Главная » 2020 » Октябрь » 9 » DXNL 2218 - October 7, 2020
10:00 DXNL 2218 - October 7, 2020 |

DXNL 2218 - October 7, 2020
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
5U, Niger:
Adrien/F4IHM currently works as a missionary in Niamey and operates
during his spare-time as 5U4IHM on FT8 with a FT-817 and wire
antennas. QSL via F4IHM.
DL, Germany:
Contrary to earlier plans, DM30RSV remains active throughout the
month until and including the Worked All Germany Contest (Oct.
17/18). Likewise, the time period for the award has been extended.
QSL via bureau.
F, France:
TM82ALC honours the memory of the French explorer and discoverer
Antoine Laument de la Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac (1658-1730) who did
290 years ago. QRV between the 9th and 27th (for exact days see
qrz.com) on HF (SSB, CW, digital modes). QSL via F4ELR (d/B), LoTW,
eQSL. https://tm82alc.blogspot.com/p/accueil.html
F, France:
Guillaume/F1IEH commemorates the flights of Wilbur and Orville
Wright at Camp d'Auvours near Le Mans in 1908 with the callsign
TM72WOW. QRV until Nov. 22. QSL via F1IEH.
J8, St. Vincent:
Mac/8P5AB signs J88/8P5AB from Oct. 10 until Dec. 3 on HF (FT8) and
VHF (digital modes). QSL via 8P5AB (d), eQSL.
JD1, Minami Torishima:
Take/JG8NQJ will arrive on Minami Torishima (OC-073, WW Loc.
QL64xg, JCG 10007) and stay on the island until mid-January. During
his rare spare-time he will get on the air as JG8NQJ/JD1 on 40 and
30m (CW). QSL via JA8CJY, LoTW.
OE, Austria:
Members of the United Nations Contest DX Club (4U1A) celebrate the
United Nation's 75th anniversary with the callsign 4U75A until the
end of 2020. QSL via UA3DX.
PJ2, Curacao:
Angelo/PJ2AFM, Carlo/PJ2CF, and Sergio/PJ2SM plan to mark Curacao's
acceptance as a separate DXCC entity 10 years with the callsign
PJ2C on Oct. 10. QRV on 20 and 17m (SSB, FT8). QSL via EC5AHA.
PZ, Suriname:
Markus/DJ4EL has to postpone his visit to Suriname (PZ5GE) and to
Papegaaien Island (PZ5G) into April next year due to Covid-19
RA, Russia:
The special event station R125SE celebrates the 125th birthday of
the poet Sergej Alexandrowitsch Jesenin until Oct. 7. R925RZ
celebrates the 925th anniversary of the city Ryazan during October.
An award is available as well. QSL for both calls via RK3SWB.
SM, Schweden:
Palle/SA0BYP and Johan/SA3BYC will be active as SI9AM during the
Scandinavian Activity SSB COntest on Oct. 10/11. QSL via SM3FJF
Z6, Republic of Kosovo:
Watch out for Wolf/DM2AUJ, Guenter/DL2AWG, Peter/DL3APO,
Rainer/DL2AMD, Werner/DJ9KH, and Franz/DL9GFB operating as Z66DX
between Oct. 15 and 28. QRV on 160-10m (CW, SSB, FT8) with three
rigs. Depending on condx, the group plans to focus on the low
bands. QSL via ClubLog OQRS, LoTW, DL2AWG (d/B).
Other stuff:
ZF1A - new QSL Manager:
On Sept. 15, Scott/K7ZO has taken over as the new QSL manager for
ZF1A. He confirms via ClubLog OQRS or via K7ZO (d/B).
Award for Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde (N1UL/DJ2LR):
The IEEE Region 1 has chosen Rohde as the recipient of the IEEE
Region 1 Technological Innovation Award, thereby recognising his
contributions to research in signal processing.
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
IOTA Islands on the Air
JCG Japan Century Guns
LoTW Logbook of the World
OQRS Online QSL Request System
WCA World Castles Award
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC World Radiosport Team Championship
Upcoming Contests:
07./08.10. DIG-Geburtstags-Contest
07.10. UKEICC 80m Contest
10./11.10. The Makrothen Contest
10.10. VFDB Contest
10./11.10. Oceania DX Contest
10.10. Komi-Ruhrgebiet QSO-Party
10./11.10. Scandinavian Activity Contest
11.10. ON Contest
11.10. 80m Waterkant-Kurzcontest
IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON (dk5on@darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
EU-026; JW, Spitsbergen Island: Halvard/LA7XK, Erling/LA6VM, and
Just/LA9DL will be active from Svalbard as JW7XK, JW6VM, and JW9DL
respectively between the 7th and 12th. QRV on CW, SSB, digital
modes, and during the SAC SSB Contest as JW5X. QSL via homecalls,
JW5X via LA5X (d/B).
