radio
calendar. Most of the items in this DXNL concern operations in and
around the contest. Good luck to all participants!
https://www.cqww.com/ https://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqc2018.html
4L, Georgia:
Mamuka/4L2M will be active from zone 21 on 20m single-band in the
contest. QSL via EA7FTR.
4S, Sri Lanka:
Bernhardt/DK7TF and Juergen/DH6ICE are going to operate as 4S7DLG
between Nov. 22 and Dec. 6 from Hikaduwa (WW Loc. NJ06). QRV on HF,
mostly on SSB and FT8. QSL via DK8ZZ (d/B), LoTW.
6W, Senegal:
Jacques/F6BEE and Franck/F8CRH plan to participate in the contest
together as 6V7A (zone 35). Jacques may be on the air before as
6W1RW. QSL via F6BEE (d/B), LoTW.
6Y, Jamaica:
A Canadian team (Harry/VA3EC, Doug/VA3DF, Dennis/VA3WB, and
Anthony/VE3RZ) operates as 6Y3T from Jamaica (zone 8) between the
21st and 27th, and of course during the contest. QSL via M0URX.
7Q, Malawi:
Karl/DK2WV remains active as 7Q7W until Nov. 28 on 40-6m on SSB,
CW, and FT8. QSL via DK2WV (d/B).
8P, Barbados:
Charles/8P6ET plans to use his contest callsign 8P1W from Barbados
(NA-021, zone 8) on all bands during the contest. QSL via KU9C.
8Q, Maldives:
Masa/JR3RIU operates as 8Q7JX from the 23rd until the 25th,
including the contest. QSL via JR3RIU (d), LoTW, ClubLog.
8Q, Maldives:
Braco/E77DX joins the contest during its first 24 hours as 8Q7DX
from Baa Atoll (AS-013, zone 22) on all bands. QSL via OE1EMS.
9M6, East Malaysia:
Saty/JE1JKL returns to Labuan Island (OC-133, WW Loc. OJ75oi, Zone
28) for the contest as 9M6NA. QRV on all bands. QSL via JE1JKL,
ClubLog OQRS, LoTW. https://jsfc.org/je1jkl/9m6na.html
BY, China:
Yuan/BD1IIJ will be active on all bands during the contest from
zone 24. QSL via BD1IIJ (d), LoTW.
C6, Bahamas:
Brian/ND3F will be paying the Bahamas a visit from Nov. 24 until
Dec. 1. QRV as C6AQQ in the contest on all bands; afterwards also
some operating on FT8. QSL via N3IQ.
CE, Chile:
Members of the Antofagasta DX Contest Group will be operating the
contest as CB1H from zone 12. QSL via XQ1KN, ClubLog OQRS.
D4, Cape Verde:
Jose/CT1BOH will be using the D4C station in the contest with the
callsign D41CV (AF-086, zone 35). QSL via IK2NCJ.
EA8, Canary Islands:
Bob/GU4YOX will be signing EA8/GU4YOX on 20m single-band during the
contest from Fuerteventura (AF-004, Zone 33). QSL via GU4YOX (d/B),
EA8, Canary Islands:
Jyrki/OH6CS operates as EA8/OH6CS from the Canary Islands (AF-004,
zone 33) between the 21st and 30th. QRV on HF and 60m; during the
contest he will be using the callsign EA8CUU. QSL via OH6CS (d).
EA9, Ceuta and Melilla:
After more than 25 years, Jorge/EA9LZ plans to participate in the
CQ WW DX CW Contest. He plans a single-band 40m effort. QSL via
LoTW and EA5KB (d).
FY, French Guiana:
Herve/F5HRY is going to take part in the contest as TO1A on 15m
single band. QSL via LoTW.
GD, Isle of Man:
David/G3NKC joins the contest as MD4K from the Isle of Man (EU-116,
zone 14) on 20m. QSL via G3NKC.
GU, Guernsey:
Dick/GU4CHY plans to operate single-band on 20m during the contest
from Guernsey (EU-114, zone 14). QSL via GU4CHY (d).
HC, Ecuador:
Uwe/DL8UD will be operating as HC5M from Cuenca (zone 10) between
Nov. 21 and 28. QRV on 160-10m on SSB and CW, and during the
contest. QSL via DL8UD (d/B), ClubLog.
