Главная » 2020 » Июнь » 24 » DXNL 2203 - June 24, 2020
22:42 DXNL 2203 - June 24, 2020 |
DXNL 2203 - June 24, 2020
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
G, England:
The Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society (RSARS) marks its 100th
anniversary with the callsign GB100RS between June 28 and the end
of October. In addition, GB100RCS will be active on June 28 from
the Headquarters at Blandford Camp. QSL via bureau.
GW, Wales:
Members of the North Wales Amateur Radio Group support the work of
the Welsh Mountain Zoo with the callsign GB0WMZ between June 19 and
July 17. QSL via MW0JWP (B).
I, Italy:
The ARI section Mondovi plans to host the 19th DCI meeting, the
17th WAP meeting, and the 11th IFFA meeting from Sept. 18 to 21.
The special event station IP1DCI will operate in this context
between June 1 and Sept. 30. QSL via IK1QFM.
I, Italy:
Members of the Sezione di Salerno dell'Associazione Nazionale
dell'Arma di Cavalleria operate as II8G until the end of June. QSL
via IZ8NWA (d/B).
JW, Svalbard:
Peter/LA7QIA will be active for seven days as JW7QIA from
Spitsbergen (EU-026, WW Loc. JQ68), beginning on June 27. QRV on 6
and 4m. QSL via LA7QIA.
PY, Brazil:
Emerson/PP6EW is going to participate in the 19th Batalha Naval do
Riachuelo Contest as PT6N on June 27/28. QSL via PP6EW, ClubLog
STAY AT HOME Special Event Stations:
In addition to those already mentioned in previous editions of
DXNL, watch out also for 6Y6STAYHOME.
YB, Indonesia:
The special event station 8A343CJR draws attention to the 343th
anniversary of the Cianjur District on Java. QSL via direct.
Other stuff:
HAM Radio 2020:
This year's HAM Radio 2020 exhibition has been converted into an
entirely online event. From June 26 to 29, HAM RADIOnline offers a
host of presentations, talks and interviews:
KH8S, Swains Island:
The W8S DXpedition to Swains Island has to be postponed once more
due to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions. The group now hopes to travel
during spring 2021. For more information see:
E6, Niue:
Stan/LZ1GC and Ivan/LZ1PM plan to activate Niue from Sept. 28 until
Oct. 17 as E6AM. QRV on 160 to 10m on CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8. QSL via
LZ1GC, ClubLog, LoTW. http://www.c21gc.com/
A3, Tonga:
Stan's/LZ1GC and Ivan's/LZ1PM second stop will be Tonga, where they
plan to operate as A35GC from Oct. 19 until Nov. 2. QSL via LZ1GC,
ClubLog, LoTW. http://www.c21gc.com/
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
DCI Diplomi dei Castelli d'Italia
IFFA Italian Flora Fauna Award
IOTA Islands on the Air
LoTW Logbook of the World
OQRS Online QSL Request System
RSARS Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society
WAP Worldwide Antarctic Program
WCA World Castles Award
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC World Radiosport Team Championship
Upcoming Contests:
27./28.08. King of Spain Contest
27./28.08. Ukrainian DX Digi Contest
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (dk5on@darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
NA-032; FP, St Pierre and Miquelon Islands: Eric/KV1J had to change
his plans for Miquelon. Instead of June 30 - July 14, he now hopes
to go there during September and work the CQ WW RTTY Contest from
there as FP/KV1J.
NA-144; W6, California State South (Santa Barbara to Los Angeles
County) group: Oleh/KD7WPJ will be back on the air from Santa Rosa
Island as KD7WPJ/6 from the 24th to 26th. QRV on 30-17m (CW, SSB).
WWFF Activities
CW: 28044 24894 21044 18084 14044 10124 7024 3544 kHz
SSB: 28444 24944 21244 18144 14244 7144 3744 kHz
DLFF - neue Gebiete:
DXNL 2197 mentioned new additions to DLFF references up to nr.
DLFF-0707. Meanwhile, there was another update advancing references
to nr. DLFF-0768. The reference DLFF-0246 has been removed from the
list and the area in question is now part of DLFF-0765.
Furthermore, the list now incorporates nature reserve areas
containing summits.
QSL via bureau: 4UNR, 4X6RE, 5H3MB, BW/JA1UMQ, C5DL, E44YL, HC2AO,
HS0KING/mm, HZ1BL, J68GU, PS14BIS, RL110RAEM, S79V, TO5M, TO972A,
Thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL:
QRZ DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, DX World, VA3RJ, KB8NW &
OPDX-Bulletin, DF6EX (fuer WIN-QSL), DJ5AV, DJ9ZB, DK8JB, DL1BAH,
DL1SBF, DL3FF, DL7MAE, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, Islands On The
Air, NG3K & ADXO, OE2IKN, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, W3UR & The Daily
DX u.a.
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