EU-026; JW, Spitsbergen Island: Bill/LA8FTA, Frederik/LB8IH,
Mikhail/LB8CG, Peter/LA7WRA, Lauris/LB1RH, and Paal/LA6CSA from
NRRL's Oslogruppen (LA4O) are guests at the JW5E club station from
Oct. 8 to 12. QRV as JW4O on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10m and during the
SAC SSB Contest. QSL via LoTW. https://www.la4o.no/
EU-038; PA, Noord Holland/ Friesland/ Groningen Province group:
Volker/DL1WH plans to operate holiday-style on Ameland between the
10th and 24th. QRV as PA/DL1WH/p on CW and SSB. He also plans to
activate the WWFF reference Duinen-Ameland (PAFF-0073). QSL via
DL1WH (d/B).
EU-038; PA, Noord Holland/ Friesland/ Groningen Province group:
Ben/DO1BEN will be active again from Texel Island (WLOTA 0043, WW
Loc. JO23kd) as PD/DO1BEN between Oct. 12 and 22. QRV with a focus
on 40 and 20m (SSB, digital modes). QSL via DO1BEN (d/B).
EU-177, SM5, Sodermanland/ Ostergotland County group: Depending on
Covid-19 restrictions, Waldi/SP7IDX plans to activate Stora
Alo/Boko Island between Oct. 10 and 17 as SM/SP7IDX on 40-10m (SSB,
FT8). QSL via homecall (d), LoTW.
OC-009; T8, Palau Islands: Ichy/JH7IPR had to cancel his trip to
Palau, scheduled for Oct. 7 to 15.
WWFF Activities
CW: 28044 24894 21044 18084 14044 10124 7024 3544 kHz
SSB: 28444 24944 21244 18144 14244 7144 3744 kHz
Get Your Park ON:
Various 1x1 callsigns (e.g. N4G, N5G, N9G, W3G, K7G,...) will be
active during the Get Your Park ON event (Oct. 10 to 18).
Participants are encouraged to spend time outside and operate. The
event coincides with Earth Science Week. For more information see:
start - end DX DXNL
01.10. - 31.12. 3Z40RY 2217
20.01. - 31.12. 4A15DXXE 2181
01.09. - 31.12. 4A50CRH 2213
- 31.12. 4U75A 2218*
08/20 - 12/20 6E6E 2209
23.04. - 22.04.21 8J17CALL 2198
01.04. - 31.12. 8J3ITAMI 2192
01.04. - 31.03.21 8J755T 2192
01.07. - 31.12. 8N1ABIKO 2204
01.07. - 31.12. 8N1Y 2204
01.01. - 31.12. 8N6SHURI 2179
01.06. - 31.10. 8N7JAPAN 2148
- 09/20 8P9QC 2209
01.01. - 31.12. 9A63AA 2180
24.11. - 11/2020 A35JP 2172
05.08. - 13.10. CB33M 2210
01.01. - 31.12. DA0DOM 2178
01.02. - 31.01.21 DA2025C 2183
01.01. - 31.12. DF70DARC 2178
01.09. - 31.12. DK70DARC 2214
01.01. - 31.12. DL100BKW 2178
08.02. - 31.12. DL250BEETH 2183
16.12. - 17.12. DL250BTHVN 2175
01.01. - 31.12. DL30GER 2178
01.03. - 31.12. DL30SHZ 2192
01.01. - 31.12. DL35SDR 2180
01.01. - 31.12. DL40PUL 2180
02.04. - 31.12. DL70IPA 2196
- 21.09.21 DL70THW 2217
01.07. - 30.06.21 DL73TXL 2204
03.10. - 18.10. DM30RSV 2218*
01.01. - 31.12. DP70DARC 2178
01.01. - 31.12. DQ100SL 2178
01.09. - 31.03.21 EN100LT 2217
28.06. - 31.10. GB100RS 2203
01.10. - 31.10. GX4BJC/a 2217