HR, Honduras:
Radoslav/N2WQ, Wieslaw/SP4Z, and Ivailo/LZ5VV will be paying Roatan
Island (NA-057, zone 7) a visit. QRV between Nov. 17 and 25 signing
HR9/homecalls (CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8), and HQ9X during the contest.
QSL via homecalls, HQ9X via KQ1F.
HS, Thailand:
A large team consisting of Pas/HS3ANP, Yo/HS3XVP, Ray/HS4RAY,
Champ/E21EIC, Goy/E20NKB, Dietmar/ DL3DXX, Sandy/DL1QQ, Dick/N6AA,
Art/W6XD, Tony/G4UAV, Sam/SM3DYU, and Stig/LA7JO will be coming
together at HS0ZGD's QTH for the contest under the callsign E2A.
QSL via E21EIC, LoTW.
I, Italy:
Vaclav/OK6RA and Milan/OL3R will be activating Pantelleria (AF-016,
zone 33) for the contest. QRV before signing IH9/homecalls on HF
(CW, SSB). During the contest IH9/OL3R operates single-band on 20m
and IH9/OK6RA on 40m. QSL via homecalls. https://ol9r.webnode.cz/
J8, St. Vincent:
Alan/K7AR, Adrian/KO8SCA, Richard/N7RO, John/VE7CT, Sandro/VE7NY,
and Ralph/VE7XF are forming a team under the callsign J8NY for the
contest from St. Vincent (zone 8). QRV between the 21st and 28th on
160-6m on all modes including FT8. QSL via VE7NY.
KH2, Guam:
JI3ERV, JR7OMD, JO1RUR, and JH1ASG operate the contest together as
AH2R from Guam (zone 27). QSL via LoTW.
KH6, Hawaii:
Jim/N6TJ will be active on all bands in the contest as KH7M from
Hawaii (zone 31). QSL via KH6ZM.
KP2, Virgin Islands:
Dan/K8RF plans to operate the contest on 160m single-band as NP2J
from the Virgin Islands (NA-106, zone 8). QSL via K8RF (d), LoTW.
KP2, Virgin Islands:
Yurij/N2TTA will be back on the bands as NP2P in the cotest. QSL
via LoTW.
KP4, Puerto Rico:
Felipe/NP4Z is going to use the callsign KP3Z during the contest on
all bands from Puerto Rico (NA-099, zone 8). QSL via N4AO.
OH0, Aland Islands:
Tomi/OH6EI will be active on all bands as OH0Z from the Aland
Islands (EU-002, zone 15). QSL via W0MM, LoTW, ClubLog OQRS.
P4, Aruba:
Andrew/AE6Y travels to Aruba (SA-036) together with his family and
will be working the contest as P49Y on 40m. QSL via AE6Y, LoTW.
PJ4, Bonaire:
John/K4BAI and Jeffrey/K8UE are going to sign PJ4/homecalls between
the 18th and 27th from Bonaire (SA-006, zone 9). QRV in the contest
as PJ4A. QSL for all calls via K4BAI.
PJ7, St. Maarten:
Philip/K0CD joins the contest as PJ7/K0CD from Sint Maarten (zone
8) on 20m. QSL via K0CD.
PY0F, Fernando de Noronha:
Ville/PY2ZEA (OH2MM) is going to pay Fernando do Noronha (SA-003,
zone 11) a visit for the contest. QRV as PY0F on all bands. QSL via
PY7RP. https://py0f.wordpress.com/
PZ, Suriname:
Yuri/VE3DZ will be active between the 20th and 28th as PZ5T from
Suriname (zone 9) on HF and on all bands during the contest. QSL
via VE3DZ.
SV9, Crete:
Georgios/SV9DJO, Todor/LZ4AW, Christo/LZ3FN, and Vesko/LZ5VK will
be working the contest together as SW9AA from Crete (EU-015, zone
20). QSL via LZ1PM.
T8, Palau:
Watch out for Nobu/JA0JHQ operating as T88PB from Koror Island
(OC-009, zone 27) between the 23rd and 26thm including the contest.
QSL via JA0JHQ (d), LoTW.
TA, Turkey:
Erich/HB9FIH remains active as TA3/HB9FIH until Dec. 5 on HF (CW,
digital modes, some SSB). He aims to participate also in contests
and other activity days during this time period. QSL via HB9FIH
(d/B), LoTW.