- 01.12. HA70MAV 2206
09.05. - 08.05.21 HB15SOTA 2198/2204
01.01. - 31.12. HB40HC 2178
01.01. - 31.12. HB40HTC 2178
01.01. - 31.12. HE2JOJ 2178
01.09. - 31.08.21 HF100HCH 2215
01.10. - 31.12. HF40RY 2217
- 12/2020 HK3JCL 2200/2212
01.07. - 31.12. II2EMCA 2204
12.05. - 31.12. II3STAY 2198
01.10. - 31.10. II4LGH 2217
10.10. - 03.12. J88/8P5AB 2218*
14.10. - 01/2021 JG8NQJ/JD1 2218*
- 31.12. JU85UIA 2199
08.10. - 12.04. JW4O 2218*
10.10. - 11.10. JW5X 2218*
07.10. - 12.10. JW6VM 2218*
07.10. - 12.10. JW7XK 2218*
07.10. - 12.10. JW9DL 2218*
10/20 - 03/21 JX2US 2217
04.10. - 10.10. KF2IRE 2217
06/20 - 05/21 KG4MA 2200
- 30.09. LY784A 2213
01.10. - 31.10. LZ1891AO 2217
26.04. - 31.12. LZ50BFRA 2195
04.10. - 10.10. N0F..N9F 2217
01.10. - 31.10. MX1SWL/a 2217
01.01. - 31.12. OE1970WWL 2178
01.10. - 31.10. OE1990SGU 2217
01.04. - 31.12. OE60IPA 2192
01.03. - 31.12. OL30DXC 2190
04.03. - 31.12. OL700CO 2190
04.03. - 31.12. OL700DKA 2190
04.03. - 31.12. OL700LTV 2190
01.01. - 31.12. OL725PLZ 2181
19.09. - 18.10. OT5ABI 2215
- 31.12. OZ200EM 2210
11.10. - 23.10.. PA/DL1WH/p 2218*
01.01. - 31.12. PA75VERON 2178
01.01. - 31.12. PA800D 2182
12.10. - 22.12. PD/DO1BEN 2218*
28.08. - 30.09. PD538RNI 2213
- 04.04.21 PE75BORNE 2195
01.08. - 31.12. PI75VERON 2208
10.10. - PJ2C 2218*
01.10. - 31.10. PJ4TEN 2217
01.01. - 31.12. R200ANT 2178
10.09. - 20.10. R500LWTK 2214
- 01/2021 RI1ANM 2193
30.09. - 06/2021 S79VU 2165
10.10. - 11.10. SI9AM 2218*
10.10. - 17.10. SM/SP7IDX 2218*
01.10. - 31.12. SN40RY 2217
01.04. - 31.12. SO13Z 2191
01.10. - 31.12. SO40RY 2217
01.10. - 31.12. SP40RY 2217
01.10. - 31.12. SQ40RY 2217
24.09. - 14.10. SV5/DL3DRN 2217
01.09. - 30.06.21 T6A 2160
01.09. - 30.06.21 T6AA 2160
21.08. - 18.10. TF/DJ7JC 2212
21.08. - 12/20 TM100LY 2211
05.08. - 26.10. TM17FFF 2209
21.08. - 12/20 TM1LY 2211
03.10. - 22.11. TM72WOW 2218*
09.10. - 27.10. TM82ALC 2218*
18.09. - TR8CA 1902
- 12/2023 TT8SN 2176
04.10. - 10.10. VE3FIRE 2217
01.06. - 31.12. VI110WIA 2201
01.09. - 11.11. VI75WW2 2214
01.06. - 31.12. VK20HOME 2201
01.10. - 31.10. XR500M 2217
01.01. - 31.12. YT50SCWC 2179
15.10. - 28.10. Z66DX 2218*
- 31.12. ZS1820S 2198
01.01. - 31.12. ZS95SARL 2181
* = new or updated
.. = and other calls
Thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL:
QRZ DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, DX World, DXNews.com, VA3RJ,
KB8NW & OPDX-Bulletin, DF6EX (fuer WIN-QSL), DJ5AV, DJ9ZB, DK8JB,
DX, Islands On The Air, K7ZO, NG3K & ADXO, OE2IKN, OM3JW & IDXP,
OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, W3UR & The Daily DX u.a.
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