TI, Costa Rica:
Chris/KL9A will be active in the contest as TI7W on all bands. QRV
before as TI5/homecall. QSL for TI7W via W4FS.
VE, Canada:
Victor/VA2WA plans to operate the contest as VE2EKA from zone 2 on
all bands. QSL via LoTW.
VP2V, British Virgin Islands:
Dave/WJ2O operates as VP2V/WJ2O between the 21st and 27th from the
British Virgin Islands (NA-023, zone 8) with a focus on the WARC
bands and the CQ WW contest (all bands). QSL via N2ZN, LoTW.
YB, Indonesia:
join the CQWW as YE2A. QSL via LoTW.
YV, Venezuela:
Paolo/YV1DIG will sign YW4D from zone 9 in the 15m single band
category. He plans some 160m activities outside the contest. QSL
via EA7JX, LoTW.
ZA, Albania:
Henning/OZ1BII will operate as ZA/OU2I from November 21 to 27, with
a focus on the WARC bands and a CQWW participation. QSL via OU2I,
LoTW, ClubLog, eQSL. http://www.oz1bii.dk/
ZA, Albania:
Rumen/LZ1MS will be QRV from Albania as ZA/LZ1MS from November 23
to 27, including a participation in the CQWW (40m single band). QSL
via LZ1MS, ClubLog und LoTW.
ZF, Cayman Islands:
Dan/N6MJ once again travels to the Cayman Islands (zone 8) for the
CQWW and operate in the single operator category as ZF1A. Outside
the contest he'll use his personal call ZF2MJ. QSL for ZF1A via
K6AM, LoTW and for ZF2MJ via N6MJ, LoTW.
ZF, Cayman Islands:
Also Stan/K5GO will be on the air from the Cayman Islands and sign
ZF9CW in the contest. QSL via K5GO (d).
ZS, South Africa:
ZR2A will be the callsign of Uli/DM5EE in the CQWW, operating with
low power. QSL via DM5EE, LoTW.
CQWW activities from previous DXNLs:
Culebra Island - NA-249:
Members of the "Group Radio Operadores del Este" are planning to
undertake a IOTA-DXpedition to Culebra Island. Operators KP4RV,
KP4VP, KP3LR, KP4RD and friends will operate as KP3RE. QSL via
ClubLog and LoTW.
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
AB All Band
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
HP High Power
IOTA Islands on the Air
LoTW Logbook of the World
LP Low Power
SB Online QSL Request System
WCA Single Band
WLOTA World Castles Award
WRTC World Lighthouse On The Air Award
Upcoming Contests:
24./25.11. CQ WW DX Contest (CW)
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (iota@dxhf.darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AS-031; JD1, Chichi/ Haha/ Muko Islands: From November 22 to
December 7, Koji/JI1LET (JD1BOI), Take/JA1UII (JD1BON),
Masatoshi/JH1HHC (JD1BPH) and Hideo/JI1CRM (JI1CRM/JD1) will
operate from Chichijima Island on 6m - 160m on CW, SSB, RTTY and
FT8 QRV. QSL via Homecall oder LoTW.
NA-013; YN, Caribbean Sea Coast Centre group: Members of the
Russian Robinson Club (Yuri/RM0F, Sergey/R4WAA, Sergey/RZ3FW,
Yuri/N3QQ and Elena/RC5A) will operate as YN4RRC, H7/RM0F,
H7/R4WAA, H7/N3QQ, H7/RZ3FW and H7/RC5A from November 26 to
December 6 on all HF bands on CW/SSB. QSL via RZ3FW (d/B).
OC-148; YB9, 4W, Timor Island: Tae-Su/DS3EXX and Sookun/HL1AHS will
operate from the Caimeo Beach Resort (WW Loc. PI21pj) in Timor
Leste as 4W/DS3EXX and 4W/HL1AHS respectively. QSL via LoTW,
Clublog oder DS3EXX (d/B) bzw. HL1AHS (d/B).
Thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL:
QRZ DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, DxCoffee, DX World, VA3RJ,
KB8NW & OPDX-Bulletin, DF6EX (fuer WIN-QSL), DJ5AV, DJ9ZB, DK8JB,
DX, Islands On The Air, HB9FIH, NG3K & ADXO, OE2IKN, OZ6OM & 50 MHz
DX News, W3UR & The Daily DX u.a.
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